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He is to cut up its head and fat into separate pieces arrange them in rows on the wood over the fire that burns on the altar,

The priest is to bring it to the altar to offer it up in smoke. He is to decapitate it and drain its blood on the side of the altar,

Obey my ordinances and keep my statutes by living by them. I am the LORD your God.

Keep my statutes and my ordinances, which a person is to obey in order to live in them. I am the LORD.

So you are not to let the land vomit you up because of your uncleanness as it is vomiting the nations that were here before you.

You are not to gather your vineyard or pick up the fallen grapes of your vineyard. Leave something for the poor and the resident alien who lives among you. I am the LORD your God."

"If you live by my statutes, obey my commands, and observe them,

I'll set up my tent in your midst and I won't loathe you.