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I wrote my first volume, Theophilus, about all that Jesus did and taught from the beginning

And once while He was eating with them, He charged them not to leave Jerusalem but to wait for what the Father had promised. "You have heard me speak of it," He said,

And while they were gazing after Him into heaven, two men dressed in white suddenly stood beside them,

and said to them, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up into heaven? This very Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven will come back in just the way you have seen Him go up into heaven."

(This man bought a piece of land with the money which he took for his treachery, and he fell there face downward and his body broke in two, and all his intestines poured out.

It became known to all the residents of Jerusalem, so that this piece of land was called in their language Akeldamach, that is, The Field of Blood.)

"So one of these men who have been associated with us all the time the Lord Jesus came and went among us,

And they prayed, saying, "Lord, you who know the hearts of all, show us which one of these two men you have chosen

They were perfectly astounded, and in bewilderment they continued to say, "Are not all these men who are speaking Galileans?

And thus they all continued to be astounded and bewildered, and continued to say to each other, "What can this mean?"

Then Peter stood with the Eleven around him, and raising his voice he addressed them, "Men of Judea and all you residents of Jerusalem, let me explain this to you, and give close attention to my words.

'It will occur in the last days, says God, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all mankind. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will have visions. Your old men will have dreams.

Even on my slaves, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will become prophets.

"Fellow Israelites, listen to what I say. Jesus of Nazareth, as you yourselves well know, a man accredited to you by God through mighty deeds and wonders and wonder-works which God performed through Him right here among you,

You have made known to me the ways of life, and you will fill me with delight in your presence.'

While he was still clinging to Peter and John, all the people in utter amazement crowded around them in what was called Solomon's portico.

It is His name, that is, on condition of faith in His name, that has made strong again this man whom you see and recognize -- yes, faith inspired by Him has given this man the perfect health you all see.

Moses, indeed, said: 'The Lord God will raise up a prophet for you from among your brothers, as He did me. You must attentively listen to everything that He tells you.

The result will be, that any person who will not listen to that prophet will be utterly destroyed from among the people.'

Yes, all the prophets who have spoken, from Samuel down, have also foretold these days.

While they were talking to the people, the high priests, the military commander of the temple, and the Sadducees came down upon them,

met in Jerusalem, including Annas the high priest, Caiaphas, John, Alexander, and all that were members of the high priest's family.

you and all the people of Israel must know that it is by the authority of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead -- yes, I repeat it, it is by His authority that this man stands here before you well.

But to keep it from spreading farther among the people, let us severely threaten them not to say anything at all to anyone else about this person."

So they called them in and ordered them not to speak or teach at all about the name of Jesus.

So, after further threatening them, they turned them loose, because they could not find any way to punish them, on account of the people, because they all continued to praise God for what had taken place,

So they obeyed, and about the break of day they went into the temple square and began to teach. The high priest and his party arrived and called a meeting of the council and the whole senate of the sons of Israel, and sent to the prison to have the men brought in.

But a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law, highly respected by all the people, got up in the council and gave orders to put the men out of the council a little while;

For in the days gone by Theudas appeared, claiming that he was a man of importance, and a considerable number of men, about four hundred, espoused his cause, but he was slain and all his followers were dispersed and as a party annihilated.

After him, at the time of the enrollment for the Roman tax, Judas the Galilean appeared and influenced people to desert and follow him, but he too perished and all his followers were scattered.

So in the present case, I warn you, stay away from these men, let them alone. For, if this program or movement has its origin in men, it will go to pieces,

This suggestion was approved by the whole body, and so they selected Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, Philip, Procorus, Nikanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicholas of Antioch, who was a convert to Judaism.

for we have heard him say that Jesus of Nazareth will tear this place down, and change the customs which Moses handed down to us."

Then all who were seated in the council fixed their eyes upon him and saw that his face was like that of an angel.

He answered: "Listen, brothers and fathers. The glorious God appeared to our forefather Abraham while he was in Mesopotamia before he ever made his home in Haran,

This is what God promised: 'His descendants will be strangers living in a foreign land, and its people will enslave and oppress them for four hundred years.'

But God further promised: 'I will pass sentence on the nation that enslaves them, and after that they will leave that country and worship me on this very spot.'

and delivered him from all his troubles, and allowed him to win favor and to show wisdom before Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and so he appointed Joseph governor of Egypt and of his whole household.

Then a famine spread all over Egypt and Canaan, and with it great suffering, and our forefathers could not find the simplest food.

Then Joseph sent and invited his father Jacob and all his kinsmen, seventy-five in all;

Because he saw one of them being mistreated, he defended and avenged the man who was suffering ill-treatment by striking down the Egyptian.

Because I have seen the oppression of my people in Egypt and heard their groans, I have come down to deliver them. So come! I will send you back to Egypt as my messenger.'

It was this Moses who said to the descendants of Israel, 'God will raise up a prophet for you from among you, just as He did me.'

No, you offered me the tent of Moloch and the star of your god Rompha, the images you had made to worship! So I will now remove you beyond Babylon.'

But they raised a great shout and held their ears, and all together rushed upon him,

Saul heartily approved of his being put to death. So on that day a severe persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem, and all of them, except the apostles, were scattered over Judea and Samaria.

but Philip was found at Ashdod, and he went on telling the good news in all the towns until he reached Caesarea.

But get up and go into the city, and there it will be told you what you ought to do."

Now he is here and has authority from the high priests to put in chains all who call upon your name."

And all at once something like scales fell from his eyes, he regained his sight, got up and was baptized,

And all who heard him were astounded and said, "Is not this the man who harassed those who called upon this name in Jerusalem, and has come here expressly for the purpose of putting them in chains and taking them back to the high priests?"

Now when Saul arrived at Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples there, but they were all afraid of him, because they did not believe that he was really a disciple.

Now, as Peter was going here and there among them all, he finally went down to God's people who lived at Lydda.

Then all the people who lived at Lydda and Sharon saw him, and so they turned to the Lord.

Just at that time it happened that she had been taken ill and had died. They washed her body and laid her out in a room upstairs.

So Peter at once got up and went with them. When he reached there, they took him to the room upstairs, and all the widows took their stand around him, crying and showing him the shirts and coats that Dorcas had made while she was still with them.

Then Peter put them all out of the room, knelt down and prayed, and, turning to the body, said, "Tabitha, get up!" Then she opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter, she sat up.

This became known all over Joppa, and many came to believe in the Lord.

and after telling them the whole story, sent them to Joppa.