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For it was from you that the Lord's Message resounded throughout Macedonia and Greece; and, more than that, your faith in God has become known far and wide; so that there is no need for us to say another word.

Yes, Brothers, you yourselves know that your reception of us was not without result.

Our appeal to you was not based on a delusion, nor was it made from unworthy motives, or with any intention of misleading you.

This, too, is a reason why we, on our part, are continually thanking God--because, in receiving the teaching that you had from us, you accepted it, not as the teaching of man, but as what it really is--the teaching of God, which is even now doing its work within you who believe in Christ.

The men who killed both the Lord Jesus and the Prophets, and persecuted us also. They do not try to please God, and they are enemies to all mankind,

As for ourselves, Brothers, our having been bereaved of you even for a short time--though in body only, and not in spirit--made us all the more eager to see your faces again; and the longing to do so was strong upon us.

For you have not forgotten the directions that we gave you on the authority of our Lord Jesus.

So that your conduct may win respect from those outside the Church, and that you may not want for anything.

This we tell you on the authority of the Lord--that those of us who are still living at the Coming of the Lord will not anticipate those who have passed to their rest.

But as to the times and the moments, there is no need, Brothers, for any one to write to you.

You, however, Brothers, are not in darkness, that the daylight should take you by surprise as if you were thieves.