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But the Spirit we have received is not that of the world, but the Spirit that comes from God, which we have to make us realize the blessings God has given us.

Now, brothers, for your benefit I have applied all this only to Apollos and myself, by using us as illustrations to teach you the old lesson, "Never go beyond the letter," and to keep any of you from boasting of one teacher at the expense of another.

And can you put on airs, instead of being overwhelmed with grief at having to expel from your number the man who has done this?

For my part, though I have been absent from you in person, I have been present with you in spirit, and as thus present I have already passed judgment upon the man who has done this,

Do you not know that your bodies are parts of Christ's body? Am I then to take away from Christ parts of his body, and make them parts of a prostitute's? Never!

I should like to have everyone be just as I am myself; but each one has his own special gift from God, one of one kind, and one of another.

So the man who marries her does what is right, and the man who refrains from doing so does even better.

Do you not know that those who do the work about the Temple get their living from the Temple, and those who attend to the altar divide the sacrifices with the altar?

and drank the same supernatural drink??for they used to drink from a supernatural rock which attended them, and the rock was really Christ??5 still most of them disappointed God, for they were struck down in the desert.

For I myself received from the Lord the account that I passed on to you, that the Lord Jesus the night he was betrayed took some bread

For until the Lord comes back, every time you eat this bread and drink from the cup, you proclaim his death.

Hence anyone who eats the bread or drinks from the Lord's cup in a way that is unworthy of it will be guilty of profaning the body and the blood of the Lord.

another, the working of wonders, another, inspiration in preaching, another, the power of distinguishing the true Spirit from false ones, another, various ecstatic utterances, and another, the ability to explain them.

Did God's message start from you Corinthians? Or are you the only people it has reached?

If anyone claims to be inspired to preach, or to have any other spiritual endowment, let him understand that what I am now writing you is a command from the Lord.

So, my brothers, set your hearts on being inspired to preach, and yet do not hinder people from speaking ecstatically.

Now I want to remind you, brothers, of the form in which I presented to you the good news I brought, which you accepted and have stood by,

Now if what we preach about Christ is that he was raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no such thing as a resurrection of the dead?

From the human point of view, what good is it to me that I have fought wild animals here in Ephesus? If the dead do not rise at all, "Let us eat and drink, for we will be dead tomorrow!"

and when you sow it, it has not the form it is going to have, but is a naked kernel, perhaps of wheat or something else;

and God gives it just such a form as he pleases, so that each kind of seed has a form of its own.

The sun has one kind of beauty, and the moon another, and the stars another; why, one star differs from another in beauty.

Those who are of the earth are like him who was of the earth, and those who are of heaven are like him who is from heaven,

in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the sound of the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised free from decay, and we shall be changed.