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according to the good-news of the glory of the blessed God, of which I was entrusted.

This command I set before thee, child Timothy, according to the prophecies leading the way for thee, so that by them thou might war the good warfare.

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,

Laying these things down to the brothers, thou will be a good helper of Jesus Christ, reared up in the words of the faith, and of the good doctrine that thou have followed.

being testified in good works: if she has reared children, if she has been hospitable to strangers, if she has washed the feet of the sanctified, if she has relieved those who are afflicted, if she has followed every good work.

I solemnly testify before God, and Lord Jesus Christ, and the chosen agents, that thou keep these things without prejudice, doing nothing from partiality.

Likewise also good works are evident, and those faring otherwise cannot be hid.

Let bondmen, as many as are under a yoke, regard their own masters worthy of all respect, so that the name of God and the doctrine may not be blasphemed.

I command thee in the sight of God, who makes all live, and of Christ Jesus, who testified to Pontius Pilate the good confession,