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Now I have applied what has been said above to myself and Apollos, to teach you ... that you are not to be puffed up with rivalry over one teacher as against another.

But what I have just said is by way of concession, not command.

To other people I may be no apostle, but to you I am, for you are the seal set upon my apostleship in the Lord.

Well, unless I understand the meaning of what is said to me, I shall appear to the speaker to be talking gibberish, and to my mind he will be talking gibberish himself.

To sum up, my brothers. Set your heart on the prophetic gift, and do not put any check upon speaking in 'tongues';

For God has put everything under his feet. When it is said that everything has been put under him, plainly that excludes Him who put everything under him;

And what you sow is not the body that is to be; it is a mere grain of wheat, for example, or some other seed.

God gives it a body as he pleases, gives each kind of seed a body of its own.

I do not care about seeing you at this moment merely in the by-going; my hope is to stay among you for some time, with the Lord's permission.