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where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputant of this age? has not God prov'd the wisdom of this world to be downright folly.

Verse ConceptsPresent Evil AgePride, Examples OfThoughtReasoned ArgumentFalse WisdomFoolishness Of MenQuestioning GodAgemangirlfriendswise

those who were looked upon by the world as vile, as despicable, as nothing, these has God chosen to reduce their sufficiency to nothing.

Verse ConceptsChosen InstrumentsHumilityArrogant ExistenceChosen DisciplesOther Unimportant PeopleimportanceJustification Excluding Boasting

now the spirit which we have received, is not the spirit of this world, but that which comes from God; that we might know what he has graciously bestowed upon us.

Verse ConceptsGrace, And Holy SpiritUnderstandingGod Giving UnderstandingGod Giving His SpiritTaught By The SpiritKnowing About God's KingdomSpiritual Giftssonship

so then, neither is he that planted any thing, nor he that watered: it is God only that gives the increase.

Verse ConceptsWork, Divine And HumanAccoladesIncreaseOther Unimportant PeopleGrowingPlanting Seeds

You have already a sufficiency, you already abound, you live like princes in our absence: and would to God you did reign, that we too might have the advantage of your administration.

Verse ConceptsComplacencyExaggerationsBitingFilling PeopleAuthority Of DisciplesGetting Rich

for it seems as if God had exposed us apostles the last upon the stage, as persons appointed to death. for we are made a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men.

Verse ConceptsPaul, Apostle To GentilesApostles, Function In Early ChurchProcessionsAfflicted To DeathSpectacleAngels Interacting With PeopleThe End Of The WorldPutting God FirstThe Worldhumanityfatepartnershipacting

nor thieves, nor misers, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor raparees, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

Verse ConceptsAlcoholAlcohol AbuseAddictionAlcoholicsCovetousnessDrunkennessInheritanceGreedthievescheatersdrunkards

"meat is design'd for the belly, and the belly for meat:" true, yet God has design'd both for destruction. now the body is not design'd for licentiousness, but for the glory of the Lord; since the Lord died for the glorification of the body:

Verse ConceptsSpiritual MalnutritionSexual AberrationsFornicationStomachsLasciviousnessSexual ChastityThe Human BodyGod DestroyingProvision For The BodyAvoid ImmoralityFood Is FittingUnfitting ThingsNutritionsexSexual ImmoralityMoralityTaking Care Of Your BodySexual PurityThe Body

for I wish that all men were as I myself am: but every man hath his proper gift from God, some one way, and some another.

Verse ConceptsGiving, Of TalentsSinglenessCelibacyDifferent ThingsLike People In Characterthe Gifts of GodPurityGifts And TalentsBeing Single

Whatever condition God has allotted to any man, let him go on in the same state he was in when he became a christian: this I give as a standing rule to all churches.

Verse ConceptsOrderliness In Personal DevotionWork, As Ordained By GodChurch OrderAssignmentThe churchChurch Of GodLife PurposeServing The Church

As to the eating therefore of what is offered in sacrifice to idols, we know that the heathen deities have no real existence, and that there is but one God.

Verse ConceptsGod, Unity OfMonotheismOne GodIdols Not ExistingUseless IdolsNon ExistenceNo Other Is GodFood For Other godsGod Is OneSacrificesEating Meatstatues

meat does not recommend us to God: if we eat, we are not the better men; if we don't eat, we are not the worse.

Verse Conceptsdrawing near to GodRitualGood Or BadPeople Commended By GodLove And RelationshipsEating Meatlentconnectionimprovement

to those who are without the law, as without that law, (not as being under no law to God, but as under the law to Christ) that I might gain those who are without the law.

Verse ConceptsJustification By FaithThe Law Of ChristWithout The LawStaying Strong And Not Giving UpStaying PositivePositive ThinkingNever Giving UpNot Being Alonelawactingfreeorderflexibilitychrist

but with the greater part God was not well pleased: for their carcasses were strown in the wilderness.

Verse ConceptsDesertsDying In The WildernessNot Pleasing GodDying In The Desert Sinners Grasped By Death

no, but that what the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons, and not to God: and I would not have you partake of the sacrifices of demons.

Verse ConceptsAstrologyFalse ReligionPagansNations DescribedSacrificesDemonsSacrificeHalloweenpartnershipstatuesDemonic Influence

Be you yourselves judges: is it decent for a woman to pray to God without a veil?

Verse ConceptsCovering HeadsBare HeadsWomen's RolesBeing A Woman Of God

but if any man has a mind to be contentious, I answer, we have no such custom, nor any of the churches of God.

Verse ConceptsDivisions, Contrary ToChurch Of GodWomen's Rolespractice

what, have you no houses to eat and drink in? or have ye a contempt for the church of God, or is it to insult those who are in want? what shall I say to you? shall I commend such behaviour? I do not approve of it.

Verse ConceptsSacrilegeLiving In HousesShaming PeopleEating And DrinkingNot Helping The PoorThe Church UniversalAlcoholic BeveragesChurch Of GodGoing To Churchcommunion

of which the graceful have no need: but God has contrived the symmetry of the body, by bestowing an additional advantage where it seem'd to want it.

Verse ConceptsPeople Have Honour

for he that speaks in an unknown tongue, speaks not to men, but to God: for no man can understand the mysteries he delivers by the spirit.

Verse ConceptsBaptism Of The Holy SpiritMysterySpiritual UnderstandingUnintelligiblenessPrayer LanguageLanguageThe Tonguespeakingsecrets

for instance, brethren, if I deliver myself to you in an unknown tongue, what good shall I do you, except I deliver to you the meaning of what is said, whether it relate to revelation, to mystical knowledge, to prophecy, or to doctrine.

Verse ConceptsProfitsTeachingAcquiring KnowledgeTeaching In The ChurchDoing Gooddoctrine

the secrets of his heart become manifest; and so falling down on his face, he will worship God, and declare that God is certainly amongst you.

Verse ConceptsFaultsGod, Present EverywhereHeart, Fallen And RedeemedSin Made KnownGod Is Among YouWorshipping God

but if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and tacitly address himself to God.

Verse ConceptsPraying QuietlyCurbing SpeechSoliloquyThe Tonguespeaking

yea, and we are no better than enthusiastic impostors by affirming that God raised up Christ, when he never did raise him up.

Verse ConceptsAre The Dead Raised?Christ Would Risereality

and when all things shall be reduced under subjection to him, then shall the son also himself be subject to him that put all things under his subjection, that God may be all in all.

Verse ConceptsJesus Christ, Son Of GodThe Submission Of ChristGod's FullnessInteraction Of Father And SonSubject To GodPutting God FirstGod Turning Bad Things Into Goodeverything

but God gives it such a body, as he thinks fit, to every seed its peculiar body.

Verse ConceptsPlanting SeedsSeedsVarieties

this I say, my brethren, because the body, as it is at present, cannot possess the kingdom of God; and what is corruptible, can't enjoy incorruptibility.

Verse ConceptsKingdom Of God, Entry IntoExclusionTransient BodyLimitations Of The BodyNo DecayPeople Are Corruptiblecorruption