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For we write no other things to you, but what ye know and acknowledge, and I trust will acknowledge even to the end.

For even that which was made glorious, had no glory in this respect, because of the glory that excelleth.

So that we from this time know no one after the flesh; yea, if we have known even Christ after the flesh, yet now we know him so no more.

But we will not boastingly extend ourselves beyond our measure; but according to the measure of the providence, which God hath allotted us, a measure to reach even unto you.

For we do not extend ourselves excessively, as not reaching to you; for we are come even to you, in the gospel of Christ:

Because I love you not? God knoweth. But what I do, I will do, that I may cut off the occasion from them who desire occasion, that wherein they boast, they may be found even as we.