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And now you shall be silent and unable to speak until the day when this takes place, because you did not believe what I said, though my words will be fulfilled in due course."

For he has remembered his servant in her lowliness; And from this hour all ages will count me happy!

Yes, the sword will pierce your own heart--and so the thoughts in many minds will be disclosed."

Already, indeed, the axe is lying at the root of the trees. Therefore every tree that fails to bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire."

John, addressing them all, said: "I, indeed, baptize you with water; but there is coming one more powerful than I, and I am not fit even to unfasten his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

His winnowing-fan is in his hand, that he may clear his threshing-floor, and store the grain in his barn, but the chaff he will burn with inextinguishable fire."

"I will give you all this power, and the splendor of them; for it has been given into my hands and I give it to whom I wish.

If you, therefore, will do homage before me, it shall all be yours."

And 'On their hands they will upbear thee, Lest ever thou shouldst strike thy foot against a stone.'"

"Doubtless," said Jesus, "you will remind me of the saying-- 'Doctor, cure yourself;' and you will say 'Do here in your own country all that we have heard that has been done at Capernaum.'

"We have been hard at work all night, Sir," answered Simon, "and have not caught anything, but, at your bidding, I will throw out the nets."

But the days will come--a time when the bridegroom will be parted from them; and they will fast then, when those days come."

Then, as an illustration, Jesus said to them: "No man ever tears a piece from a new garment and puts it upon an old one; for, if he does, he will not only tear the new garment, but the piece from the new one will not match the old.

And no man puts new wine into old wine-skins; for, if he does, the new wine will burst the skins, and the wine itself will run out, and the skins be lost.

Alas for you who are sated now, for you will hunger. Alas for you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep.

If you love only those who love you, what thanks will be due to you? Why, even the outcast love those who love them!

For, if you show kindness only to those who show kindness to you, what thanks will be due to you? Even the outcast do that!

If you lend only to those from whom you expect to get something, what thanks will be due to you? Even the outcast lend to the outcast in the hope of getting as much in return!

How can you say to your brother 'Brother, let me take out the straw in your eye,' while you yourself do not see the beam in your own? Hypocrite! Take out the beam from your own eye first, and then you will see clearly how to take out the straw in your brother's.

A good man, from the good stores of his heart, brings out what is good; while a bad man, from his bad stores, brings out what is bad. For what fills a man's heart will rise to his lips.

Every one who comes to me and listens to my teaching and acts upon it--I will show you to whom he may be compared.

As they were unable to pay, he forgave them both. Which of them, do you think, will love him the more?"

"I suppose," answered Simon, "it will be the man to whom he forgave the greater debt." "You are right," said Jesus,

"The sower went out to sow his seed; and, as he was sowing, some of the seed fell along the path and was trodden upon; and the wild birds ate it up.

Nothing is hidden which will not be brought into the light of day, not ever kept hidden which will not some day become known and come into the light of day.

Take care, then, how you listen. For, to all those who have, more will be given; while, from all those who have nothing, even what they seem to have will be taken away."

For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, and whoever, for my sake, loses his life--that man shall save it.

Whoever is ashamed of me and of my teaching, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him, when he comes in his Glory and the Glory of the father and of the holy angels.

Indeed, I tell you, some who are standing before me will not know death, till they have seen the Kingdom of God."

All at once a spirit will seize him, suddenly shriek out, and throw him into convulsions till he foams, and will leave him only when he is utterly exhausted.

And, while they were on their way, a man said to Jesus: "I will follow you wherever you go."

Then, if any one there is deserving of a blessing, your blessing will rest upon him; but if not, it will come back upon yourselves.

I tell you that the doom of Sodom will be more bearable on 'That Day' than the doom of that town.

Yet the doom of Tyre and Sidon will be more bearable at the Judgment than yours.

And you, Capernaum! Will you 'exalt yourself to heaven'? 'You shall go down to the Place of Death.'

The next day he took out four shillings and gave them to the inn-keeper. 'Take care of him,' he said, 'and whatever more you may spend I will myself repay you on my way back.'

I tell you that, even though he will not get up and give him anything because he is a friend, yet because of his persistence he will rouse himself and give him what he wants.

What father among you, if his son asks him for a fish, will give him a snake instead,

Or, if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion?

No sooner does a foul spirit leave a man, than it passes through places where there is no water, in search of rest; and finding none, it says 'I will go back to the home which I left';

At the Judgment the Queen of the South will rise up with the men of this generation, and will condemn them, because she came from the very ends of the earth to listen to the wisdom of Solomon; and here is more than a Solomon!

At the Judgment the men of Nineveh will stand up with this generation, and will condemn it, because they repented at Jonah's proclamation; and here is more than a Jonah!

If, then, your whole body is lit up, and no corner of it darkened, the whole will be lit up, just as when a lamp gives you light by its brilliance."

That is why the Wisdom of God said--"I will send to them Prophets and Apostles,

Some of whom they will persecute and kill, in order that the 'blood' of all the prophets 'that has been spilt' since the creation of the world may be exacted from this generation--

From the blood of Abel down to the blood of Zechariah, who was slain between the altar and the House of God." Yes, I tell you, it will be exacted from this generation.

There is nothing, however covered up, which will not be uncovered, nor anything kept secret which will not become known.

Hence all that you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear, within closed doors, will be proclaimed upon the housetops.

I will show you of whom you should be afraid. Be afraid of him who, after killing you, has the power to fling you into the Pit. Yes, I say, be afraid of him.

But he, who disowns me before his fellow men, will be altogether disowned before God's angels.

Whenever they take you before the Synagogue Courts or the magistrates or other authorities, do not be anxious as to how you will defend yourselves, or what your defense will be, or what you will say;

This is what I will do,' he said; 'I will pull down my barns and build larger ones, and store all my grain and my goods in them;

If, even in the field, God so clothes the grass which is living to-day and to-morrow will be thrown into the oven, how much more will he clothe you, O men of little faith!

Happy are those servants whom, on his return, the Master will find watching. I tell you that he will make himself ready, and bid them take their places at table, and will come and wait upon them.

Do you also prepare, for when you are least expecting him the Son of Man will come."

"Who, then," replied the Master, "is that trustworthy steward, the careful man, who will be placed by his master over his establishment, to give them their rations at the proper time?

Happy will that servant be whom his master, when he comes home, shall find doing this.

His master, I tell you, will put him in charge of the whole of his property.

That servant's master will come on a day when he does not expect him, and at an hour of which he is unaware, and will flog him severely and assign him his place among the untrustworthy.

while one who does not know his master's wishes, but acts so as to deserve a flogging, will receive but few. From every one to whom much has been given much will be expected, and from the man to whom much has been entrusted the more will be demanded.

For from this time, if there are five people in a house, they will be divided, three against two, and two against three.

And when you see that the wind is in the south, you say 'It will be burning hot,' and so it proves.

When, for instance, you are going with your opponent before a magistrate, on your way to the court do your best to be quit of him; for fear that he should drag you before the judge, when the judge will hand you over to the bailiff of the court, and the bailiff throw you into prison.

You will not, I tell you, come out until you have paid the very last farthing."

No, I tell you; but, unless you repent, you will all perish as they did.

No, I tell you; but, unless you repent, you will all perish in the same manner."

It is like a mustard-seed which a man took and put in his garden. The seed grew and became a tree, and 'the wild birds roosted in its branches.'"

When once the master of the house has got up and shut the door, while you begin to say, as you stand outside and knock, 'Sir, open the door for us.' His answer will be--'I do not know where you come from.'

Then you will begin to say 'We have eaten and drunk in your presence, and you have taught in our streets,' and his reply will be--

There, there will be weeping and grinding of teeth, when you see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and all the Prophets, in the Kingdom of God, while you yourselves are being driven outside.

People will come from East and West, and from North and South, and take their places at the banquet in the Kingdom of God.

there are some who are last now who will then be first, and some who are first now who will then be last!"

And he said to them: "Which of you, finding that his son or his ox has fallen into a well, will not immediately pull him out on the Sabbath Day?"

And he who invited you both will come and say to you 'Make room for this man,' and then you will begin in confusion to take the lowest place.

No, when you are invited, go and take the lowest place, so that, when he who has invited you comes, he may say to you 'Friend, come higher up'; and then you will be honored in the eyes of all your fellow-guests.