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and that because of the good and pleasant savour. Thy name is sweet smelling ointment when it is shed forth; therefore do the maidens love thee.

As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. In his shadow was my desire to sit, for his fruit was sweet to my mouth.

Set about me cups of wine, comfort me with apples; for I am sick of love.

Behold, my beloved said to me: Up and haste my love, my dove, my beautiful, and come:

Up, haste my love, my dove, in the holes of the rock and secret places of the walls. Show me thy face and let me hear thy voice: for thy voice is sweet and thy fashion beautiful.

The watchmen that go about the city found me, to whom I said: Saw ye not him whom my soul loveth?

the pillars are of silver, the covering of gold, the seat of purple, the ground pleasantly paved with love for the daughters of Jerusalem.

The fruits that sprout in thee are like a very Paradise of pomegranates with sweet fruits:

Up thou North wind, come thou South wind, and blow upon my garden, that the smell thereof may be carried on every side: yea, that my beloved may come into my garden, and eat of the fruits and apples that grow therein.

As I was asleep, and my heart waking, I heard the voice of my beloved, when he knocked. Open to me, said he, O my sister, my love, my darling, my dove: for my head is full of dew, and my locks of my hair are full of the night drops.

His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the water brooks, as though they were washed with milk and set like pearls in gold.

His cheeks are like a garden bed, wherein the Apothecaries plant all manner of sweet things; His lips are like roses that drop sweet smelling Myrrh.

His legs are as the pillars of Marble, set upon sockets of gold; His face is as Lebanon, and as the beauty of the Cedar trees.

His throat is sweet; yea, he is altogether lovely. Such one is my love, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, such one is my love.

My love is gone down into his garden, unto the sweet smelling beds, that he may refresh himself in the garden, and gather flowers.

Turn away thine eyes from me, for they have set me on fire! Thy hairy locks are like a flock of goats upon the mount of Gilead.

But one is my dove, my darling. She is the only beloved of her mother, and dear unto her that bare her. When the daughters saw her, they said, she was blessed: Yea the Queens and concubines praised her.

Thy navel is like a round goblet, which is never without drink. Thy womb is like a heap of wheat, set about with lilies;

I said, I will climb up the date tree, and take hold of his branches. Thy breasts also shall be as the vine grapes, the smell of thy nostrils like the smell of apples,

if I took thee, and brought thee into my mother's house - that thou mightest teach me, and that I might give thee drink of spiced wine and of the sweet sap of my pomegranates.

O set me as a seal upon thine heart, and as a seal upon thine arm: for love is mighty as the death, and jealousy as the hell. Her coals are of fire, and a very flame of the LORD:

I am a wall, and my breasts like towers, then was I as one that hath found favour in his sight.

O get thee away, my love, as a roe or a young hart unto the sweet smelling mountains.