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And so she will do year by year when she went up to the house of Jehovah, so she will be grieved, and she will weep and will not eat

The bows of the mighty being broken, and the weak were girded with strength.

And he struck into the fire-pan or into the boiler, or into the kettle, or into the pot; all which the fork will bring up the priest will take for himself. So they will do to all Israel coming there into Shiloh.

And before the lamp of God shall go out, and Samuel lay down in the edifice of Jehovah where there the ark of God.

And the word of Samuel will be to all Israel. And Israel will go forth to the meeting of Philisteim for war, and they will encamp upon the Stone of Help: and Philisteim encamped in Aphek.

And Philisteim will set in array to meet Israel: and the battle will smite, and Israel will be smitten before Philisteim: and they will strike the array in the field, about four thousand men.

And the people will come to the camp, and the old men of Israel will, say, Wherefore did Jehovah smite us this day before Philisteim? We will take to us from Shiloh the ark of the covenant of Jehovah, and it shall come into the midst of us and save us from the hand of our enemies.

And the ark of God was taken, and the two sons of Eli were slain, Hophni and Phinehaa

And a man of Benjamin will run from the array, and he will come to Shiloh in that day; and his garments rent and earth upon his head.

And the man will say to Eli, I came from the array, and I fled from the array this day; And he will say, What was the word, my son?

And she will call the boy, Where the Glory? saying, The glory uncovered from Israel: (for the taking of the ark of God, and for her father-in-law, and her husband.)

And the men of Ashdod will see that it is thus, and they will say, The ark of the God of Israel shall not dwell with us, for his hand was hard upon us and upon Dagon our god.

And the men who died not were struck with tumors: and the cry of the city will go up to the heavens.

And they will say, What the trespass that we shall turn back to him? And they will say, The number of the princes of Philisteim, five gold tumors, and five gold mice: for one smiting upon them all and upon your princes.

And make likenesses of your tumors, and likenesses of your mice destroying the land; and give glory to the God of Israel: perhaps he will lighten his hand from off you, and from off your gods, and from off your land.

And why shall ye make your hearts heavy, as Egypt and Pharaoh made their heart heavy? Did he not then do wonders among them, and they will send them away, and they will go?

And Samuel will say to all the house of Israel, saying, If with all your heart ye turn back to Jehovah, remove the strange gods out of the midst of you, and Ashtaroth, and prepare your hearts to Jehovah, and serve him alone, and he will deliver you from the hand of Philisteim.

And Philisteim will hear that the sons of Israel were gathered. together to Mizpeh, and the princes of Philisteim will go up against Israel And the sons of Israel will hear, and be afraid of the face of Philisteim.

And the sons of Israel will say to Samuel, Thou wilt not keep silence from us, crying to Jehovah our God, and he will save us from the hand of Philisteim.

And Samuel will be bringing up the burnt-offering, and Philisteim drew near to war against Israel: and Jehovah will thunder with a great voice in that day upon Philisteim and he will discomfit them; and they will be smitten before Israel.

And he went as often as from year to year, and be turned about the House of God, and Gilgal, and Mizpeh, and he judged Israel in all these places.

And he will say, This shall be the judgment of the king who shall reign over you: your sons he will take and set for himself, for his chariots and for his horsemen; and running before his chariots.

And your fields and your vineyards, and your olive trees, the good he will take and give to his servants.

And of your seeds and of your vineyards he will take the tenth and give to his eunuchs and to his servants.

And your servants and your maids, and your good young men, and your asses, he will take and make for his services.

And of your sheep he will take the tenth: and ye shall be to him for servants.

And ye cried out in that day from before your king which ye chose to yourselves; and Jehovah will not answer you in that day.

And we were as all the nations; and our king judged us and went out before us, and fought our battles.

And he will say to him, Behold now, a man of God in this city, and the man honored; all which he shall speak, coming, will come: now we will go there, perhaps he will announce to us our way which we went upon it

And Saul will say to his boy, And behold, we will go, and what shall we bring to the man? for the bread departed from our vessels, and not a gift to bring to the man of God: what with us?

And the boy will add to answer Saul, and he will say, Behold, we shall find in my hand the fourth of a shekel of silver: and I gave it to the man of God and he announced to us our way.

And Saul will say to his boy, Thy word was good; going, we will go: and they will go to the city where was the man of God there.

And Jehovah revealed in the ear of Samuel one day, before Saul came, saying,

And Saul will draw near to Samuel in the midst of the gate, and he will say, Announce to me, now, where the house of him seeing.

In thy going this day from me and thou shalt find two men by the sepulchre of Rachel in the bound of Benjamin in Zelzah; and they said to thee, The asses were found which thou wentest to seek: and behold, thy father cast off the matters of the asses, and was afraid for you, saying, What shall I do for my son?

After this thou shalt come to the hill of God, where there Philisteim standing: and it will be when thou comest there to the city, and thou didst light upon a band of prophets coming down out of Bamah, and before them a lyre, and a drum, and a pipe, and a harp; and they prophesying.

And ye this day rejected your God who himself saves you from all your evils and your straits; and ye will say to him, That thou shalt put a king over us. And now stand ye before Jehovah by your tribes and by your thousands.

And the men of Jabesh will say, To morrow we will come forth to you, and do to us air the good in your eyes.

And it will be on the morrow, and Saul will put the people three heads; and they will come into the midst of the camp in the watch of the morning, and they will strike Ammon till the heat of the day: and there will be those being left and they will be scattered, and two among them were not left together.

And Samuel will say to all Israel, Behold, I heard to your voice, to all that ye said to me, and I will make a king over you.

Behold me: answer against me before Jehovah and before his Messiah, whose ox did I take? or whose ass did I take? and whom did I oppress? whom did I vex? and from whose hand did I take a ransom and hidden mine eyes with it? and I will turn back to you.

And Samuel will say to the people, Jehovah who made Moses and Aaron, and who brought up your fathers from the land of Egypt

And now, stand ye, and I will judge you before Jehovah, all the justices of Jehovah which he did with you and with your fathers.

When Jacob came into Egypt, and your fathers will cry to Jehovah, and Jehovah will send Moses and Aaron, and they will bring forth your fathers from Egypt, and they will turn them back into this place.

And they will forget Jehovah their God, and he will sell them into the hand of Sisera, chief of the army of Razor, and into the hand of Philisteim, and into the hand of the king of Moab, and they will war against them.

And they will cry to Jehovah, and say, We sinned, for we forsook Jehovah, and we shall serve the Baalims and Ashtaroth: and now deliver us out of the hand of our enemies and we will serve thee.

And Jehovah will send Jerubbaal and Bedan and Jephthah and Samuel, and he will deliver you from the hand of your enemies from round about, and ye shall dwell confidently.

And ye will see that Nahash, king of the sons of Ammon, came against you, and ye will say to me, Nay; but a king shall reign over us: and Jehovah your God your king.

If ye will fear Jehovah and serve him, and hear to his voice, and ye shall not rebel against the mouth of Jehovah, and ye shall be, also ye, and the king which reigned over you, after Jehovah your God.

And if ye will not hear to the voice of Jehovah, and rebel against the mouth of Jehovah, and the hand of the Lord was against you and your fathers.

Also now stand ye and see this great word which Jehovah does before your eyes.

Is it not the harvest of wheat this day? I will call to Jehovah and he will give voices and rain; and know ye and see that your wickedness is great which ye did in the eyes of Jehovah to ask for you a king.

And all the people will say to Samuel, Pray for thy servants to Jehovah thy God, and we shall not die; for we added upon all our sins the wickedness to ask for us a king.

And Samuel will say to the people, Ye shall not be afraid: ye did all this wickedness: but ye shall not turn aside from after Jehovah, and serve ye Jehovah with all your heart.

And ye shall not turn aside: for after vanities which will not profit, and they will not deliver, for they are vanities.

And if doing evil, ye shall do evil, also ye, also your king; ye shall perish.

Saul the son of a year in his reigning; and two years he reigned over Israel,

And Saul will choose to him three thousand from Israel; and two thousand will be with Saul in Michmash, and in the mount of the house of God, and a thousand were with Jonathan in the hill of Benjamin: and the remainder of the people he sent a man to his tent.

And the rovers were gathered together to war with Israel, thirty thousand chariots and six thousand horsemen, and people as the sand which is upon the lip of the sea for multitude: and they will come up and encamp in Michmash, east of the House of Nothing.

And the men of Israel saw that a strait to him, for the people were pressed; and the people will hide in caves, and in thorn-bushes, and in rocks, and in towers, and in pits.

And he will wait some days according to the appointment which was of Samuel: and Samuel came not to Gilgal; and the people were scattered from him.

And Samuel will say, What didst thou? and Saul will say, Because I saw, that the people were scattered from me, and thou camest not at the appointment of days, and the rovers were gathered together to Michmash;

And an artificer will not be found in all the land of Israel: (for the rovers said, Lest the Hebrews shall make a sword or spear:)

And it was in the day of battle, and a sword and spear were not found in the hand of all the people that were with Saul and Jonathan: and they will be found to Saul and to Jonathan his son.

And Saul dwelt in the extremity of the hill under the pomegranate which is in the precipice. And the people that were with him, about six hundred men.

And between the passages where Jonathan sought to pass through upon the garrison of the rovers, and the tooth of a rock from beyond this, and the tooth of a rock from beyond. this; and the name of the one Bozez, and the name of the one Seneh.

And Jonathan will say to the boy lifting up his arms, Come, and we will pass over to the garrison of these uncircumcised: perhaps Jehovah will do for us: for no restraining to Jehovah to save by a multitude or by few.

If thus they shall say to us, Be still till our reaching to you; and we stood our lowest place, and we will not go up to them.

And if thus they shall say, Come up upon us; and we went up: for Jehovah gave them into our hand; and this to us the sign.

And they two will disclose to the garrison of the rovers; and the rovers will say, Behold, the Hebrews coming forth from the holes where they hid there.

And Saul will say to the people that were with him, Review now, and see who went from us. And they will review, and behold, not Jonathan and he lifting up his arms.

And Saul will be convoked and all the people which were with him, and they will go even to the battle: and behold, the sword of a man will be against his neighbor, a very great confusion.

And the Hebrews being to the rovers about yesterday the third day, who went up with them into the camp round about, and also they to be with Israel which were with Saul and, Jonathan.

And a man from the people will answer and say, Thy father adjuring, adjured the people, saying, Cursed the man who shall eat bread this day. And the people were wearied.

And they will strike the rovers in that day, from Michmash to the oak: and the people were greatly wearied.

And strong war will be against the rovers all the days of Saul: and Saul seeing every strong man and every son of strength, and he will gather him to him.

And Saul and the people will have pity upon Agag, and upon the good of the sheep, and the oxen and the double, and upon the lambs and upon all the good, and they were not willing to exterminate them: and every work despised and wasting away, they exterminated it

And Samuel will say, And what the voice of sheep in mine ear, and the voice of the oxen which I hear?

And Samuel will say to Jesse, Are these the whole of the boys? And he will say, The small was yet left, and behold, he fed among the sheep. And Samuel will say to Jesse, Send and take him, for we will not turn about till his coming here.

Will our lord now say to thy servants before thee, Seek out a man knowing to play upon the harp: and it was in the evil spirit of God being upon thee, and he playing with the hand and doing good to thee.

And one of his boys will answer and say, I saw a son to Jesse of the House of Bread, knowing to play, mighty of strength, and a man of war, and discerning the word, and a man of figure, and Jehovah with him.

And the rovers will gather together their camps for war, and they will gather together at Shocoth, which is to Judah, and they will encamp between Shocoth and between Azekah, in the end of Damim.

And Saul and the man Israel were gathered together, and they will encamp in the valley of Elah, and they arranged the battle to meet the rovers.

And the arrow of his spear as the beam of weavers, and the flame of his spear, six hundred shekels of iron. And he lifting up a shield went before him.

If he shall be able to war with me and strike me, and we were to you for servants: and if I shall be able against him and strike him, and ye were to us for servants, and ye served us.

And three sons of Jesse, the great ones, going, went after Saul to war: and the names of his three sons which went in the war, Eliab the first-born and his second, Abinadab, and the third, Shammah.

And David will rise early in the morning, and will cast the sheep upon a watcher, and he will lift up and go as Jesse commanded him; and he will come to the track, and the army going forth to the array and they shouted in the war.

And Israel will arrange, and the rovers, array to meet array.

And David will cast the utensils from off him upon the hand of the watcher of the utensils, and be will run to the array, and will come and ask to his;brethren for peace.

And Saul will say to David, Thou wilt not be able to go against this of the rovers to war with him, for thou a boy, and he a man of war from his youth.

And all this assembly shall know that not with sword and with spear Jehovah will save, for to Jehovah the battle, and he gave you into our hand.

And it was when he of the rovers arose, and he will come and draw near to meet David, and David will hasten and run to the array to meet him of the rovers.

And David will go forth in all which Saul will send him, and he will be prudent: and Saul will set him over the men of war, and he will be good in the eyes of all the people, and also in the eyes of the servants of Saul.

And Saul's servants will speak in the ears of David these words. And David will say, Was it light in your eyes to be son-in-law to the king, and I a poor man and lightly esteemed?

And his servants will announce to David these words, and the word will be straight in David's eyes, to be son-in-law to the king: and the days were not filled up.