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They say, "Let's tear off the shackles they've put on us! Let's free ourselves from their ropes!"

But may all who take shelter in you be happy! May they continually shout for joy! Shelter them so that those who are loyal to you may rejoice!

I am exhausted as I groan; all night long I drench my bed in tears; my tears saturate the cushion beneath me.

May the evil deeds of the wicked come to an end! But make the innocent secure, O righteous God, you who examine inner thoughts and motives!

he digs a pit and then falls into the hole he has made.

The nations fell into the pit they had made; their feet were caught in the net they had hidden.

For look, the wicked prepare their bows, they put their arrows on the strings, to shoot in the darkness at the morally upright.

He despises a reprobate, but honors the Lord's loyal followers. He makes firm commitments and does not renege on his promise.

You have scrutinized my inner motives; you have examined me during the night. You have carefully evaluated me, but you find no sin. I am determined I will say nothing sinful.

They confronted me in my day of calamity, but the Lord helped me.

You prove to be reliable to one who is blameless, but you prove to be deceptive to one who is perverse.

They cry out, but there is no one to help them; they cry out to the Lord, but he does not answer them.

I grind them as fine windblown dust; I beat them underfoot like clay in the streets.

My God, I cry out during the day, but you do not answer, and during the night my prayers do not let up.

But you, O Lord, do not remain far away! You are my source of strength! Hurry and help me!

"What profit is there in taking my life, in my descending into the Pit? Can the dust of the grave praise you? Can it declare your loyalty?

I jumped to conclusions and said, "I am cut off from your presence!" But you heard my plea for mercy when I cried out to you for help.

Do not be like an unintelligent horse or mule, which will not obey you unless they are controlled by a bridle and bit.

I did not harm them, but they hid a net to catch me and dug a pit to trap me.

But when I stumbled, they rejoiced and gathered together; they gathered together to ambush me. They tore at me without stopping to rest.

For they do not try to make peace with others, but plan ways to deceive those who are unsuspecting.

But you take notice, Lord! O Lord, do not remain far away from me!

He plans ways to sin while he lies in bed; he is committed to a sinful lifestyle; he does not reject what is evil.

Wicked men will be wiped out, but those who rely on the Lord are the ones who will possess the land.

Evil men will soon disappear; you will stare at the spot where they once were, but they will be gone.

for evil men will lose their power, but the Lord sustains the godly.

Surely those favored by the Lord will possess the land, but those rejected by him will be wiped out.

For the Lord promotes justice, and never abandons his faithful followers. They are permanently secure, but the children of evil men are wiped out.

But the Lord does not surrender the godly, or allow them to be condemned in a court of law.

But then one passes by, and suddenly they have disappeared! I looked for them, but they could not be found.

But those who are my enemies for no reason are numerous; those who hate me without cause outnumber me.

For the music director, Jeduthun; a psalm of David. I decided, "I will watch what I say and make sure I do not sin with my tongue. I will put a muzzle over my mouth while in the presence of an evil man."

Look, you make my days short-lived, and my life span is nothing from your perspective. Surely all people, even those who seem secure, are nothing but vapor.

O Lord, my God, you have accomplished many things; you have done amazing things and carried out your purposes for us. No one can thwart you! I want to declare them and talk about them, but they are too numerous to recount!

They say, 'An awful disease overwhelms him, and now that he is bed-ridden he will never recover.'

For they did not conquer the land by their swords, and they did not prevail by their strength, but rather by your power, strength and good favor, for you were partial to them.

But you rejected and embarrassed us! You did not go into battle with our armies.

But he will join his ancestors; they will never again see the light of day.

When you did these things, I was silent, so you thought I was exactly like you. But now I will condemn you and state my case against you!

His words are as smooth as butter, but he harbors animosity in his heart. His words seem softer than oil, but they are really like sharp swords.

But you, O God, will bring them down to the deep Pit. Violent and deceitful people will not live even half a normal lifespan. But as for me, I trust in you.

You keep track of my misery. Put my tears in your leather container! Are they not recorded in your scroll?

They have prepared a net to trap me; I am discouraged. They have dug a pit for me. They will fall into it! (Selah)

For look, they wait to ambush me; powerful men stalk me, but not because I have rebelled or sinned, O Lord.

They spend all their time planning how to bring him down. They love to use deceit; they pronounce blessings with their mouths, but inwardly they utter curses. (Selah)

Men are nothing but a mere breath; human beings are unreliable. When they are weighed in the scales, all of them together are lighter than air.

whenever I remember you on my bed, and think about you during the nighttime hours.

Enemies seek to destroy my life, but they will descend into the depths of the earth.

But the king will rejoice in God; everyone who takes oaths in his name will boast, for the mouths of those who speak lies will be shut up.

But God will shoot at them; suddenly they will be wounded by an arrow.

Our record of sins overwhelms me, but you forgive our acts of rebellion.

You allowed men to ride over our heads; we passed through fire and water, but you brought us out into a wide open place.

But the godly are happy; they rejoice before God and are overcome with joy.

Don't let the current overpower me! Don't let the deep swallow me up! Don't let the pit devour me!

They put bitter poison into my food, and to quench my thirst they give me vinegar to drink.

Many are appalled when they see me, but you are my secure shelter.

But as for me, my feet almost slipped; my feet almost slid out from under me.

Surely you put them in slippery places; you bring them down to ruin.