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Mine eye fell away from grief; it grew old among all mine enemies.

If I rewarded evil him being at peace with me; (and I will deliver mine enemy undeservedly:)

And the assembly of the people shall surround thee: and for it turn back on high.

He dug a pit, and he will dig it out, and he will fall into the pitfall he will make.

The nations sank into the pit they made: in the net they hid, their foot was taken by it

His ways will be in pain in all time; thy judgments high from before him: all his enemies he will puff at them.

He will lie in wait in secret as the lion in her den: he will lie in wait to catch the poor one: he will catch the poor one in drawing him into his net

For what did the unjust one despise God, saying in his heart, Thou wilt not search?

Break the arm of the unjust and the evil one: thou wilt seek out his injustice; thou wilt not find.

To judge the orphan and the dejected, that the man of the earth shall no more add to make afraid.

Did not the workers of vanity know? eating my people they ate bread; they called not Jehovah.

Who will give out of Zion the salvation of Israel? in Jehovah bringing back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall exult, Israel shall rejoice.

And it will be moved and the earth will tremble, and the foundations of the mountains will be moved and they will shake, for it was kindled to him.

A smoke went up in his anger, and fire from his mouth will consume, and coals were kindled from it.

He will send forth from on high, he will take me, he will draw me out of many waters.

And he will bring me forth to a wide place: he will deliver me, for he delighted in me.

And I will beat them in pieces as dust upon the face of the wind: I will pour them out as the mire of the streets.

At the hearing of the ear they shall hear to me: sons of the stranger shall feign to me.

Day to day will gush out the saying, and night to night will breathe out knowledge.

I was poured out as water, and all my bones were sundered; my heart was as wax being melted in the midst of my bowels.

All the fat ones of the earth shall eat and worship before him, and all they going down to dust shall bow down, and he preserved not alive his soul.

A seed shall serve him; it shall be numbered to Jehovah for a generation.

For he founded it upon the seas, and upon the rivers he will prepare it

In the drawing near of those doing evil to me, to eat my flesh, adversaries and enemies to me, they were weak and fell

The voice of Jehovah cut out the flames of fire.

Chanting a song of consecration of the house of David. I will exalt thee, O Jehovah, for thou didst draw me out, and thou didst not gladden mine enemies to me.

What the profit in my blood in my going down to the pit? shall the dust praise thee? shall it announce thy truth?

And I said in my hasty flight; I was cut off from before thine eyes: yet thou heardest the voice of my supplications in my crying to thee.

To David in his changing his understanding before A bimelech; and he will drive him out, and he will go. I will praise Jehovah in all time: always his praise in my mouth.

Draw out the spear, and shut up to the meeting of them pursuing me: say to my soul, I am thy salvation.

Desolation shall come to him not knowing, and his net which he hid shall take him: in destruction he shall fall in it

They will widen their mouth upon me: they said, Aha! aha our eye saw it.

To David. Thou shalt not be angry at those doing evil, and thou shalt not envy those working iniquity.

Yet a little, and no unjust one thou didst mark upon his place, and he was not

The just shall inherit the earth, and they shall dwell upon it forever.

Wait for Jehovah and watch his way, and be will exalt thee to inherit the earth: in the cutting off the unjust thou shalt see.

To the overseer, to Jeduthun: chanting of David. I said, I will watch my way from sinning with my tongue: I will watch for my mouth with a muzzle while yet the unjust one is before me.

Hear my prayer, O Jehovah, and give ear to my cry; thou wilt not be silent at my tears, for I a sojourner with thee, a dweller, as all my fathers.

Then I said, Behold, I came: in the volume of the book it was written concerning me.

They shall be ashamed and blush together seeking my soul to take it away; they shall be turned back, and they delighting in my evil shall be ashamed.

A word of Belial will press upon him: and when he lay down, he will not add to rise up.

These I shall remember, and I shall pour out my soul in me: for I shall pass through into the booth, I shall go softly with them even to the house of God, with the voice of joy and confession, of the multitude keeping a festival.

Why wilt thou be bowed down, O my soul? and why wilt thou be disturbed upon me? Hope upon God, for yet shall I praise him, the salvation of my face and my God.

Why wilt thou be bowed down, O my soul? and why wilt thou be disturbed upon me? hope upon God, for yet shall I praise him, the salvation of my face, and my God.

Thou didst with thy hand drive out the nations and thou wilt plant them; thou wilt pluck in pieces the people, and thou wilt send them forth.

If we forgat the name of our God, and stretched out our hands to a strange god:

King's daughters among thy beautiful ones: the queen stood at thy right hand, in gold of Ophir.

Come, behold the works of Jehovah, what desolations he set in the earth.

As we heard, so we saw in the city of Jehovah of armies, in the city of our God: God will prepare it even forever. Silence.

And he shall yet live forever, he shall not see destruction.

It shall go even to the generation of his fathers; even forever they shall not see light

Our God shall come, and he will not be silent: a fire shall consume before him, and it stormed greatly round about him.

Shall I eat the flesh of the strong ones, and shall I drink the blood of goats?

And to the unjust one God said, What to thee to recount my law, and thou wilt lift up my covenant upon thy mouth?

These things thou didst and I was silent; thou thoughtest, being, I shall be like to thee: I will reprove thee, and I will set it in order before thine eyes.

And the just shall see and fear, and laugh at him.

For strangers rose up against me, and the powerful sought out my soul: they set not God before them. Silence.

In willingness I will sacrifice to thee: I will praise thy name, Jehovah, for it is good.

From the voice of the enemy, from the face of the oppression of the unjust one: for they will bring down vanity upon me, for in anger they will lie in wait for me.

Day and night they will surround it upon its walls: and vanity and trouble in her midst

In God I will praise his word, in God I trusted; I will not fear what flesh shall do to me.

They prepared a net for my steps; my soul was bent down: they dug a pit before me, they fell into the midst of it. Silence.

For behold, they lay in wait for my soul: the strong will gather against me; not my transgression and not my sin, O Jehovah.

They will turn back at evening: they will make a noise as a dog, and they will surround the city.

Behold, they will gush out with their mouth: swords in their lips: for who heard?