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not to all the people, but to those witnesses, which God had before chosen: to us, I say, who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead.

all the Jewish converts, who came with Paul, were astonished to see that the gift of the holy spirit was diffused likewise among the Gentiles.

but Peter represented the whole affair to them,

this was done three times, and then the whole scene was mounted to heaven.

who will give you such instructions, as will be the means of saving both you and all your family.

and while I was speaking to them, the holy spirit descended upon them, as it did on us, at the beginning.

if therefore God has bestow'd the same favour upon them, as on us, after we had believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, how could I make any opposition to the divine will?

who upon his arrival there, was glad to see such effects of the divine grace, and exhorted them all to remain firmly attach'd to the christian profession:

and one of them named Agabus foretold by the spirit, that there should be a great famine, thro' all the world: which accordingly happen'd in the reign of Claudius Cesar.

now the very night preceding the day which Herod design'd for his execution, Peter bound with two chains, was sleeping between two soldiers, while the other guards secured the prison door; when an angel of

so he went out after the angel without knowing that what the angel had done, was real; but thinking it was all a vision.

when they had pass'd the first and second guard, they came to the iron-gate that leads to the city, which open'd to them of itself: so they went out and pass'd together thro' one street: when all of a sudden the angel quitted Peter. Then coming to himself; now,

and said, "thou heap of imposture and mischief, offspring of the devil, and enemy to all justice, wilt thou not cease to pervers men from the right ways of the Lord?

God removed Saul, and rais'd up David to be their king, to whom he gave this testimonial, " I have found David the son of Jesse: he is a man most acceptable to me, and he will execute all my orders."

before his appearance, John had preach'd the baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel.

It is to you, my brethren, who are the children of Abraham, and to all who fear God among you, that this salutary news is sent.

after they had accomplished all that was written concerning him, he was taken down from the cross, and laid in a sepulchre:

and to show that he rais'd him from the dead, never more to return to corruption, he said thus, "I will faithfully perform the promises, which I made to David."

"consider you despisers, be surpriz'd and turn pale, for I shall perform a work in your days, which you will not believe, whoever shall declare it unto you."

so they set out, accompanied part of the way by the church, and pass'd thro' Phenicia and Samaria, relating the conversion of the Gentiles, which gave great joy to all the brethren.

and being arrived at Jerusalem, they were receiv'd by the church, by the apostles, and presbyters, to whom they related all that God had done by them.

The whole assembly were very silent, whilst Barnabas and Paul related what miracles and prodigies God had wrought among the Gentiles by their ministry.

I will repair its ruins, and raise it up: that the rest of mankind, even all the nations, that profess my name, may seek the Lord.

he that does all these things, is the Lord himself that has said it." for the works of God are all known to him from the beginning of the world.

Then the apostles, the presbyters, and the whole church thought it proper to select some out of their own body to accompany Paul and Barnabas to Antioch: such as Judas surnam'd Barsabas, and Silas, leading men among the brethren,

that you abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the flesh of strangled animals, and from fornication: you will do well to preserve your selves from these practices. farewel.

Being thus dispatch'd, they went to Antioch; where having assembled all the faithful, they deliver'd the letter: from the reading of which,

Some time after, Paul said to Barnabas, let us return to visit all those cities, where we have preach'd the word of the Lord, to see what condition the brethren are in.

so he took him and had him circumcised, out of regard to the Jews of that country, who all knew his father was a Greek.

being therefore arrived in Mysia, they essayed to go into Bithynia, but the spirit of Jesus would not allow it: so they pass'd by Mysia,

when all of a sudden there was such a great earthquake, that the foundations of the prison were shaken: immediately all the doors opened, and the setters dropp'd from the prisoners.

but Paul call'd to him aloud, and said, do thy self no harm, for we are all here.

then they declared the word of the Lord to him, and to all his family.

at the same time of night he washed their stripes, and immediately he was baptized, he, and all that belong'd to him.

but the unbelieving Jews thro' envy, by the assistance of some loose strolers, rais'd a mob, set the whole city in an uproar, and attack'd Jason's house, thinking to find them there, and deliver them up to the populace.

they all act in defiance of the edicts of Cesar, pretending there is another king, one Jesus.

however Paul's guides attended him to Athens: where they left him, after having received his orders for Silas and Timothy to come to him with all speed.

While Paul was expecting them at Athens, he was grieved to the soul to see the whole city o'er-spread with idols.

When they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some made it a matter of ridicule: others said, we will hear you again upon this subject;

where having found a Jew nam'd Aquila, a native of Pontus, who lately came from Italy, with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had order'd all the Jews to quit Rome; he went to them:

said he, in taking his leave, I must necessarily keep the approaching feast at Jerusalem: after which I will return to you if God permit.

after he had stay'd there some time, he departed and pass'd through all Galatia and Phrygia, where he encourag'd the disciples.

this was known to all the Jews and Greeks, that liv'd at Ephesus, who were all seiz'd with fear, and the name of the Lord Jesus was exalted.

yet your own eyes and ears have inform'd you, that not only at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul by his persuasions has turn'd the heads of a world of people, asserting, that these are Gods of our own making, and not really such.

so that not only our profession runs the risk of being vilified; but the temple of the great goddess Diana will be depreciated, and her majesty, so rever'd thro' all Asia, and the whole world, will be discarded."

and the whole city was fill'd with confusion: all crouded in a body to the theatre, dragging with them Gaius and Aristarchus, both of Macedonia, who had travell'd with Paul.

at last Alexander was disengag'd from the croud, and accus'd by the Jews. then he waved his hand, desiring to make his defence before them all.

but when they knew he was a Jew, they cry'd out one and all for the space of two hours, "great is Diana of the Ephesians."

Aristarchus and Secundus of Thessalonica, Gaius of Derby and Timothy, Tychicus and Trophimus both Asiatics, all accompanied him to Asia,

and as Paul continued his discourse a great while, a young man, named Eutychus, who was sitting in the window, was seiz'd with a deep sleep, which quite o'er-came him; so that he fell down from the third story, and was taken up dead.

but the young man was brought in alive and well, to the joy of the whole assembly. As for us, we embark'd, and sail'd to Assos,

and now I am persuaded you will none of you see my face any more: whilst I have been among you, I have proclaim'd the kingdom of the Messias:

for I know when I am gone, you will be oppress'd by wolves, that will not spare the flock.

the next day Paul went with us to James, where all the pastors assembled.

upon hearing this, they gave glory to God: and thus address'd Paul, you see, brother, how many thousand believing Jews there are, all however zealous for the law.

what then is to be done? they will necessarily be all assembled, for they can't but hear, you are come.

these take, and perform the rites of purification with them, contributing to the expence of having their heads shav'd: this will convince them, what has been reported of you, is all groundless, and that you stick to the observances of the law.

bawling out, "men of Israel, help: this is the man that every where inveighs upon all occasions against the people, against the law, and against this place, where they have brought Greeks too to profane this holy place."

the whole city was in an uproar, the people crouded together: they seized Paul, dragg'd him out of the temple, and then shut the gates.

as they were busy upon his execution, news came to the commander of the cohort, that the whole city was in an uproar.

as he was mounting the stairs, the soldiers bore him up thro' the violence of the people, who were all pressing after,

this the high-priest and the senate know too well: from them I receiv'd my warrant directed to the Jews of Damascus, where I went, to bring the converts there in chains to Jerusalem, in order to be punished.

as I was upon the road, advanc'd near Damascus, about mid-day, all of a sudden a great light from heaven broke all around me.

then I said, Lord, what must I do? and the Lord answer'd, arise, go to Damascus; there you will be inform'd what you are to do.

there one Ananias a religious observer of the law, who had the good word of all the Jews in that place, came to see me,

then he said, the God of our fathers has singled you out to be acquainted with his will, to see the just one, and to hear the words of his mouth:

then I saw JESUS, who said to me, "make haste, and go out of Jerusalem immediately: for they will not receive the attestations you would give of me." Lord,

as they were tying him with thongs, Paul said to the centurion, does the law allow to scourge a Roman citizen, and without any trial?

which made Paul say, "may God strike thee, thou plaister'd wall: you sit to judge me according to law, and in defiance of the law you order me to be struck!"

at these words the Pharisees and the Sadducees were all in confusion, the whole assembly being divided:

if you will move it then to the tribune in the name of the Sanhedrim, to send him here to-morrow, under colour of examining his affair with more solemnity, we shall take care to dispatch him, and make a short end of his journey."

"The happiness our nation enjoys, most noble Felix, by the wisdom of your administration, affects us too sensibly not to be acknowledg'd every where, and upon all occasions, with the utmost gratitude.

ordering his accusers to appear before you. if you please to interrogate him yourself, you will find the whole charge to be truly laid."