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He rescued us from so great a threat of death, and will continue to rescue us. On Him we have set our hope. And He will again rescue us [from danger and draw us near],

For if I cause you grief [by a well-deserved rebuke], who then provides me enjoyment but the very one whom I have made sad?

For we are the sweet fragrance of Christ [which ascends] to God, [discernible both] among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing;

What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God; just as God said:I will dwell among them and walk among them;
And I will be their God, and they shall be My people.

I do not say this to condemn you, for I have said before that you are [nested] in our hearts [and you will remain there] to die together and to live together [with us].

It is for this reason that we are comforted and encouraged.And in addition to our comfort, we were especially delighted at the joy of Titus, because you have refreshed his spirit.

For if I have boasted to him at all concerning you, I was not disappointed. But just as everything we ever said to you was true, so our boasting [about you] to Titus has proved true also.

For we have regard for what is honorable [and above suspicion], not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.

Therefore, show these men, in the sight of the churches, the proof of your love and our reason for being proud of you.

Now He who provides seed for the sower and bread for food will provide and multiply your seed for sowing [that is, your resources] and increase the harvest of your righteousness [which shows itself in active goodness, kindness, and love].

All this time you have been thinking that we are [merely] defending ourselves to you. It is in the sight of God that we have been speaking [as one] in Christ; and everything, dearly beloved, is to strengthen you [spiritually].