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These things, in Bethany, came to pass, beyond the Jordan, where John was, immersing.

Verse ConceptsBeyond JordanBaptism

But Jesus, turning, and looking at them following, saith unto them - What seek ye? And, they, said unto him - Rabbi! which meaneth, when translated, Teacher, Where abidest thou?

Verse ConceptsMoses, Significance OfRabbiTurning RoundChrist SeeingStaying TemporarilyDiscipleshipseekingfollowing

He saith unto them - Be coming, and ye shall see. They came, therefore, and saw where he abode, and, with him, they abode that day. It was about the tenth, hour.

Verse ConceptsHourAdventureCalling, Of IndividualsComing To ChristChrist With People On EarthStaying Temporarily

His mother saith unto them who are ministering - Whatsoever he may say to you, do!

Verse ConceptsServants Of PeoplemomsWaiting Till Marriage

Now there were there, six stone water-vessels, placed, according to the purification of the Jews; holding each, two or three measures.

Verse ConceptsJews, TheJudaismRitual WashingWashingWaterWeights And Measures, LiquidSix ThingsWater ContainersStone ItemsMeans Of PurifyingPurifying OneselfOther Volume Measures

And, when the master of the feast had tasted the water, now made, wine, and knew not whence it was, - though, they who were ministering, knew, even they who had drawn out the water, the master accosteth the bridegroom,

Verse ConceptsTasteDrawing WaterProviding WineNot Knowing WhereKnowing FactsWhere From?Jesus As A Bridegroompotential

And he found, in the temple, them that were selling oxen and sheep and doves, also the money-changers sitting.

Verse ConceptsdovesMoney, Uses OfSheepPollutionsChrist In The Templemarketing

and unto them who were selling, the doves, he said - Take these things hence! Be not making, the house of my Father, a house of merchandise.

Verse ConceptsMerchandiseRelationship Of Father And SonBusinessthievessalesmarketing

And John also was immersing in Aenon, near to him, because, many waters, were there; and they were coming, and being immersed; -

Verse ConceptsJohn's BaptismJohn The BaptistWater For BaptismBaptised By JohnBaptism

And they came unto John, and said unto him - Rabbi! he who was with thee beyond the Jordan, unto whom, thou, hast borne witness, see! the same, is immersing; and, all, are coming unto him.

Verse ConceptsRabbiRevival, CorporateContemporary Witness To ChristBeyond JordanChristian Baptism

Art, thou, greater than, our father Jacob, who gave us the well, - and, himself, out of it drank, and his sons, and his flocks?

Verse ConceptsGreatness Of ChristAncestorsPeople Giving Other Thingspoop

Our fathers, in this mountain, worshipped; and, ye, say, that, in Jerusalem, is the place, where, to worship, it behoveth.

Verse ConceptsSamaritansWorship, Places OfAncestorsHow To Worship God

And, hereupon, came his disciples, and they began to marvel, that, with a woman, he was talking. No one, however, said - What seekest thou? or - Why talkest thou with her?

Verse ConceptsMarvellingSeeking For Concrete ThingsThe Disciples ReactionsIndividuals Being SilentWhy Does Jesus Do This?Woman's Placesurprises

They came forth out of the city, and were coming unto him.

Verse ConceptsComing To Christ

In the meantime, the disciples were requesting him, saying - Rabbi! eat.

Verse ConceptsRabbiPeople EatingThe Disciples Words

Are, ye, not saying - Yet, a fourmonth, it is, and, the harvest, cometh? Lo! I say unto you - Lift up your eyes, and gaze at the fields, - that, white, are they unto, harvest. Already,

Verse ConceptsFieldsOpportunities, And SalvationColors, WhiteSoul WinnersTwo To Four MonthsSeeing SituationsMonthsIdentity In Christ

So he came again into Cana of Galilee, where he had made the water, wine. And there was a certain courtier, whose son was sick, in Capernaum.

Verse ConceptsParents Duty To ChildrenProviding WineDrinking WaterSick Individuals

The courtier saith unto him - Sir! come down, ere my child die!

Verse ConceptsBeforePossibility Of DeathRecovery

In these, was lying a throng of them who were sick, - blind, lame, withered.

Verse ConceptsdiseasesMoving OnThose Loving GodMoving To A New Placemovement

The Jews, therefore, were saying, unto him who had been cured - It is, Sabbath; and it is not allowable for thee to take up thy couch: -

Verse ConceptsThe Sabbath And Christrelaxation

And, on this account, were the Jews persecuting Jesus, because, these things, he had been doing, on Sabbath.

Verse ConceptsPersecution, Nature OfPlottingPersecution Of ChristThe Sabbath And ChristWhy People Did Things

On this account, therefore, the rather, were the Jews seeking to slay him, - because, not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but was calling God, his own Father, making, himself, equal, with, God.

Verse Conceptsenemies, of Jesus ChristEquality With GodPersecution, Nature OfChrist Would Be KilledRelationship Of Father And SonThe Sabbath And Christrelaxing

He, was the burning and shining lamp, and, ye, were willing to exult, for an hour, in his light.

Verse ConceptsRadiancyRadiant LivesLight Of God's PeopleSeasons Changing

I, have come, in the name of my Father, - and ye are not receiving me: If, another, shall come in his own name, him, ye will receive!

Verse ConceptsRejection Of ChristWelcoming Other PeopleNot Welcoming ChristFather And Son AlikeRelationship Of Father And SonIn God's NameDadsAcceptanceRejectionFathers Love

Do not think that, I, will accuse you unto the Father: There, is, who accuseth you, even, Moses, - on whom, ye, have set your hope.

Verse ConceptsFalse ConfidenceMoses, Significance OfAccusations, Source OfEffect Of The LawPeople Accusing PeopleThe Fatheraccusations

But, if, in his writings, ye are not believing, how, in my sayings, will ye believe?

Verse ConceptsNot Believing In Jesus

So then Jesus, lifting up his eyes, and beholding that a great multitude was coming unto him, saith unto Philip - Whence are we to buy loaves, that these may eat?

Verse ConceptsBuying and sellingMoney, Uses OfChrist SeeingPeople Providing Foodautonomy

Philip answered him - Two hundred denaries-worth of loaves, are not sufficient for them, that, each one, may take, a little.

Verse ConceptsUnbelief, And Life Of FaithWagesLittle FoodNo FoodGrace Being SufficientWorth

Jesus therefore took the loaves, and, giving thanks, went on distributing unto them that reclined; in like manner, of the small fishes also: as much as they were wishing.

Verse ConceptsLord's SupperThankfulnessThanksgiving, OfferedPlenty Through ChristThanking God For FoodDividing Food

And, when they were well-filled, he saith unto his disciples - Gather up the broken pieces left over, that nothing be lost.

Verse ConceptsFrugalityGathering FoodPlenty Through ChristRemaining FoodFilling PeopleNo LossBeing Lostgathering

So they gathered them up, and filled twelve baskets, with broken pieces out of the five barley loaves, - which were left over by them who had eaten.

Verse ConceptsBarleyThe Number TwelveBaskets, Uses OfDinnerFive ThingsRemaining FoodTwelve Things

Jesus, therefore, getting to know that they were about to come, and seize him, that they might make him king, retired again into the mountain, himself, alone.

Verse ConceptsHumility Of ChristChrist Knowing About PeopleMaking KingsOutward Compulsionmovement

and, entering into a boat, were going across the sea into Capernaum. And, dark, already, had it become, and, not yet, had Jesus reached them;

Verse ConceptsBoatsDarkness Of NightCrossing To The Other SideDisciples' Movementslakes

Having therefore rowed about twenty-five or thirty furlongs, they observe Jesus, walking upon the sea, and, near the boat, coming; and they were affrighted.

Verse ConceptsWeights And Measures, LinearWalking On WaterPropellingFear Of ChristRowinglakes

They were willing, therefore, to receive him into the boat; and, straightway, the boat was at land, whither they had been slowly going.

Verse ConceptsBoatsMiracles Of ChristAstral ProjectionDestinationsWelcoming Christ

howbeit there came boats out of Tiberias, near the place where they did eat the bread, after the Lord had given thanks: -

Verse ConceptsShipsBoatsPeople EatingThanking God For Food

Jesus answered them, and said - Verily, verily, I say unto you: Ye seek me, not because ye saw signs, but because ye did eat of the loaves and were filled.

Verse ConceptsSelfishness, Examples OfCrowds SeekingPeople EatingChrist Telling The TruthSigns Performed By ChristTruly TrulyFilling PeopleWhy People Did ThingsSelf LoveFishseeking

They said, therefore, unto him - What are we to do, that we may be working the works of God?

Verse ConceptsTeachablenessDoing God's WorksWorking For GodWorking For The Lordworkingorder

Our fathers, did eat, the manna, in the desert, - just as it is written: Bread out of heaven, he gave them to eat.

Verse ConceptsDesertsMannaAncestorsGod Acts From HeavenGod Led Them Through The WildernessBread

and were saying - Is not, this, Jesus, the son of Joseph, - of whom, we, know the father and the mother! How is it then, that he, now, saith: Out of heaven, have I come down?

Verse ConceptsSonsChrist Going DownChrist And HeavenWho He Might BeNativity of Jesus ChristMothers And Sons

This, is the bread, which, out of heaven, came down: - Not just as your fathers did eat - and died! He that feedeth upon this bread, shall live unto times age-abiding.

Verse ConceptsAncestorsChrist Going DownLife In ChristNot Like ThingsChrist And HeavenDeath Of Other GroupsJesus As FoodLife Is In Christ

But Jesus, knowing within himself that his disciples were murmuring concerning this, said unto them - Doth, this, cause, you, to stumble?

Verse ConceptsAwarenessGrumblingChrist Knowing About PeopleThe Disciples WordsComplainingcriticism

What then, if ye should view the Son of Man ascending where he was before? --

Verse ConceptsGoing Up To HeavenMinistry Of The Son Of Man

But there are some from among you, who do not believe. For Jesus knew from the beginning, who they were that did not believe, and who it was would deliver him up; -

Verse ConceptsForeknowledgeForeknowledge Of ChristSkepticismJudas Betraying ChristNot Believing In JesusChrist Knowing About PeopleWho Is The Doer?Believing In Christa new beginning

Jesus, therefore, said unto the twelve - Are, ye also, wishing to withdraw?

Verse ConceptsExamples Of FaithLonelinessLeavingTwelve DisciplesSchoolwill

And, after these things, Jesus was walking in Galilee; for he was not wishing, in Judaea, to be walking, because the Jews were seeking to slay him.

Verse Conceptsenemies, of Jesus ChristAssassinations, AttemptedJews, ThePersecution Of ChristChrist Would Be Killed

Jesus, therefore, saith unto them - My season, not yet, is here; but, your season, at anytime, is ready:

Verse ConceptsUntimelinessRight Time For PeopleNot The TimeOther TimesTimes Of The Christ

But, when his brethren had gone up unto the feast, then, he also, went up, - not openly, but as it were in secret.

Verse ConceptsActing In SecretFestivals ObservedHalf brothers

The Jews, therefore, were seeking him in the feast, and were saying - Where is that one?

Verse ConceptsWhere Are People?

and there was great, murmuring, about him among the multitudes: some, indeed, were saying - Good, is he! but, others, were saying - Not so! but he is leading the multitude astray.

Verse ConceptsCrowdsPersecution, Forms OfPublic OpinionDissensionBeing MisleadGrumbling At People

Jesus answered, and said unto them - One work, I did, and ye, all, are marvelling:

Verse Conceptssurprises

If, circumcision, a man receiveth, on Sabbath, that the law of Moses may not be broken, with me, are ye bitter as gall, because, a whole man, I made, well, on Sabbath?

Verse ConceptsInconsistencyCircumcision, physicalMoses, Significance OfAngry With ChristFulfilling The LawJesus HealingThe Sabbath And ChristJesus Healing On Sabbath

So then, some of them of Jerusalem were saying - Is not, this, he whom they are seeking to kill?

Verse ConceptsChrist Would Be Killed

They were seeking therefore to seize him; and yet no one laid on him his hand, because, not yet, had come his hour.

Verse ConceptsUntimelinessLaying On Hands For EvilNot The TimeArresting ChristTimes Of The Christ

But, from amongst the multitude, many, believed on him, and were saying - The Christ, whensoever he cometh, greater signs, will he do, than those which, this one, did?

Verse Conceptsevangelism, kinds ofCrowdsMiracles, Responses ToSigns Performed By ChristThose Who Believed In Christ

Ye shall seek me, and not find me, and, where, I, am, ye, cannot come.

Verse ConceptsNot FindingUnable To Do Other ThingsFinding Loveseeking

What, is this which he said: Ye shall seek me and not find me, and, where, I, am, ye, cannot come?

Verse ConceptsNot FindingMeaningUnable To Do Other Things

Now, this, spake he concerning the Spirit which they who believed on him were about to receive; for, not yet, was there Spirit, because, Jesus, not yet, was glorified!

Verse ConceptsBaptism Of The Holy SpiritGift Of The Holy SpiritThe Water Of LifePromises Of The Holy SpiritThe Effects Of FaithReceiving The Spiritartistsempowermentliberation

Some from amongst the multitude, therefore, having hearkened unto these words, were saying - This, is, in truth, the prophet.

Verse ConceptsMediationMessianic Titles, The ProphetJesus The Prophet

Others, were saying - This, is, the Christ. But, others, were saying - Out of Galilee, is, the Christ, to come?

Verse ConceptsPrejudiceSaid To Be The ChristChrist's Origin

Hath not the Scripture said: Of the seed of David, and from Bethlehem, the village where David was, cometh the Christ?

Verse ConceptsCovenant, God's with DavidBethlehemJesus As Son Of DavidChrist's OriginMessiahScripture SaysJesus Birth

Certain, indeed, from among them, were wishing to seize him; but, no one, thrust upon him his hands.

Verse ConceptsLaying On Hands For EvilArresting Christ

But, this multitude, that take no note of the law, are, laid under a curse.

Verse ConceptsLegalismPrejudiceIgnorant Of Factsculture

Surely, our law, doth not judge the man, unless it hear first from him, and get to know what he is doing?

Verse ConceptsJudging RightlyExcellent LawNo Condemnationcondemnation

They were saying unto him, therefore - Where, is thy father? Jesus answered - Neither, me, do ye know, nor yet my Father: If, me, ye had known, my Father also, had ye known.

Verse ConceptsKnowing God, Nature OfIgnorance, Of ChristKnowledge, Of Jesus ChristEquality With GodIgnorance Towards God, Shown ByNot Knowing About ChristFather And Son AlikeRelationship Of Father And SonWhere Is God?

He said unto them again, therefore - I, go, and ye shall seek me, - and yet, in your sin, shall ye die: Whither, I, go, ye, cannot come.

Verse ConceptsHell, As An ExperienceDeath Of The WickedProphecies Said By JesusLeavingInstructions About FollowingRepent Lest You DieUnable To Do Other ThingsUnbelief Toward Christ

The Jews, therefore, were saying - Can it be that he will kill himself, that he saith, Whither, I, go, ye, cannot come?

Verse ConceptsMisunderstood TruthInstructions About FollowingUnable To Do Other Things

And he was saying unto them - Ye, are, of the realms below, I, am, of the realms above: Ye, are, of this world, I, am not of this world.

Verse ConceptsWorldlinessThe I Am's Of ChristThings UnderChrist And HeavenPerspective

They were saying unto him, therefore - Who art, thou? Jesus said unto them - First and foremost, even what I speak unto you.

Verse ConceptsBeginning To TeachWho Is Jesus?a new beginning

They made answer unto him - Seed of Abraham, are we, and, unto no one, have been brought into bondage, at any time: How sayest, thou, Free, shall ye be made?

Verse ConceptsAbraham, Family And DescendantsPride, Examples OfSecurityTrust, Lack OfMisunderstood Truth

I know that ye are, seed of Abraham; but ye are seeking to kill me, because, my word, findeth no place in you.

Verse ConceptsPersecution Of ChristChrist Knowing About PeopleChrist Would Be KilledNo Room

What things, I, have seen with the Father, I am speaking; Ye, also, then, what things ye have heard from your father, are doing. -

Verse ConceptsSin, Causes OfRelationship Of Father And SonSpeaking As From God

They answered and said unto him - Our father, is, Abraham. Jesus saith unto them - If, children of Abraham, ye are, the works of Abraham, are ye doing.

Verse ConceptsAbrahamAbraham, Family And DescendantsImitating Good PeopleDescendants ofRaising Childrenfatherhoodrehabilitation

But, now, ye are seeking, to kill me, - A man who, the truth, unto you, hath spoken, which I have heard from God: this, Abraham, did not.

Verse ConceptsFaith, As A Body Of BeliefsNot Imitating GoodChrist Telling The TruthChrist Would Be KilledTelling The Truthrehabilitationtrying

Ye, are doing the works of your father. They said unto him - We, of fornication, were not born: One father, have we - God.

Verse ConceptsImitating Wicked PeopleAvoid Immorality

Jesus said unto them - If, God, had been your father, ye had been loving me, for, I, from God, came forth, and am here; for, not even of myself, have I come, but, he, sent me forth.

Verse ConceptsMission, Of Jesus ChristLove Towards Christ, Shown ByChrist's Relationship To GodLove For GodDivine MessengerPeople BeginningNot AloneGod Sending OthersNot Loving GodLove And RelationshipsFathers Love

Surely, thou, art not, greater, than our father Abraham, - who, indeed, died? and, the prophets, died: - Whom, makest thou thyself?

Verse ConceptsGreatness Of ChristWho Is Jesus?Death Of Unnamed Individuals

Jesus answered - If, I, glorify myself, my glory, is nothing: It is, my Father, that glorifieth me, - of whom, ye, say - He is, your God!

Verse ConceptsChrist's Relationship To GodChrist's Own GloryRelationship Of Father And SonThe Father's Activity Regarding ChristHe Is Our GodSelf WorthmyselfNot Glorifying God

And his disciples questioned him, saying - Rabbi! who sinned, this man or his parents, that, blind, he should be born?

Verse ConceptsdiseasesRabbiHereditySins Of The FathersThe Disciples WordsSin Brings SicknessWhat Sin?BlindnessFamily Problems