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For it was manifested to me concerning you, my brethren, by them of Chloe, that there are contentions with you.

For when a certain one should say, I truly am of Paul; and another, I of Apollos; are ye not carnal?

Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or about to be; all are yours;

Know ye not that the holy ones shall judge the world? and if the world be judged by you, are ye unworthy of the least judgments?

All things are lawful to me, but all are not profitable: all are lawful to me, but I will not be exercised by power under any.

Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? having taken the members of Christ, shall I make members of a harlot? It may not be.

For also though they are called gods, whether in heaven, whether upon the earth, (for there are many gods, and many lords,)

Am I not sent? am I not free? have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord? are ye not my work in the Lord

If to others I am not sent, but surely I am to you: for the seal of my sending are ye in the Lord.

See ye Israel according to the flesh: are not they eating the sacrifices mutual participators of the altar?

So that tongues are for a sign, not to the believing, but to the unbelieving: and the gift of prophecy, not to the unbelieving, but to the believing.

If therefore the whole church come together upon the same, and all speak with tongues, and the private individual, or unbelieving, come in, will they not say that ye are enraged?

And so the hidden things of his heart are made manifest; and so having fallen upon the face, he will worship God, proclaiming that God is truly with you.

And we are also found false witnesses of God; for we testified for God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not, if therefore the dead are not raised.

For what shall they do being immersed for the dead, if in fine the dead rise not? and why are they immersed for the dead?

But some one will say, How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come?