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And, the Life, was made manifest, and we have seen, and are bearing witness, and announcing unto you, the Age-abiding Life, which, indeed, was with the Father, and was made manifest unto us;

That which we have seen and heard, are we announcing, even unto you, in order that, ye too, may have fellowship with us, and, our own fellowship also, may be with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.

From among us, they went out, but they were not of us; for, if, of us, they had been, they would in that case have abode with us; but it came to pass in order that they might be made manifest, because, all, are not of us.

Hereby, shall we get to know, that, of the truth, we are, and, before him, shall persuade our heart;

And, whatsoever we are asking, we are receiving from him, because, his commandments, are we keeping, and, the things that are pleasing before him, are we doing.

They, are, of the world: For this cause, of the world, they speak, and the world, unto them, doth hearken.

We, are, of God: he that is getting to understand God, hearkeneth unto us, - whoso is not of God, hearkeneth not unto us: from this, perceive we - the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

If one should see his brother committing a sin, not unto death, he shall ask, and He will grant unto him life, - for them who are sinning, not unto death. There, is, a sin, unto death: not concerning that, am I saying, that he should make request.