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And the said man went out of his city every feastful day, to pray and to offer unto the LORD of Hosts: where the two sons of Eli - Hophni and Phinehas - were the LORD's priests.

Verse ConceptsPilgrimageSacrifice, In OtWorship, Places OfNames Of GodArk Of The Covenant, EventsEvery YearGod As A Warrior

And so did she year by year, as oft as she went up to the house of the LORD. And so chafed her: wherefore Hannah wept and ate not.

Verse ConceptsFasting, Reasons ForFasting, Nature OfdiseasesSuffering, Nature OfProvokingLost Appetite

and vowed a vow and said, "LORD of Hosts, if thou wilt look on the wretchedness of thine handmaid and shalt remember me and not forget thine handmaid, and shalt give unto thine handmaid a man child I will give him unto the LORD all the days of his life and there shall neither razor or shears come upon his head."

Verse ConceptsBaby dedicationExamples Of ConsecrationHairsHeadsVowsBirths ForetoldSeparated To GodGod Remembering The NeedyGod As A WarriorGod ReprovingThe Promise Of A Baby

The bows of the strong are broken: and the weak are endued with strength.

Verse ConceptsStumblingreinforcement

They that were full, have hired out themselves for bread, and they that were hungry cease so to be: insomuch that the barren hath borne seven, and she that had many children is waxed feeble.

Verse ConceptsHiringSeven ChildrenPlenty For The Poor

He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill: to set them among princes, and to inherit them with the seat of glory. For the pillars of the earth are the LORD's, and he hath set the round world upon them.

Verse ConceptsFoundationsEarth, Belonging To GodDust, Figurative UseGod, The ProviderOppression, God's Attitude ToPrincesThroneGloryGod And The PoorMetaphorical PillarsGod Lifting PeopleRubbishGod Helps The PoorThe poordust

But the sons of Eli were unthrifty children, and knew not the LORD. For the manner of the priests with the people was:

Verse ConceptsChildren, Bad KidsPrayerlessnessBad ChildrenAbuse, Of Spiritual ThingsWicked Children, Examples OfExamples Of Ungodly Men

and thrust it into the pan, kettle, cauldron or pot. And all that the flesh hook brought up the priest took away. And so they did unto all Israel that came thither to Shiloh.

Verse ConceptsCaldronspot

And if any man said unto him, "Let the fat be offered according to the day, and then take as much as thine heart desireth." The lad would answer him, "Thou shalt give it me now, or else I will take it with violence."

and said unto them, "Why do ye such things? For I hear your wicked deeds of all these people.

Verse ConceptsWhy Do You Do This?

And there came a man of God unto Eli and said unto him, "Thus sayeth the LORD, 'I appeared unto the house of thy father, when they were in Egypt, in Pharaoh's house.

Verse ConceptsGod, Revelation OfAnonymityUnnamed Prophets Of The LordMan Of GodRelationships And Dating

And I chose thy father out of all the tribes of Israel to be my priest for to offer upon mine altar and to burn cense, and to wear an ephod before me. And I gave unto the house of thy father all the offerings of the children of Israel.

Verse ConceptsephodsIncenseFood For Priests Defined

And they that are left in thine house, shall come and crouch to him for a little piece of silver and a cake of bread, and shall say: put me, I pray thee, in one office or other among the priests, that I may eat a morsel of bread.'"

Verse ConceptsBowing

And before the lamp of God went out Samuel laid him down to sleep, in the temple of the LORD, where the ark of God was.

Verse ConceptsLampsArk Of The Covenant, Names ForThe Ark In The TempleLying Down To RestThe Temple At Shiloh

For I have told him that I will judge his house forever. For the wickedness which he knoweth, how his sons are ungracious, and he was not wroth therewith.

Verse ConceptsChildren, needs ofChildren, Bad Kidsdiscipline, in the familyOpposition, To Sin And EvilOrder In The HomeRestraintReprobates

and put themselves in array against Israel. And in the end of the battle Israel was put to the worse before the Philistines. And the Philistines slew in array along by the fields, about a four thousand men.

Verse ConceptsFour ThousandKilling Within Israel

And when the people were come into their tents, the elders of Israel said, "Wherefore hath the LORD beaten us this day before the Philistines? Let us fetch the ark of the covenant of the LORD, out of Shiloh unto us, and let it come among us and save us out of the hands of our enemies."

Verse ConceptsWhy Does God Do This?

And the people sent to Shiloh, and fetched from thence the ark of the covenant of the LORD of Hosts which dwelleth between the Cherubims. And there were the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas with the ark of the covenant of God.

Verse ConceptsJudgment SeatCherubim, At God's ThroneGod Sitting In GloryGod As A WarriorCherubim Depicted

And the Philistines were afraid, when it was told how that God was come into the host and said, "Woe unto us, for it was never so before this.

Verse ConceptsFear, Of UnknownUnique EventsThose Frightened Of God

And the Philistines fought, and Israel was put to the worse and fled, every man into his tent. And there was a mighty great slaughter, so that there were overthrown of Israel, thirty thousand footmen.

Verse ConceptsTentsCarnageThirty Thousand And UpIsrael FleeingKilling Within IsraelDefeat Of God's People

And the ark of God was taken, and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas were dead.

Verse ConceptsArk Of The Covenant, DescriptionThe Ark Moved Around

And there ran a man of Benjamin out of the array and came to Shiloh the same day, with his clothes rent and earth upon his head.

Verse ConceptsHeadsRunning With NewsThose Who Tore Clothes

And the man said unto Eli, "I am he that came out of the array and fled out of the host this day." And he said, "How is it fortuned, my son?"

Verse ConceptsEscaping From PeopleWhat Manner?

And the messenger answered and said, "Israel is fled before the Philistines, and there is a great slaughter chanced among the people, and thy two sons Hophni and Phinehas are dead, and thereto the ark of God is taken."

Verse ConceptsLossPriesthood, In OtThe Ark Moved AroundIsrael Fleeing

And his daughter-in-law, Phinehas' wife, was with child and nigh the birth. And when she heard the tidings of the taking of the ark of God, and that her father-in-law and her husband were dead, she bowed herself and travailed, for her pains came upon her.

Verse ConceptsPregnancyDaughters In LawOther Wives

And she named the child Ichabod saying, "Honour is departed from Israel" - Because the ark of God was taken, and her father-in-law and her husband were dead.

Verse ConceptsPeople With Apt NamesTragedy

And when they of Ashdod were up in the morning, behold, Dagon lay groveling upon the earth before the ark of the LORD. And they took Dagon and set him in his place again.

Verse ConceptsProstrationRestoring ThingsThose Who Rose EarlyThings Falling

And when they were up early in the next morning behold, Dagon lay groveling upon the ground before the ark of the LORD, and his head and his two hands cut off upon the threshold, that the body only was left on him.

Verse ConceptsBodyHeadsMorningRising EarlyBeheadingCutting Off Hands And FeetThose Who Rose EarlyThings Fallingstatues

And when the men of Ashdod saw that it was so, they said, "The ark of the God of Israel shall not abide here with us, for his hand is sore upon us and upon Dagon our god."

Verse ConceptsDagon

And when they had carried it about, the hand of the LORD was in the city with a mighty great plague, and he smote the men of the city both small and great: and they were smitten in their secret places with the hemorrhoids.

Then they sent the ark of God to Ekron. And as soon as the ark of God came to Ekron, the Ekronites cried out saying, "They have brought the ark of the God of Israel unto us: to slay us and our people."

Verse ConceptsDeath Due To God's Presence

Then they sent and fetched all the lords of the Philistines unto them and said, "Send away the ark of the God of Israel, and let it go home again unto his own place, that it slay us not with our people." For there was a plague of death throughout all the city, and the hand of God was exceeding sore there,

Verse ConceptsSending Things Away

insomuch that they which died not, were smitten with the hemorrhoids: so that the cry of the city went up to heaven.

Then said they, "What shall be the trespass offering which we shall reward him with?" And they answered, "Five golden arses with hemorrhoids and five golden mice, according to the number of the lords of the Philistines. For it was one manner of plague that was on you all, and on your lords too.

Verse ConceptsGoldMiceFive PeopleFive AnimalsFive Things

Wherefore ye shall make images like to your arses with hemorrhoids and images like to your mice that destroyed your land, and shall give glory unto the God of Israel: that he may take his hand from off you, and from off your gods, and from off your land.

Verse ConceptsLike Creatures

Wherefore should ye harden your hearts as the Egyptians and Pharaoh hardened their hearts? Which for all that, when he had played his pageants with them, were fain to let the people go and depart.

Verse ConceptsFreedom, Of The WillHardness Of HeartStiffnecked PeopleObstinate Individuals

And they of Bethshemesh were reaping their wheat harvest in the valley. And they lifted up their eyes and spied the ark. And rejoiced when they saw it.

Verse ConceptsHarvestWheat

And the Levites took down the ark of the LORD and the forcer that was thereby, wherein the Jewels of gold were and put them on the great stone. And the men of Bethshemesh sacrificed burnt sacrifice and offered offerings that same day unto the LORD.

Verse ConceptsLevitesSacrifice, In Ot

These are the golden arses with hemorrhoids which the Philistines gave to amends for a trespass offering to the LORD: for Ashdod one; for Gaza one; for Ashkelon one; for Gath one; and for Ekron one.

Verse ConceptsRestitution

And the golden mice were according to the number of all the cities of the Philistines through the five lordships: both of walled towns and of towns unwalled, even unto the great stone whereon they set down the ark of the LORD: which stone remaineth unto this day in the field of Joshua the Bethshemite.

Verse ConceptsVillagesMiceFive PeopleFive ThingsPlaces To This Day

And Samuel spake unto all Israel, saying, "If ye be come again unto the LORD with all your hearts, then put away the strange gods from among you, and Ashtaroth, and prepare your hearts unto the LORD and serve him alone; and so shall he rid you out of the hands of the Philistines."

Verse ConceptsConversion, nature ofCommitment, to Goddouble mindednessReformationSyncretismDivided HeartsUnquestioning ServiceReturning To GodWhole HeartednessIndividuals Saving OthersPutting Away Other GodsServing Asherah

When the Philistines heard that the children of Israel were gathered together to Mizpeh, the lords of the Philistines went up against Israel. And when the children of Israel heard that, they were afraid of the Philistines,

Verse ConceptsAttackingFear Of Enemies

and said to Samuel, "Cease not to cry unto the LORD our God for us, that he may save us out of the hands of the Philistines."

Verse ConceptsRescueUnceasingAlways PrayingIndividuals Saving OthersPray For Us

And as Samuel offered the burnt offering, the Philistines came to fight against Israel. But the LORD thundered a great thunder the same day upon the Philistines, and turmoiled them, that they were beaten before Israel.

Verse ConceptsConfusion, Examples OfdefeatThunderAnger Of God, Examples OfGod OvercomingThunder Expressing God's Judgment

And so the Philistines were brought under, that they came no more into the coasts of Israel: for the hand of the LORD was upon the Philistines all the days of Samuel.

Verse ConceptsGod Opposing

and went about year by year, to Bethel, Gilgal and Mizpeh, and judged Israel in all those places, and came again to Ramah:

Verse ConceptsCirclesEvery Year

The name of his eldest son was Joel, and the name of the second Abiah, which were judges in Beersheba.

Verse ConceptsFirstborn SonsJudging Israel

and he said, "This shall be the duty of the king that shall reign over you: he will take your sons and put them to his chariots and make his horsemen of them and they must run before his chariot,

Verse ConceptsChariotsHorsesInjustice, Nature And Source OfRunningChildren Suffering

and will make him captains of them over thousands and over fifties, and set them to ear his ground, and to gather in his harvest, and to make instruments of war and apparel for his chariots.

Verse ConceptsArts And Crafts, Types ofPloughingWeaponsPloughmenAssignment

And he will take your daughters and make them the dressers of his ointments, and his cooks and bakers.

Verse ConceptsGirlsBakersBakingArts And Crafts, Types ofPerfumeBaking Breadcooking

And he shall take the best of your fields, and of your vineyards and of your olive trees, and give them to his servants.

Verse ConceptsTaking Possessions

And he shall take the tenth of your seed and of your vines, and give it to his lords, and to his servants.

Verse ConceptsTithing For People

And he shall take the best of your menservants and maidservants and young men, and of your asses, and do his work with them.

Verse ConceptsServants Of PeopleLoss Of Donkeys

And he shall take the tenth of your sheep, and ye shall be his servants.

Verse ConceptsGroups Of SlavesTithing For People

And when ye cry out at that time upon your king which ye shall have chosen you, the LORD will not hear you at that day."

Verse ConceptsGod Not Answering

and we will be like all other nations. And our king shall judge us, and go out before us and fight our battles."

Verse ConceptsLike The NationsFighting Enemies

And it chanced that the asses of this Kish, Saul's father were lost. Then said Kish to Saul his son, "Take one of the lads with thee and up and go seek the asses."

Verse ConceptsSeeking For Concrete ThingsLoss Of DonkeysMissing SomeoneLosing A FriendBeing Lostsaul

And they went through mount Ephraim and through the land of Shalishah, and found them not. Then they went through the land of Shaalim, and there they were not. Then they went also through the land of Benjamin, and they found them not.

Then when they were come to the land of Zuph, Saul said to the young man that was with him, "Come, let us return, lest my father leave caring for the asses, and take thought for us." And he answered him,

Verse ConceptsLet Them Go Home

Then said Saul to his lad, "If we go, what shall we bring the man? For our bread is all spent out of our hampers and there is none other present to bring the man of God. What have we?"

Verse ConceptsBagsGiving To Othersservanthood

And the young man answered Saul again, and said, "I have found about me the fourth part of a sicle: that will we give the man of God to tell us our way."

Verse ConceptsPresentsA Fourth PartMan Of God

Then said Saul to his young man, "Well said of thee, 'Come let us go.'" And so they went unto the city where the man of God was.

Verse ConceptsMan Of God

And as they were going up into the city, they met with damsels that came out to draw water, and said unto them, "Is there here a Seer?"

Verse ConceptsGirlsWellsDrawing Water

When ye be come into the city, so shall you find him, yer he go up to the hill to eat: for the people will not eat until he come, because he must bless the offering. And then eat they that be bidden to the feast. Now therefore get you up for even now shall ye find him."

Verse ConceptsPeople EatingPeople Who Blessed Others

And they went up into the city. And when they were come into the midst of the city, behold, Samuel came out against them, for to go up to the hill.

Then went Saul to Samuel in the middle of the gate, and said, "Tell me, I pray thee, where about the Seer's house is."

Verse ConceptsWhere Are Things?

And as for thine asses that were lost this day three days, care not for them - for they are found. And moreover, whose shall the beautiful things of Israel be? Belong they not unto thee, and unto all thy father's house?"

Verse ConceptsThree DaysFinding ThingsBeing Lost

And Samuel took Saul and his lad and brought them into the parlour and made them sit in the chiefest place among them that were bidden: which were upon a thirty persons.

Verse ConceptsThirtyGreat Individuals

And when they were come down from the hill unto the city, Samuel communed with Saul upon the top of the house:

Verse ConceptsHousetopsRooftop

And when they were come almost out of the town, Samuel said to Saul, "Bid the lad go before us," - and he went - "but stand thou still a while even now, that I may show thee what God sayeth."

Verse ConceptsStillnessPeople Going Before

And now when thou art departed from me, thou shalt meet two men by Rachel's sepulchre in the borders of Benjamin, even at Zelzah. And they will say unto thee, "The asses which thou wentest to seek, are found; see, thy father hath left the care of the asses and sorroweth for you, saying, 'What shall I do for my son?'"

Verse ConceptsCareFinding ThingsTwo Other Men

After that, thou shalt come to the hill of God, where the Philistines keep their watch. And when thou art come thither to the city thou shalt meet a company of prophets coming down from the hill, with a psaltery, a timbrel, a pipe, and a harp before them; and they prophesying.

Verse ConceptsFlutesHigh PlacesLyreMusical Instruments, types ofProphecy, Methods Of OtShrinesTambourinesHarpsLyresSchooldrums

And when these signs are chanced thee, then do what thou hast to do, for God is with thee.

Verse ConceptsSigns From GodGod With Specific PeopleDoing God's Works

Saul's father's brother said unto him and his lad, "Whither went ye?" And he answered, "To seek the asses; and when we saw that they were nowhere, we went to Samuel."

Verse ConceptsSeeking For Concrete ThingsWhere To?

And Saul answered his uncle, "He told us that the asses were found." But of the kingdom, whereof Samuel spake, told he him not.

Verse ConceptsFinding ThingsThose Who Did Not Tell

And ye have this day cast away your God that helped you out of all your adversities and tribulations. And ye have said unto him: make a king over us. Now therefore stand before the LORD by your tribes and your thousands.'"

Verse ConceptsRejection Of GodTheocracyNatural Disasters

"Make a covenant with us and we will be thy servants." And Nahash the Ammonite said, "Hereto will I make a covenant with you: even to thrust out all your right eyes, that I may bring that shame upon all Israel."

Verse ConceptsBlindness, Causes OfdisabilitiesNegotiationUnkindnessEyes HarmedBlindingOther BlindingOther Right PartsSurrendercredibility

Then came the messengers to Gibeah where Saul dwelt, and told this tidings in the ears of the people. And all the people lifted up their voices and wept.

Verse ConceptsPeople Mourning Catastrophe

And when they were numbered in Bezek, the children of Israel were three hundredth thousand, and the men of Judah thirty thousand.

Verse ConceptsTribes Of IsraelCensusThirty Thousand And UpThree To Nine Hundred ThousandPeople Of Judah

And they said unto the messengers that came, "So say unto the men of Jabesh in Gilead: 'Tomorrow, by the time the sun be hot, ye shall have help.'" And the messengers came and showed the men of Jabesh, and they were glad.

Verse ConceptsThe SunGod's Action TomorrowHot WeatherIndividuals Saving Othersdeliverance

And on the morrow Saul put the people in three parts. And they came in upon the host in the morning watch, and slew the Ammonites, until the heat of the day. And they that remained, scattered: so that two of them were not left together.

Verse ConceptsAmmonitesdefeatHeatNoonScattering The PeoplesThree GroupsSurvivors ThreatenedTwo People

Then said the people to Samuel, "What are they that said, 'Shall Saul reign over us? Bring them that we may slay them.'"

Verse ConceptsApproval To Killsaul

Then said Samuel unto all Israel, "Behold, I have obeyed your voice in all that ye said unto me, and have made you a king.

Verse ConceptsMaking Kings

And see, your king walketh before you. But I am old and grayheaded: and behold my sons are with you and I have walked before you from my childhood unto this day.

Verse ConceptsGreyWork From Youth

Behold, here I am. Answer me before the LORD and before his anointed, whose ox have I taken? Or whose ass have I taken? Whom have I done wrong to? Or whom have I oppressed? And of whose hand have I received any bribe, to blind mine eyes therewith? And I will restore it you again."

Verse ConceptsBlindness, SymbolicStandingOwning LivestockAvoiding BribesBlindingLoss Of DonkeysOther Blinding

Then said he to them, "The LORD is witness unto you, and his anointed is witness this day, that ye have found nought in my hands." And they answered, "We are witnesses."

Verse ConceptsAppealing To GodThe Witness Of God

Then said Samuel unto the people, "It is the LORD that made Moses and Aaron, and which brought your fathers out of Egypt.

Verse ConceptsAaron, As High PriestPast, TheGod Appointing OthersGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

Now therefore stand still, and let me reason with you before the LORD, of all the righteousnesses of the LORD which he showed both you and your fathers.

Verse ConceptsConfrontationGod, Righteousness OfStillnessGod Doing RightDoing Right

After that Jacob was come into Egypt, your fathers cried unto the LORD, and the LORD sent Moses and Aaron: which brought your fathers out of Egypt, and made them dwell in this place.

Verse ConceptsPrayer, Answers ToPrayer, As Asking GodGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

Then they cried unto the LORD and said, 'We have sinned, because we have forsaken the LORD and have served Baalim and Ashtaroth. But now deliver us out of the hands of our enemies and we will serve thee.'

Verse ConceptsFalse GodsForsaking God, Illustrated ByBaal Worship, HistoryServing AsherahWe Have Sinned

And the LORD sent Jerubbaal, Barak, Jephthah, and Samuel, and delivered you out of the hands of your enemies on every side, so that ye dwelled without fear.

Verse Conceptsenemies, of Israel and Judahenemies, of believersGod Saving From Enemies

And for all that, when you saw that Nahash the king of the children of Ammon came against you, ye said unto me, 'Not so, a king shall reign over us' - when yet the LORD your God was your king.

Verse ConceptsGovernmentKingsKingdom Of God, Coming OfKingship, DivineKingship, HumanTheocracy

Oh that ye would fear the LORD and serve him and hear his voice and not disobey the mouth of the LORD: and that both ye and the king that reigneth over you would follow the LORD your God.

Verse ConceptsCommitment, to GodReverence To GodFollowing GodFear God!Obeying God

For if ye shall not hearken unto the voice of the LORD, but shall disobey the LORD's mouth: then shall the hand of the LORD be upon you and on your fathers.

Verse ConceptsThreatsDisobedience, To GodGod Opposing

Now also stand and see this great thing which the LORD will do before your eyes:

Verse ConceptsLooking At God's Works

Is it not now wheat harvest? And yet for all that, I will call unto the LORD, and he shall send thunder and rain. Wherefore, perceive and understand how that your wickedness is great which ye have done in the sight of the LORD in asking you a king."

Verse ConceptsHarvestGod's People Sinning

Then said Samuel unto the people, "Fear not. And though ye have done all this wickedness, yet depart not from the LORD in any case. But serve him with all your hearts.

Verse ConceptsHeart, And Holy SpiritWhole HeartednessServingServing Godreassurance