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At the same time, sayeth the LORD, there shall be heard a great cry from the fish port and a howling from the other port, and a great murder from the hills.

Woe unto you that dwell upon the sea coast, ye murderous people: the word of the LORD shall come upon you. O Canaan, thou land of the Philistines, I will destroy thee so that there shall no man dwell in thee any more.

This is the proud and careless city, that said in her heart, "I am, and there is else none." O how is she made so waste, that the beasts lie therein? Whoso goeth by, mocketh her, and pointeth at her with his finger.

Therefore will I root out this people, and destroy their towers: yea, and make their streets so void, that no man shall go therein. Their cities shall be broken down, so that no body shall be left, nor dwell there any more.

I said unto them, "O fear me, and be content to be reformed." That their dwelling should not be destroyed, and that there should happen unto them none of these things, wherewith I shall visit them. But nevertheless they stand up early, to follow the filthiness of their own imaginations.

The remnant of Israel shall do no wickedness, nor speak lies: neither shall there any deceitful tongue be found in their mouths. For they shall be fed, and take their rest, and no man shall make them afraid.