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Then you will understand righteousness, justice,
and integrity—every good path.

for I am giving you good instruction.
Don’t abandon my teaching.

Get wisdom, get understanding;
don’t forget or turn away from the words of my mouth.

He will get a beating and dishonor,
and his disgrace will never be removed.

The one who corrects a mocker
will bring dishonor on himself;
the one who rebukes a wicked man will get hurt.

The mouth of the righteous produces wisdom,
but a perverse tongue will be cut out.

The one who searches for what is good finds favor,
but if someone looks for trouble, it will come to him.

A man will be satisfied with good
by the words of his mouth,
and the work of a man’s hands will reward him.

From the words of his mouth,
a man will enjoy good things,
but treacherous people have an appetite for violence.

The evil bow before those who are good,
the wicked, at the gates of the righteous.

Anyone who ignores discipline despises himself,
but whoever listens to correction acquires good sense.

God’s verdict is on the lips of a king;
his mouth should not give an unfair judgment.

It is certainly not good to fine an innocent person
or to beat a noble for his honesty.

It is not good to show partiality to the guilty
by perverting the justice due the innocent.

The one who acquires good sense loves himself;
one who safeguards understanding finds success.

Take his garment,
for he has put up security for a stranger;
get collateral if it is for foreigners.

Wisdom is inaccessible to a fool;
he does not open his mouth at the gate.

Eat honey, my son, for it is good,
and the honeycomb is sweet to your palate;

Though a righteous man falls seven times,
he will get up,
but the wicked will stumble into ruin.

These sayings also belong to the wise:

It is not good to show partiality in judgment.

If you find honey, eat only what you need;
otherwise, you’ll get sick from it and vomit.

Take his garment,
for he has put up security for a stranger;
get collateral if it is for foreigners.

there will be enough goat’s milk for your food—
food for your household
and nourishment for your female servants.


The one who leads the upright into an evil way
will fall into his own pit,
but the blameless will inherit what is good.

Otherwise, I might have too much
and deny You, saying, “Who is the Lord?”
or I might have nothing and steal,
profaning the name of my God.

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