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and he that is endued with understanding shall obtain wit to perceive a parable, and the interpretation thereof; the words of the wise, and the dark speeches of the same.

if they entice thee, and say, "Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, and lurk privily for the innocent without a cause:

Yea, they themselves lay wait one for another's blood, and one of them would slay another.

Seeing then that I have called, and ye refused it: I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded it,

Therefore shall they eat the fruits of their own way, and be filled with their own counsels:

For the just shall dwell in the land, and the innocent shall remain in it.

for the getting of it is better than any merchandise of silver, and the profit of it is better than gold.

Thou needest not to be afraid of any sudden fear, neither for the violent rushing of the ungodly, when it cometh.

But at the last she is as bitter as wormwood, and as sharp as a two edged sword.

Yea, that thou mourn not at the last, when thou hast spent thy body and goods,

yet in the summer she provideth her meat, and gathereth her food together in the harvest.

Yea, sleep on still a little, slumber a little, fold thy hands together yet a little, that thou mayest sleep:

He getteth himself also shame and dishonour, such as shall never be put out.

For out of the window of my house I looked through the trellis,

in the twilight of the evening, when it began now to be night and dark.

Come, let us lie together, and take our pleasure till it be daylight.

suddenly to follow her - as it were an ox to the slaughter, and like as it were a fool that laugheth when he goeth to the stocks to be punished -

Doth she not cry before the whole city, and in the gates where men go out and in?

"It is you, O ye men," sayeth she, "whom I call! Unto you, O ye children of men, lift I up my voice.

For wisdom is more worth than precious stones; yea, all the things that thou canst desire, are not to be compared unto it.

The earth and all that is upon the earth was not yet made, no not the ground itself.

As for the round compass of his world, I make it joyful: for my delight is to be among the children of men.

Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, and giving attendance at the posts of my doors.

Wisdom hath builded herself a house, and hewn out seven pillars:

She hath killed her victuals, poured out her wine, and prepared her table.

"O come on your way, eat my bread, and drink my wine, which I have poured out for you.

If thou be wise, thy wisdom shall do thyself good: but if thou thinkest scorn thereof, it shall be thine own harm.

A fool doth wickedly and maketh but a sport of it; nevertheless it is wisdom for a man to beware of such.

The way of the LORD giveth a courage unto the godly; but it is a fear for wicked doers.

The righteous shall be delivered out of trouble; and the ungodly shall come in his stead.

When it goeth well with the righteous, the city is merry; and when the ungodly perish, there is gladness.

It shall not help the wicked, though they lay all their hands together; but the seed of the righteous shall be preserved.

Whoso hordeth up his corn, shall be cursed among the people; but blessing shall light upon his head that selleth it.

He that laboureth for honesty findeth his desire; but whoso seeketh after mischief, it shall happen unto him.

The talking of the ungodly is how they may lay wait for blood; but the mouth of the righteous will deliver them.

The wicked falleth into the snare through the malice of his own mouth; but the just shall escape out of peril.

The light of the righteous maketh joyful; but the candle of the ungodly shall be put out.

There is plenteousness of food in the fields of the poor; and shall be increased out of measure.

A scornful body seeketh wisdom, and findeth it not; but knowledge is easy to come by, unto him that will understand.

The evil shall bow themselves before the good; and the ungodly shall wait at the doors of the righteous.

A wise mouth poureth out knowledge; but the heart of the foolish doth not so.

Liberality is a precious stone unto him that hath it; for wheresoever he becometh, he prospereth.

It were better to come against a she Bear robbed of her whelps, than against a fool in his foolishness.

He that soweth discord and strife, is like one that diggeth up a water brook; but an open enemy is like the water that breaketh out and runneth abroad.

What helpeth it to give a fool money in his hand, whereas he hath no mind to buy wisdom?

The ungodly taketh gifts out of the bosom, to wrest the ways of judgment.

He accompanieth himself with all steadfast and healthsome doctrine, that hath a desire to it and is sequestered from company.

It is not good to regard the person of the ungodly, or to put back the righteous in judgment.

Delicate ease becometh not a fool; much more unseemly is it, a bond man to have the rule of princes.

It is a man's worship to do good; and better it is to be a poor man, than a dissembler.