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All is to no purpose, said the Preacher, all the ways of man are to no purpose.

I said to my heart, See, I have become great and am increased in wisdom more than any who were before me in Jerusalem--yes, my heart has seen much wisdom and knowledge.

I said in my heart, I will give you joy for a test; so take your pleasure--but it was to no purpose.

Of laughing I said, It is foolish; and of joy--What use is it?

Then said I in my heart: As it comes to the foolish man, so will it come to me; so why have I been wise overmuch? Then I said in my heart: This again is to no purpose.

I said in my heart, God will be judge of the good and of the bad; because a time for every purpose and for every work has been fixed by him.

I said in my heart, It is because of the sons of men, so that God may put them to the test and that they may see themselves as beasts.

The sleep of a working man is sweet, if he has little food or much; but to him who is full, sleep will not come.

All this I have put to the test by wisdom; I said, I will be wise, but it was far from me.

Look! this I have seen, said the Preacher, taking one thing after another to get the true account,

Then I said, Wisdom is better than strength, but the poor man's wisdom is not respected, and his words are not given a hearing.

If a snake gives a bite before the word of power is said, then there is no longer any use in the word of power.

The words of a wise man's mouth are sweet to all, but the lips of a foolish man are his destruction.

In the morning put your seed into the earth, and till the evening let not your hand be at rest; because you are not certain which will do well, this or that--or if the two will be equally good.

This is the last word. All has been said. Have fear of God and keep his laws; because this is right for every man.