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Now as he walked by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon, and Andrew his brother, casting their net into the sea:

As soon as they were come to Capernaum, he entred into the synagogue, and it being the sabbath, instructed them.

and they were astonished at his manner of preaching: for he spoke with an air of authority, and not as the Scribes.

at which they were all so amazed, that they ask'd one another, what's the meaning of all this? what new doctrine is here? for he commands with authority even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.

As soon as they were come out of the synagogue, they went with James and John into the house of Simon and Andrew,

said he, how you take the least notice of this to any man: but go, show your self to the priest, and offer for your cure what Moses commanded, that this may serve as a testimony against them.

but as soon as he was gone, he began freely to talk of it, and blazed it about every where, so that Jesus could not go publickly into the city any more, but stay'd in the out parts, which were not much frequented, where people came to him from every quarter.

is it not as easy to say to the paralytic, thy sins are forgiven: as to say, arise, and take up your bed and walk?

Another time as he was by the sea-side, the people came all crowding to him, and he instructed them.

at length as Jesus sat at table in Levi's house, several publicans and loose people sat down likewise in company with Jesus, and his disciples: for a good number of them had followed him.

when the Scribes and Pharisees saw him eating with such a crew, they ask'd his disciples, what's the meaning that he is so familiar with people of such a wretched character?

It was customary for the Pharisees, and the disciples of John, to fast; they came therefore and ask'd him, why do John's disciples, and the Pharisees fast so frequently, and not your disciples?

Jesus answered, can the bridemen fast, while the bridegroom is with them? as long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast.

Another time, as he was going through the corn-fields on the sabbath-day, his disciples as they pass'd along began to pluck the ears of corn.

After this they went into an house, and the crowd press'd again upon them, so as to hinder them from taking their meal.

give your attention to what I say, a sower went out to sow: as he sowed,

tho' they see, they will not perceive, and tho' they hear they will not understand: as if they were afraid of parting with their vices, in order to be pardoned.

in like manner, they who receive seed on stony-ground, are such as upon hearing the word, do immediately receive it with joy.

as for those, who receive seed as among thorns: they are such as hear the word.

they who receive seed as on good ground, are such as hear the word and entertain it, and bring forth fruit, some in one degree, and some in another.

And consider, said he, how you hear; for in proportion as you weigh what is communicated to you, new light shall be given:

but as soon as the fruit is ripe, the sickle is applied, because the harvest is come.

Thus he instructed them by such a variety of parables as were adapted to their capacity.

and as soon as Jesus was come out of the ship, he met a demoniack, who came from among the tombs, where he haunted,

as he was embarking, the late demoniack desired, that he might be with Jesus.

when one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name, came, and as soon as he saw him, fell at his feet,

his disciples replied, you see the multitude press about you, and do you ask, who touched you?

wherever they shall refuse to entertain you, or to hear you, at your departure shake off the dust of your feet, as a testimonial against them. I assure you, the people of Sodom and Gomorrha shall be treated with less severity in the day of judgment, than that city.

for Herodias made her appearance there, and danc'd with such an engaging air in the eye of Herod, as well as of all the company, that the king thus addrest himself to the young lady, "ask of me whatever you please, and it shall be granted."

then she withdrew, and said to her mother, what shall I ask? the head of John the Baptist, said she.

but as the day was far advanc'd, his disciples came to him, and said, this is a desart place, and it is now late.

and as soon as he was got aboard, the wind ceased; which still encreas'd their astonishment and admiration:

and to whatever cities, towns, or villages he went, they expos'd the sick in the publick streets, entreating him, they might but touch the border of his garment; for as many as did so, were recover'd.

nay, when they have been at any publick place, they never eat till they have washed. they observe besides several traditions, such as the washing of cups, pots, brass vessels, and beds.

the Pharisees, and Scribes therefore ask'd Jesus, why don't your disciples observe the tradition of the antients? why do they take their meals without washing their hands?

Jesus answered, to such hypocrites as you may well be applied those words of the prophet Esaias, "this people honour me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.

by such traditions, and such a number of practices, as you have settled, the word of God is stript of all its authority.

When he withdrew from the people into the house, his disciples ask'd him the meaning of that maxim.

At that time, as the company were very numerous, and had nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples, and said,

he ask'd them, how many loaves have ye?

as he was then directing them diligently to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod,

then taking the blind man by the hand, he led him out of town, when applying his spittle to the man's eyes, and laying his hands upon him, he ask'd if he saw any thing.

From thence Jesus went attended with his disciples to the villages of Cesarea Philippi. and ask'd them by the way, who do they say I am?

as they were going down the mountain, he order'd them not to tell any body what they had seen, till the son of man was raised from the dead:

it is true, said he, that Elias must come beforehand to establish every thing, and that it was predicted of him, as well as of the son of man, that he should suffer very much, and be treated with contempt.

but I tell you, that Elias is already come, as it was foretold; and they have treated him at their discretion.

as soon as they saw him, they were over-joyed, and ran to salute him.

then he ask'd the Scribes, what were you debating with them?

so he was brought to him, and as soon as he saw him, the spirit threw him into convulsions, and he fell upon the ground, where he wallowed foaming.

whoever receives such a child as this upon my account, receives me; and he that receiveth me, does not so properly receive me, as the commands of him that sent me.

Jesus departed from thence, and went towards the confines of Judea, thro' the country beyond Jordan: where the people resorting to him again, he renewed his instructions to them as usual.

but Jesus said to them, you know not what you ask. can you drink the cup, that I must drink, and be baptized with the baptism with which I must be baptized?

At length they came to Jericho, and as he was leaving Jericho, accompanied by his disciples, and a great number of people, a blind man called Bartimeus sat begging in the high-way.

As they came near to Jerusalem, about Bethphage and Bethany, by the mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of his disciples, and said to them:

if any one should ask you, why you do so? tell him, the Lord has occasion for it, and immediately he will send it hither.

and they answered as Jesus had directed, so they let them go.

In the morning as they were coming back, they saw the fig-tree withered away to the very roots.

Then they entred again into Jerusalem: and as he was walking in the temple, the chief priests, the Scribes, and rulers of the Jews came about him,

for they all married her. Jesus answered them, don't you see you are in a mistake, by being unacquainted with the scriptures, as well as with the power of God?

and as for the dead, that they will actually rise, have you not read in the book of Moses those words, which God pronounc'd out of the bush to him, "I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?"

Jesus observing he answer'd so discreetly, said to him, you are not far from the kingdom of God. and no man after that was so hardy as to ask him any question.

As Jesus was teaching in the temple, he address'd himself to them, saying, why do the Scribes maintain that Christ is the son of David?

At length, as Jesus was sitting over-against the treasury, he observed the peoples throwing money into the chest; when many of the rich gave large sums.

As Jesus was going out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him, see, master, what stone-work, and buildings are here.

for the distress of that time will be such as never happen'd since the beginning of the world, which God created, to this present, nor ever shall be.

his disciples therefore went away, and being come into the city, they found every thing, as he had told them; and they prepared the paschal lamb.

and as they sat eating, Jesus said, verily I say unto you, one of you that is eating with me, will betray me.

but Jesus addressing himself to them, said, why do you come with swords and clubs against me, as if you were to apprehend some robber?

then the high priest rising up in the midst of the assembly, ask'd Jesus, saying, have you nothing to plead for your self? what say you to the evidence they give against you?

the populace therefore fell a roaring, and desired him to do as was always practis'd.

one Simon of Cyrene, the father of Alexander and Rufus, as he pass'd by in his return out of the country, was compell'd to carry the cross.

Now, as soon as the evening was come; because it was then the preparation, that is, the day before the sabbath,

Pilate surpriz'd that he should be dead so soon, sent for the Centurion, and ask'd him, if he had been dead any time.

go, tell Peter and the rest of his disciples, that he is gone before you into Galilee: there you will see him, as he foretold you.

after that, he appear'd under another form to two of them, as they were taking a walk into the country.

afterwards he appear'd to the eleven, as they were all sitting at table, and he reproved them for their incredulity and obstinacy in not giving credit to those, who had seen him after his resurrection.