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Your cheeks are lovely with ornaments, your neck with strings of jewels.

Look at you! You are beautiful, my darling. Look at you! You are so beautiful. Your eyes are doves.

Look at you! You are handsome, my beloved, truly lovely. How lush is our couch.

The beams of our house are cedar, our rafters are pine.

Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that destroy the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom."

All of them are wearing swords and are experienced in battle. Each has his sword on his thigh, ready for the terror of the night.

Look at you! You are beautiful, my darling. Look at you! You are so beautiful. Your eyes behind your veil are doves, your hair is like a flock of goats coming down from Mt. Gilead.

Your teeth are like a flock of sheep about to be sheared, who are coming up from being washed. All of them are twins, not one has lost her young.

Your lips are like a scarlet thread, and your mouth is lovely. Behind your veil, your temple is like a slice of pomegranate.

Your neck is like the tower of David, built with rows of stones. A thousand shields are hung upon it, all the shields of the warriors.

Your two breasts are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle grazing among the lilies.

Your lips drip honey, my bride; milk and honey are under your tongue. The scent of your garments is like the fragrance of Lebanon.

Your shoots are an orchard of pomegranates, with choice fruit, henna with nard,

You are a garden spring, a well of fresh water, streams flowing from Lebanon.

I charge you, young women of Jerusalem, "If you find my beloved, what are you to tell him? Tell him that I'm weak with love."

His eyes are like doves by streams of water, bathed in milk, mounted like jewels.

His cheeks are like beds of spices, like towers of perfume. His lips are lilies, dripping with liquid myrrh.

His hands are rods of gold, set with beryl. His stomach is carved ivory, inlaid with sapphires.

His legs are pillars of marble set on bases of pure gold. His appearance is like Lebanon, choice like its cedars.

You are beautiful, my darling, like Tirzah, lovely like Jerusalem, as awesome as an army with banners.

Your teeth are like a flock of ewes coming up from being washed. All of them are twins, not one has lost her young.

There are sixty queens and eighty mistresses, and too many young women to count,

How beautiful are your feet in sandals, noble lady. The curves of your thighs are like ornaments, the work of a skilled artist's hands.

Your two breasts are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle.

Your neck is like a tower of ivory. Your eyes are like the pools in Heshbon, beside the gate of Beth-rabbim. Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon, which faces Damascus.

Your head crowns you like Mount Carmel. Your flowing locks are like purple, and a king could be captured in the dangling tresses.

How beautiful and lovely you are, you are love with its exquisite delights.

Your stature is like a palm tree, and your breasts are like clusters of fruit.

The mandrakes give off their fragrance, and over our doors are all the choice fruits, both old and new, that I've stored up for you, my beloved.

Set me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm. For love is as strong as death, passion as intense as Sheol. The flames of love are flames of fire, a blaze that comes from the LORD.

My vineyard belongs to me and is at my disposal. The 1,000 are for you, Solomon, and 200 are for those who take care of its fruit.

You who sit in the gardens, companions are listening for your voice, but let me hear it.