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Sweet is the smell of your perfumes; your name is as perfume running out; so the young girls give you their love.

As the apple-tree among the trees of the wood, so is my loved one among the sons. I took my rest under his shade with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.

My loved one is like a roe; see, he is on the other side of our wall, he is looking in at the windows, letting himself be seen through the spaces.

My loved one said to me, Get up, my love, my fair one, and come away.

O my dove, you are in the holes of the mountain sides, in the cracks of the high hills; let me see your face, let your voice come to my ears; for sweet is your voice, and your face is fair.

The watchmen who go about the town came by me; to them I said, Have you seen him who is my heart's desire?

Who is this coming out of the waste places like pillars of smoke, perfumed with sweet spices, with all the spices of the trader?

All of them armed with swords, trained in war; every man has his sword at his side, because of fear in the night.

He made its pillars of silver, its base of gold, its seat of purple, the middle of it of ebony.

See, you are fair, my love, you are fair; you have the eyes of a dove; your hair is as a flock of goats, which take their rest on the side of Gilead.

I made the door open to my loved one; but my loved one had taken himself away, and was gone, my soul was feeble when his back was turned on me; I went after him, but I did not come near him; I said his name, but he gave me no answer.

His mouth is most sweet; yes, he is all beautiful. This is my loved one, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.

Let your eyes be turned away from me; see, they have overcome me; your hair is as a flock of goats which take their rest on the side of Gilead.

How beautiful and how sweet you are, O love, for delight.

I said, Let me go up the palm-tree, and let me take its branches in my hands: your breasts will be as the fruit of the vine, and the smell of your breath like apples;

The mandrakes give out a sweet smell, and at our doors are all sorts of good fruits, new and old, which I have kept for my loved one.