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and let Aaron put both his hands upon the head of the live goat, and confess over him all the misdeeds of the children of Israel, and all their trespasses, and all their sins: and let him put them upon the head of the goat and send him away by the hands of one that is acquainted in the wilderness.

"And let Aaron go in to the tabernacle of witness and put off the linen clothes which he put on when he went in into the holy place, and leave them there.

And let him wash his flesh with water in the holy place, and put on his own raiment, and then come out and offer his burnt offering and the burnt offering of the people, and make an atonement for himself and for the people;

And the priest that is anointed and whose hand was filled to minister in his father's stead, shall make the atonement and shall put on the holy linen vestments,

But and if he wash them not, nor wash his flesh, he shall bear his sin.'"

but do after my judgments, and keep mine ordinances, to walk therein: for I am the LORD your God.

And it shall be eaten the same day ye offer it and on the morrow, but whatsoever is left on the third day shall be burnt in the fire.

Thou shalt not pluck in all thy vineyard clean, neither gather in the grapes that are overscaped. But thou shalt leave them for the poor and stranger. I am the LORD your God.

Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart but shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour: that thou bear not sin for his sake.

"'Keep mine ordinances. Let none of thy cattle gender with a contrary kind, neither sow thy field with mingled seed, neither shalt thou put on any garment of linen and woollen.

"'When a man lieth with a woman and hath to do with her, which is a bondwoman and hath been meddled withal of another man; but not loosed out nor hath obtained freedom, it shall be punished: but they shall not suffer death, because she was not free.

But ye shall have true balances, true weights, a true ephah and a true hin. I am the LORD your God which brought you out of the land of Egypt,

yet I will put my face upon that man and upon his household, and will destroy him and all that go a whoring with him and commit whoredom with Moloch from among their people.

But I have said unto you that ye shall enjoy their land, and that I will give it unto you to possess it: even a land that floweth with milk and honey. I am the LORD your God, which have separated you from other nations:

that ye should put difference between clean beasts and unclean, and between unclean fowls and them that are clean. Make not your souls therefore abominable with beasts and fowls, and with all manner thing that creepeth upon the ground, which I have separated unto you to hold them unclean.

but upon his kin that is nigh unto him: as his mother, father, son, daughter and brother:

But he shall not make himself unclean upon a ruler of his people to pollute himself withal.

He that is the high priest among his brethren, upon whose head the anointing oil was poured and whose hand was filled to put on the vestments, shall not uncover his head nor rent his clothes,

but no widow nor divorced nor polluted whore. But he shall take a maiden of his own people to wife,

but shall not go in unto the veil nor come nigh the altar, because he is deformed, that he pollute not my sanctuary, for I am the LORD that sanctify them.'"

"Bid Aaron and his sons that they abstain from the hallowed things of the children of Israel which they have hallowed unto me, that they pollute not mine holy name: for I am the LORD.

But let them keep therefore mine ordinance, lest they lade sin upon them and die therein when they have defiled themselves: for I am the LORD which sanctify them.

But if the priest buy any fowl with money he may eat of it, and he also that is born in his house may eat of his bread.

Notwithstanding, if the priest's daughter be a widow, or divorced, and have no child, but is returned unto her father's house again, she shall eat of her father's bread as well as she did in her youth. But there shall no stranger eat thereof.

"'If a man eat of the hallowed things unwittingly, he shall put the fifth part thereunto, and make good unto the priest the hallowed thing.

whether it be blind, broken, wounded or have a wen, or be mangy or scabbed; see that ye offer no such unto the LORD, nor put an offering of any such upon the altar unto the LORD.

An ox or a sheep that hath any member out of proportion, mayst thou offer for a freewill offering: but in a vow it shall not be accepted.

But ye shall offer sacrifices unto the LORD seven days, and the seventh day also shall be a holy feast, so that ye may do no laborious work therein.'"

"'When ye reap down your harvest, thou shalt not make clean riddance of thy field, neither shalt thou make any after gathering of thy harvest: but shalt leave them unto the poor and the stranger. I am the LORD your God.'"

and put pure frankincense upon the rows. And it shall be bread of remembrance, and an offering to the LORD.

Every Sabbath he shall put them in rows before the LORD evermore, given of the children of Israel, that it be an everlasting covenant.

And they put him inward, that Moses should declare unto them what the LORD said thereto.

but he that killeth a beast shall pay for it, beast for beast.

So now he that killeth a beast shall pay for it: but he that killeth a man, shall die for it.

But the seventh year shall be a Sabbath of rest unto the land. The LORD's Sabbath it shall be, and thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor cut thy vines.

The corn that groweth by itself thou shalt not reap, neither gather the grapes that grow without thy dressing: but it shall be a Sabbath of rest unto the land.

but according to the number of years after the trumpet year, thou shalt buy of thy neighbour, and according unto the number of fruit year, he shall sell unto thee.

But and if his hand can not get sufficient to restore it to him again, then that which is sold shall remain in the hand of him that hath bought it, until the horn year: and in the horn year it shall come out, and he shall return unto his possession again.

But and if it be not bought out again within the space of a full year, then the house in the walled city shall be established forever unto him that bought it and to his successors after him and shall not go out in the trumpet year.

But the houses in villages which have no walls round about them, shall be counted like unto the fields of the country, and may be bought out again at any season, and shall go out free in the trumpet year.

But the fields that lie round about their cities, shall not be bought: for they are their possessions forever.

And thou shalt take none usury of him, nor yet vantage. But shalt fear thy God, that thy brother may live with thee.

but as a hired servant and as a sojourner he shall be with thee, and shall serve thee unto the trumpet year,

And ye shall possess them and give them unto your children after you, to possess them for ever: and they shall be your bondmen. But over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not reign one over another cruelly.

And he shall reckon with him that bought him, from the year that he was sold in unto the trumpet year, and the price of his buying shall be according unto the number of years, and he shall be with him as a hired servant.

If there remain but few years unto the trumpet year, he shall so count with him, and according unto his years give him again for his redemption,

If he be not bought free in the meantime, then he shall go out in the trumpet year and his children with him;

And five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight, and your enemies shall fall before you upon the sword.

"'But and if ye will not hearken unto me, nor will do all these my commandments,

or if ye shall despise mine ordinances, either if your souls refuse my laws, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but shall break mine covenant:

And if ye will not be learned yet for all this, but shall walk contrary unto me,

"'And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, but shall walk contrary unto me,

He may not alter it nor change it: a good for a bad or a bad for good. If he change beast for beast, then both the same beast and it also wherewith it was changed shall be holy.

and let the priest value it. And whether it be good or bad as the priest setteth it, so shall it be.

"'If any man dedicate his house, it shall be holy unto the LORD. And the priest shall set it; whether it be good or bad, and as the priest hath set it, so it shall be.

But and if he hallow his field after the trumpet year, the priest shall reckon the price with him according to the years that remain unto the trumpet year, and thereafter it shall be lower set.

"'If he that sanctified the field will redeem it again, let him put the fifth part of the price that it was set at thereunto,

But when the field goeth out in the trumpet year, it shall be holy unto the LORD: even as a thing dedicated, and it shall be the priest's possession.

"'If a man sanctify unto the LORD a field, which he hath bought and is not of his inheritance,

But in the trumpet year, the field shall return unto him of whom he bought it, whose inheritance of land it was.

"'But the firstborn of the beasts that pertain unto the LORD, may no man sanctify: whether it be ox or sheep, for they are the LORD's already.

No dedicated thing therefore that is dedicated of man, may be redeemed, but must needs die.

Men shall not look if it be good or bad nor shall change it. If any man change it then both it and that it was changed withal, shall be holy and may not be redeemed.'"