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Then understandest thou righteousness, And judgment, and uprightness -- every good path.

Verse ConceptsDiscernmentfairnessacting

Get wisdom, get understanding, Do not forget, nor turn away From the sayings of my mouth.

Verse ConceptsStudyAcquiring WisdomNot Forgettingwise

The mouth of the righteous uttereth wisdom, And the tongue of frowardness is cut out.

Verse ConceptsBad LanguageMouthsCursingSevering Body PartsThe TongueTogethernesscutting

In the good of the righteous a city exulteth, And in the destruction of the wicked is singing.

Verse ConceptsProverbsShoutingDistinctives Of RighteousnessRejoicing Over Justice

The desire of the righteous is only good, The hope of the wicked is transgression.

Verse ConceptsFalse HopesRighteous, TheWithout Hopeexpectationswrath

Whoso is earnestly seeking good Seeketh a pleasing thing, And whoso is seeking evil -- it meeteth him.

Verse ConceptsFruits Of SinSeeking For Abstract ThingsFavorpositivity

The good bringeth forth favour from Jehovah, And the man of wicked devices He condemneth.

Verse ConceptsBehaviourShrewdnessDivine FavourEvil DevicesCondemnation Of The WickedA Good Man

From the fruit of the mouth is one satisfied with good, And the deed of man's hands returneth to him.

Verse ConceptsdiligenceLipsGood ReboundingBeing Positivehardworkfruitfulness

From the fruit of the mouth a man eateth good, And the soul of the treacherous -- violence.

Verse ConceptsLipsUnfaithfulness, To GodViolencePursuing ViolenceBeing PositiveThe Power Of Words

The evil have bowed down before the good, And the wicked at the gates of the righteous.

In the light of a king's face is life, And his good-will is as a cloud of the latter rain.

Verse ConceptsRainSpringWeather, As God's JudgmentFavorSmilingcloudsspringtime

Also, to fine the righteous is not good, To smite nobles for uprightness.

Verse ConceptsFloggingHonestyAdvice On Beating PeopleFine As Penalty

Acceptance of the face of the wicked is not good, To turn aside the righteous in judgment.

Verse ConceptsInnocence, Teaching OnWitnesses, FalseMaking DecisionsAcquitting The Guilty

The wrath of a king is a growl as of a young lion, And as dew on the herb his good-will.

Verse ConceptsCivil authoritiesdewGrassRageFavorSmilingwrath

Eat my son, honey that is good, And the honeycomb -- sweet to thy palate.

Verse ConceptsHoneyNutritionCandy

So is the knowledge of wisdom to thy soul, If thou hast found that there is a posterity And thy hope is not cut off.

Verse ConceptsFutureFindingWisdom, Human ImportanceBenefits Of WisdomThe Futureexpectations

These also are for the wise: -- To discern faces in judgment is not good.

Verse ConceptsFavouritismJudging OthersWisdom, Human ImportanceBigotryRacism

And to those reproving it is pleasant, And on them cometh a good blessing.

Verse ConceptsBlessingReproving Peoplerebuking

Whoso is causing the upright to err in an evil way, Into his own pit he doth fall, And the perfect do inherit good.

Verse ConceptsApostasy, Personal WarningsRetributionTrapEnticersDigging Pits

Words of a Gatherer, son of an obedient one, the declaration, an affirmation of the man: -- I have wearied myself for God, I have wearied myself for God, and am consumed.

Lest I become satiated, and have denied, And have said, 'Who is Jehovah?' And lest I be poor, and have stolen, And have laid hold of the name of my God.

Verse ConceptsIrreverenceDenying GodProfaning God's NameShortagesWho Is God?The poorBeing Contentdenial

Three there are going well, Yea, four are good in going:

Verse ConceptsThree Or Fourdignity

A girt one of the loins, or a he-goat, And a king -- no rising up with him.

Verse ConceptsAnimals, Types OfBirds, Types Of BirdsChickensNature Of Kings

She hath perceived when her merchandise is good, Her lamp is not extinguished in the night.

Verse ConceptsLampsProfitsActing All NightWomen WorkingWomen's RolesA Good Woman