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Trying the word to thee shalt thou be weary? who shall be able to with hold in speaking?

Call now, if there is answering thee; and to whom from the holy ones wilt thou turn?

Who will give my asking shall come? and will God give my expectation?

Whom, if I was just, I shall not answer; I will make supplication to my judge.

Who will assail me with tempest, and he multiplied my wounds without cause.

If for strength, behold him strong: if for judgment, who shall arraign me

The earth was given into the hand of the unjust one: he will cover the faces of her judges; if not now, who is it?

And who Will give God speaking, and he will open his lips with thee?

If he shall pass on, and shut up, and gather together, who shall turn him back.

Also to me a heart like you; I fall not more than you: and with whom not like these?

The tents to those oppressing will be secure, and confidence to those provoking God to anger: whom God will bring into his hand

Who knew not in all these that the hand of God did this?

Who will give silence? Ye shall be silent, and it shall be to you for wisdom.

Who is he will contend with me? for now shall I be silent and expire;

Who will give thou wilt hide me in hades? wilt thou cover me till the turning away of thine anger? wilt thou set for me a limit, and wilt thou remember me?

Set up now, pledge me with thee: who is he will strike for my hand?

And where now my hope? and my hope who shall regard it?

Who will give now, and my words shall be written? who will give and they shall be delineated in a book?.

Who shall announce his way upon his face? and who shall requite to him that he did?

Who were laid hold of, and no time a river will pour out their foundation?

Who will give, I knew to find him: I will come even to his place.

And if not now, who will cause me to lie, and set my words for nought?

Is there a number to his troops? and upon whom shall not his light arise?

And with whom didst thou announce words? and whose breath came forth from thee?

Who will give me as the months of old, as the days God will watch me?

If the men of my tent said not, Who will give from his flesh? We shall not be satisfied.

Who will give to me hearing to me.? Behold, my sign, the Almighty will answer me, and the man contending with me wrote a book.

Who committed to him the earth? and who set up the habitable globe all of it?

Who accepted not the face of chiefs, and looked not upon the rich one before the poor: for his hand made all of them.

Who therefore turned away from after him, and they consider not all his ways,

And he will give quiet, and who shall disturb? and he will hide the face, and who shall look upon him? and against a nation and against man wholly:

And who teacheth us from the cattle of the earth, and he will make us wise above the birds of the heavens?

Behold, God will exalt by his power: who teaches like him?

Who charged upon him his way? and who said, Thou didst iniquity?

Who set its measures, if thou shalt know? or who stretched the line upon it?

Upon what were its bases impressed? or who placed its corner-stone?

Who divided a channel for the overflowing, and a way for the lightning of the voices?

Is there a father to the rain? or who begat the reservoirs of the dew?

From whose womb came forth the ice? and the hoarfrost of the heavens, who brought it forth?

Who sent the wild ass free? and who opened the bonds of the wild ass?

To whom did I set the desert his house, and the salt land his dwellings?

None fierce that he will rouse him up: and who is he will stand before me?

Who uncovered the face of his clothing? who shall come with his double bridle?

Who opened the doors of his face? his teeth a terror round about

Who this hiding counsel without knowledge? for this, I announced, and I shall not understand; wonders above me, and I shall not know.