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"Behold, I have taken the Levites, from among the children of Israel, for all the firstborn that openeth the matrix among the children of Israel: so that the Levites shall be mine.

"And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary and all things of the sanctuary, against that the host remove, then the sons of Kohath shall come in for to bear, and so let them not touch the sanctuary lest they die. And this is the charge of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of witness.

And Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest, shall have the charge to prepare oil for the lights and sweet cense, and the daily meat offering and the anointing oil, and the oversight of all the dwelling and of all that therein is, both over the sanctuary and over all that pertaineth thereto."

"Command the children of Israel that they put out of the host all the lepers and all that have issues and all that are defiled upon the dead;

"Speak unto the children of Israel, whether it be man or woman, 'When they have sinned any manner of sin which a man doeth wherewith a man trespasseth against the LORD, so that the soul hath done amiss:

then they shall knowledge their sins which they have done, and restore again the hurt that they have done in the whole, and put the fifth part of it more thereto, and give it unto him whom he hath trespassed against.

But and if he that maketh the amends have no man to do it to, then the amends that is made shall be the LORD's and the priest's, beside the ram of the atonement offering wherewith he maketh an atonement for himself.

And the priest shall set the wife before the LORD and uncover her head, and put the memorial of the offering in her hands which is the jealousy offering, and the priest shall have bitter and cursing water in his hand, and he shall conjure her and shall say unto her:

If no man have lain with thee, neither hast gone aside and defiled thyself behind thy husband, then have thou no harm of this bitter, cursing water.

And when he hath made her drink the water, if she be defiled and have trespassed against her husband, then shall the cursing water go into her and be so bitter, that her womb shall burst and her thigh shall rot, and she shall be a curse among her people.

And if she be not defiled but is clean, then she shall have no harm, but that she may conceive.

And make the Levites stand before Aaron and his sons, and have them to be a heave offering unto the LORD.

for they are given unto me from among the children of Israel: for I have taken them unto me for all the firstborn that open any matrix among the children of Israel.

and I have taken the Levites for all the firstborn among the children of Israel,

and have given them unto Aaron and his sons from among the children of Israel, to do the service of the children of Israel in the tabernacle of witness and to make an atonement for the children of Israel, that there be no plague among the children of Israel, if they come nigh unto the sanctuary."

And when a stranger dwelleth among you and will offer Passover unto the LORD, according to the ordinance of Passover and manner thereof shall he offer it. And ye shall have one law both for the stranger and for him that was born at home in the land.'"

And the sons of Aaron, the priests, shall blow the trumpets and shall have them and it shall be a law unto you forever and among your children after you.

Have I conceived all this people, or have I begotten them, that thou shouldest say unto me, 'Carry them in thy bosom, as a nurse beareth the sucking child, unto the land which thou swarest unto their fathers?'

Where should I have flesh to give unto all this people? For they weep unto me saying, 'Give us flesh that we may eat.'

Wherefore, if thou deal thus with me; kill me, I pray thee, if I have found favour in thy sight: and let me not see my wretchedness."

And say unto the people, 'Hallow your selves against tomorrow, that ye may eat flesh, for ye have whined in the ears of the LORD saying: Who shall give us flesh to eat? For we were happy when we were in Egypt! Therefore the LORD will give you flesh, and ye shall eat.

but even a month long, and until it come out at the nostrils of you, that ye be ready to parbreak: because that ye have cast the LORD aside which is among you, and have wept before him saying: Why came we out of Egypt?"

he said unto Moses, "Oh I beseech thee my lord, put not the sin upon us which we have foolishly committed and sinned.

And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched, unto the children of Israel, saying, "The land which we have gone through, to search it out, is a land that eateth up the inhabiters thereof, and the people that we saw in it are men of stature.

If the LORD have lust to us, he will bring us into this land and give it us, which is a land that floweth with milk and honey.

And the LORD said unto Moses, "How long shall this people rail upon me, and how long will it be, yer they believe me, for all my signs which I have showed among them?

And it will be told to the inhabiters of this land also, for they have heard likewise, that thou the LORD art among this people, and that thou art seen face to face, and that thy cloud standeth over them and that thou goest before them by day time in a pillar of cloud, and in a pillar of fire by night.

If thou shalt kill all this people as they were but one man then the nations which have heard the fame of thee, will speak, saying,

And the LORD said, "I have forgiven it, according to thy request.

For of all those men which have seen my glory and my miracles which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness, and yet have tempted me now this ten times and have not hearkened unto my voice,

"How long shall this evil multitude murmur against me? I have heard the murmurings of the children of Israel which they murmur against me.

Tell them that the LORD sayeth, 'As truly as I live, I will do unto you even as ye have spoken in mine ears.

Your carcasses shall lie in this wilderness, neither shall any of these numbers which were numbered from twenty years and above of you which have murmured against me

And your children, which ye said should be a prey: them I will bring in, and they shall know the land which ye have refused,

I, the LORD, have said that I will do it unto all this evil congregation that are gathered together against me: even in this wilderness ye shall be consumed, and here ye shall die."

And they rose up early in the morning and gat them up into the top of the mountain, saying, "Lo, we be here, and will go up unto the place of which the LORD said, for we have sinned."

And both thou that art born one of the children of Israel and the stranger that dwelleth among you shall have both one law, if ye sin through ignorance.

And they gathered themselves together against Moses and Aaron, and said unto them, "Ye have done enough. For all the multitude are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among them. Why therefore heave ye yourselves up above the congregation of the LORD?"

And Moses waxed very angry and said unto the LORD, "Turn not unto their offerings. I have not taken so much as an ass from them, neither have vexed any of them."

And Moses said, "Hereby ye shall know that the LORD hath sent me to do all these works, and that I have not done them of mine own mind:

But and if the LORD make a new thing, and the earth open her mouth and swallow them and all that pertain unto them, so that they go down quick in to hell: then ye shall understand, that these men have railed upon the LORD."

And on the morrow all the multitude of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron, saying, "Ye have killed the people of the LORD."

And write Aaron's name upon the staff of Levi: for every headman over the houses of their fathers shall have a rod.

behold, I have taken your brethren the Levites from among children of Israel, to be yours, as gifts given unto the LORD to do the service of the tabernacle of witness.

And see that both thou and thy sons with thee take heed unto your priests' office, in all things that pertain unto the altar and within the veil. And see that ye serve, for I have given your priests' office unto you for a gift to do service: and the stranger that cometh nigh, shall die."

And the LORD spake unto Aaron, "Behold, I have given thee the keeping of mine heave offerings in all the hallowed things of the children of Israel. And unto thee I have given them unto anointing and to thy sons: to be a duty forever.

And this shall be thine: the heave offering of their gifts, throughout all the wave offerings of the children of Israel, for I have given them unto thee and thy sons, and thy daughters with thee, to be a duty forever: and all that are clean in thy house, shall eat of it,

all the fat of the oil, of the wine and of the corn: their first fruits which they give unto the LORD that have I given unto thee.

And the LORD spake unto Aaron, "Thou shalt have none inheritance in their land, nor part among them. For I am thy part and thy inheritance among the children of Israel.

And behold, I have given the children of Levi the tenth in Israel to inherit, for the service which they serve in the tabernacle of witness,

For the tithes of the children of Israel which they heave unto the LORD, I have given the Levites to inherit. Wherefore I have said unto them, 'Among the children of Israel ye shall inherit none inheritance.'"

"Speak unto the Levites and say unto them, 'When ye take of the children of Israel the tithes which I have given you of them to your inheritance, ye shall take a heave offering of that same for the LORD: even the tenth of that tithe.

"And thou shalt say unto them, 'When ye have taken away the fat of it from it, it shall be counted unto the Levites, as the increase of corn and wine.

And ye shall bear no sin by the reason of it, when ye have taken from it the fat of it: neither shall ye unhallow the hallowed things of the children of Israel, and so shall ye not die.'"

And all the vessels that be open which have no lid nor covering upon them, are unclean.

Why have ye brought the congregation of the LORD unto this wilderness, that both we and our cattle should die here?

And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron, "Because ye believed me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them."

how our fathers went down into Egypt, and how we have dwelt in Egypt a long time, and, how the Egyptians vexed both us and our fathers.

"Let Aaron be put unto his people, for he shall not come into the land which I have given unto the children of Israel: because ye disobeyed my mouth at the water of strife.

And the people came to Moses, and said, "We have sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD and against thee: make intercession to the LORD, that he take away the serpents from us." And Moses made intercession for the people.

And the LORD said unto Moses, "Fear him not, for I have delivered him into thy hands with all his people and his land. And thou shalt do with him as thou didst with Sihon, the king of the Amorites which dwelt at Heshbon."

And the LORD opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, "What have I done unto thee, that thou smitest me thus three times?"

And Balaam said unto the angel of the LORD, "I have sinned: for I wist not that thou stoodest in the way against me. Now therefore if it displease thine eyes, I will turn again."

And God came unto Balaam, and Balaam said unto him, "I have prepared seven altars, and have offered upon every altar, an ox and a ram."

Behold: I have begun to bless, and have blessed; and cannot go back therefrom.

Behold, the people shall rise up as a lioness and heave up himself as a lion; and shall not lie down again, until he have eaten of the prey and drunk of the blood of them that are slain!"

and he shall have it and his seed after him, even the covenant of the priest's office forever, because he was jealous for his God's sake and made an atonement for the children of Israel.'"

for they have troubled you with their wiles with thee, which they have beguiled you, through Peor and through their sister Cozbi the daughter of a lord in Midian, which was slain in the day of the plague for Peor's sake."

And speak unto the children of Israel saying, 'If a man die and have no son, ye shall turn his inheritance unto his daughter.

If he have no daughter, ye shall give his inheritance unto his brethren.

If he have no brethren, ye shall give his inheritance unto his father's brethren.

If he have no father's brethren, ye shall give his inheritance unto him that is next to him of his kindred, and let him possess it. And this shall be unto the children of Israel an ordinance, and a law, as the LORD hath commanded Moses.'"

And the LORD said unto Moses, "Get thee up into this mount Abarim, and behold, the land which I have given unto the children of Israel.

The vow of a widow and of her that is divorced, and all that they have bound their souls withal, shall stand in effect with them.

and said unto them, "Have ye saved the women alive?

Now, therefore, slay all the men-children and the women that have lain with men, fleshly.

But all the women-children that have not lain with men, keep alive for yourselves.

And lodge without the host seven days, all that have killed any person and all that have touched any dead body, and purify both yourselves and your prisoners; the third day and the seventh.

"Thy servants have taken the sum of the men of war, which were under our hand, and there lacked not one man of them.

We have therefore brought a present unto the LORD: what every man found of jewels of gold: chains, bracelets, rings, earrings and spangles, to make an atonement for our souls before the LORD."

which country the LORD smote before the congregation of Israel, is a land for cattle: and we thy servants have cattle.

Wherefore," said they, "if we have found grace in thy sight, let this land be given unto thy servants to possess, and bring us not over Jordan."

'None of the men that came out of Egypt, from twenty years old and above, shall see the land which I swore unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, because they have not continually followed me:

save Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite, and Joshua the son of Nun, for they have followed me continually.'

But we ourselves will go ready armed before the children of Israel, until we have brought them unto their place. And our children shall dwell in the fenced cities, because of the inhabiters of the land.

And we will not return unto our houses until the children of Israel have inherited: every man his inheritance.

and will go all of you in harness over Jordan before the LORD, until he have cast out his enemies before him,

Build your cities for your children and folds for your sheep, and see ye do that ye have spoken."

But and if they will not go over with you in harness, then they shall have their possessions among you in the land of Canaan."

And possess the land and dwell therein, for I have given you the land to enjoy it.

for the tribe of the children of Reuben have received, in the households of their fathers; and the tribe of the children of Gad in their fathers' households; and the half tribe of Manasseh, have received their inheritance -

that is, to wit, two tribes and a half have received their inheritance on the other side of Jordan by Jericho eastward, toward the sun-rising."

And of the cities which ye shall give out of the possessions of the children of Israel, ye shall give many out of their possessions that have much and few out of their possessions that have little: so that every tribe shall give of his cities unto the Levites, according to the inheritance which he inheriteth."

because he should have bidden in his free town until the death of the high priest, and after the death of the high priest, he shall return again unto the land of his possession.

And Moses commanded the children of Israel at the mouth of the LORD, saying, "The tribe of the children of Joseph have said well.