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For if you have these things in good measure, they will make you fertile and full of fruit in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Verse ConceptsThe Source Of FruitKnowing Christ PersonallyUseful PeopleGrowingpetermeasurement

For I am conscious that in a short time I will have to put off this tent of flesh, as our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me.

Verse ConceptsDeath Of God's PeopleNear The Time PersonallyThings RevealedDeath Of The Righteous

Moreover I will endeavour that ye may be able after my decease to have these things always in remembrance.

Verse ConceptseagernessReminders Of The Gospeleffort

And in their immoral ways they will have many eager disciples, through whom religion will be brought into disrepute.

Verse ConceptsFalse TeachingsReproachTeachers, Of False DoctrinesThe Truth Of The GospelThey Committed Immorality

And through greedy desires and deceptive words they will exploit you [for evil purposes]. But the judgment that they have had coming for a long time, will not delay, but will eventually awaken [i.e., arrive] to bring destruction upon them.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual MalnutritionCovetingFalse TeachingsGreed, Condemnation OfHeresiesHypocrisy, Description OfPeter, Preacher And TeacherHypocrites, Description OfUnfaithful MinistersDestruction Of The WickedFalse WaysGod Planning Of OldSelf CenterednessCovetousnessGreedFake Friends

But these men, like beasts without reason, whose natural use is to be taken and put to death, crying out against things of which they have no knowledge, will undergo that same destruction which they are designing for others;

Verse ConceptsDeath, Of UnbelieversDestructionProfanityWicked Described AsInstinctAnnihilationDestruction Of The WickedKilling Wild AnimalsBeing Killed Like An AnimalMen Similar To AnimalsMammalsKilled Like An AnimalPetsignorancecorruptionacting

suffering themselves, as the penalty for the suffering that they have inflicted. They think that pleasure consists in the self-indulgence of the moment. They are a stain and a disgrace, indulging, as they do, in their wanton revelry, even while joining you at your feasts.

Verse ConceptsDaylightExcessBlemishLove FeastLove, Nature OfWagesPleasure SeekersRiotsBlemished PeopleDuring The DayWages For EvilPartying

Beloved, I am now writing you this second letter. In this [as in the first one], I am stirring up your untainted mind to remind you,

Verse ConceptsLettersRemindersWritingReminders Of The GospelSecond Thingremembrance

and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming [what has become of it]? For ever since the fathers fell asleep [in death], all things have continued [exactly] as they did from the beginning of creation.”

Verse ConceptsDoubting God's WordSecond Coming Of ChristSelf DelusionFrom The BeginningThe Fact Of His ComingMaranathaScoffersa new beginningDadsPromisesDeath Of A FatherSigns Of The End TimesThe Second ComingEnd Timesaccomplishmentsgrandfathersmockers