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And I saw him coming near to the ram, and he will be exasperated against him, and he will strike the ram and break his two horns: and there will be no power in the ram to stand before him, and he will cast him to the earth, and will tread upon him: and there was none delivering for the ram out of his hand.

And the he goat of the goats increased even greatly: and in his being strong the great horn was broken; and there will come up the vision of four underneath it to the four winds of the heavens.

And from one of them came forth one horn of a little thing, and it will be great exceedingly to the south to the sunrisings, and to the glories.

And it will be great even to the army of the heavens; and it will cast to the earth from the army, and from the stars, and it will tread them down.

And an army will be given upon the continuance by transgression, and it will cast down truth to the earth; and it did and it succeeded.

And I shall hear one holy one speaking, and one holy one will say to a certain one, speaking, How long the vision of the continuance, and the transgression laying waste, to be? and the holy place and the army being trodden down?

And he will say to me, Even to evening morning, two thousand and three hundred; and the holy place was justified

And it will be in my seeing, I Daniel, the vision, and I shall seek its understanding, and behold, there stood before me as the sight of a man,

And I shall hear man's voice between Ulai, and he will call and say, Man of God, cause to this to understand the sight

And he will come near my standing: and in his coming I was afraid, and I shall fall upon my face; and he will say to me, Understand, O son of man: for at the time of the end, the vision.

And in his speaking with me I lay in a deep sleep upon my face upon the earth: and he will touch upon me and will cause me to stand upon my standing.

And he will say, Behold me making known to thee what shall be in the last part of the wrath: for at the appointment, the end.

And that being broken, and four will stand up underneath it, four kingdoms from the nation shall stand up, and not in his power.

And I will pray to Jehovah my God, and I will confess and say, Ah, Jehovah, the great and dreadful God, watching the covenant and the mercy to those loving him, and to those watching his commands:

And we heard not to thy servants the prophets who spake in thy name to our kings and our chiefs and our fathers, and to all the people of the earth.

To thee, O Jehovah, justice, and to us shame of face, as this day to the men of Judah, and to those dwelling in Jerusalem, and to all Israel being near and being far off, in all the lands where thou didst thrust them there in their transgression which they transgressed against thee.

And all Israel passed by thy Laws, and departing not to hear to thy voice; and the curse will be poured upon us, and the oath which was written in the law of Moses the servant of God, for we sinned against him.

And he will set up his words which he spake against us, and against our judges who judged us to bring against us a great evil: which was not done under all the heavens according to what was done in Jerusalem.

As that written in the law of Moses all this evil came upon us, and we supplicated not the face of Jehovah our God to turn back from our iniquities and to understand in thy truth.

And Jehovah will watch for evil, and will bring it upon us: for Jehovah our God is just upon all his works which he did: and we heard not to his voice.

O Jehovah, according to all thy justice, now shall thine anger be turned back, and thy wrath from thy city Jerusalem, thy holy mountain: for our sins and for the iniquities of our fathers, Jerusalem and thy people for a reproach to all those round about us.

And he will cause to understand, and will speak with me, and say, O Daniel, now came I forth to teach thee understanding.

And I saw, I Daniel alone, the sight: and the men that were with me saw not the sight, but a great trembling fell upon them, and they will flee in hiding themselves.

And behold, a hand touched upon me, and it will move me upon my knees, and the palms of my hands.

And he will say to me, O Daniel, a man of desires, understand thou in the words which I speak to thee, and stand upon thy standing: for now was I sent to thee. And in his speaking with me this word I stood trembling.

And he will say to me, Thou shalt not fear, Daniel: for from the first day that thou gavest thy heart to understand, and to humble thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I came for thy words.

And how shall this servant of my lord be able to speak with this my lord and I, from this time no strength will stand in me, and breath was not left in me.

And there will add and will touch upon me as the sight of man, and he will strengthen me.

And he will say, Thou shalt not fear, O man of desires: peace to thee; be strong, and be strong. And in his speaking with me I was strengthened, and saying, My lord shall speak; for thou didst strengthen me.

And he will say, Knewest thou wherefore I came to thee? and now I will turn back to war with the chief of Persia: and I shall go forth, and behold, the chief of Grecia coming.

But I will announce to thee that recorded in the writing of truth: and not one strengthening himself with me upon these things but Michael your chief.

And now I will announce the truth to thee. Behold, yet three kings standing up to Persia; and the fourth shall be rich of great riches above all: and in his becoming strong in his riches he shall rouse up all against the kingdoms of Grecia.

And a strong king stood up, and he ruled from much dominion, and he did according to his will.

And his sons shall gather themselves together, and they collected a multitude of many forces: and he coming, came and overflowed, and through: and he will turn back, and they shall gather themselves together even to his fortress.

And he coming against him will do according to his will, and none standing before his face: and he shall stand in the land of glory, and it was finished in his hand.

And he shall set up his face to come with the power of all his kingdom, and the upright with him; and he did: and he will give to him the daughter of women, to corrupt her: and she shall not stand, and shall not be for him.

And he will turn back his face to the isles and take many: and a leader caused his reproach to cease to him; besides his reproach shall turn back to him.

And they two kings, their heart for doing evil, and at one table they will speak falsehood; and it shall not prosper: for yet the end at the appointment

And the king did according to his will; and he shall exalt himself and magnify himself over every god; and against the God of gods he shall speak wonderful things,, and he prospered even till anger was finished: for that being determined was done.

And concerning the God of his fathers he shall not understand, and concerning the desire of women, and concerning every god he shall not understand; for he shall magnify himself over all.

And he did to the strong fortifications with a strange god whom he recognized, he shall multiply honor: and he caused them to rule over many, and he will divide the land for a price.

And he ruled over the hidden things of gold and silver, and over all the desires of Egypt: and the Lybians and Cushites in his steps.

And he will say to the man clothed with linen garments which was above to the waters of the river, Till when the end of the wonders?

And I shall hear the man clothed with linen garments, who was above to the waters of the river, and he will lift up his right hand and his left to the heavens, and swear by him living forever, that for an appointment of appointments and a half; in the scattering of the hand of the holy people being finished, all these shall be finished.

And he will say, Go, Daniel: for the words being shut up and sealed even to the time of the end.

And many shall be separated and become white, and be tried; and the unjust did evil: and all the unjust shall not understand; and the intelligent shall understand.