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In the third year to the kingdom of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, came Nebuchadnezzar king of Babel to Jerusalem, and he will press it

And Jehovah will give Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, and from the number of vessels of the house of God: and he will bring them to the land of Shinar the house of his god; and he brought the vessels into the treasure-house of his god.

And the king will say to Ashpenaz the leader of his eunuchs to bring from the sons of Israel and from the seed royal, and from the nobles;

Children whom not any blemish in them, and good of aspect, and understanding in all wisdom, and knowing knowledge, and understanding intelligence, and to whom power in them to stand in the king's temple, and to teach them the writing and tongue of the chaldees

And the king will allot to them the word of a day in its day from the king's dainties and from the wine of his drinking: and to nourish them three years, and from the end of three years they shall stand before the king.

And there will be among them from the sons of Judah, Daniel, Hansniah, Mishael, and Azariah

And the chief of the eunuchs will set names to them: to David, Belteshazzar; and to Hananiah, Shadrach; and to Mishael, Meshach; and to Azariah, Abed-Nego.

And Daniel will set up upon his heart that he will not be defiled with the dainties of the king, and with the wine of his drinking: and he will seek from the chief of the eunuchs that he shall not defile himself.

And God will give Daniel to mercy and compassion before the chiefs of the eunuchs.

And the chief of the eunuchs will say to Daniel, I fear my lord the king, who allotted your food and your drink: for wherefore shall he see your faces gloomy above the children as of your age? and make my head guilty to the King

And Daniel will say to Melzar, whom the chief of the eunuchs appointed over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah,

Prove now thy servants, ten days; and they shall give to us from seed herbs, and we will eat, and water, and we will drink.

And he wilt hear to them for this word, and he will try them ten days.

And from the end of ten days their aspect was seen good and fat of flesh above all the children eating of the king's dainties.

And Melzar will be taking away their dainties, and the wine of their drinking, and he gave to them seed herbs.

And from the end of the days when the king said to bring them in, and the chief of the eunuchs will bring them in before Nebuchadnezzar.

And the king will speak with them: and there was not found from all of them as Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah: and they will stand before the king.

And every word of the wisdom of understanding which the king sought from them, and he will find them ten hands over all the sacred scribes, the enchanters which were in all his kingdom.

And Daniel will be even to one year to Cyrus the king.

And in the second year to the kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams, and his spirit will be moved, and his sleep was broken upon him.

And the king will say to call to the sacred scribes, and to the enchanters, and to the sorcerers, and to the Chaldeans, to announce to the king his dreams. And they will come and stand before the king.

And the king will say to them, I dreamed a dream, and my spirit will be moved to know the dream.

And the Ohaldeans will speak to the king Syriac: O king, live forever: say to thy servants the dream, and we will show the interpretation.

The king answered and said to the Chaldeans, The word went out from me: if ye will not make known to me the dream and its interpretation, ye shall be made pieces, and your houses shall be set dung-hills.

They answered a second time, and said, The king will say to his servants the dream, and we will show its interpretation.

Enough if ye will not make known to me the dream, this one edict for you; and ye divided out the word of falsehood and this corruption to say before me, till that the time shall change: therefore say to me the dream and I shall know that ye will show me its interpretation.

And the word the king asked will be made rare, and there is not another that will show it before the king except the gods that their dwelling is not with flesh.

For this cause the king was in dignant and greatly angry, and he spake to destroy to all the wise of Babel.

And Daniel went up and sought from the king that he will give time for it, and to show to the king the interpretation.

For this cause Daniel went up to Arioch whom the king allotted to destroy the wise of Babel: he went and said thus to him: For the wise of Babel thou shalt not destroy: bring me up before the king, and I will show the interpretation to the king.

Then with haste Arioch brought up for Daniel before the king, and said thus to him, That I found a man from the sons of the captivity of Judah that will make known to the king the interpretation.

And I not for wisdom that is in me more than all living is this secret revealed to me, but for the reason that they shall make known the interpretation to the king, and thou shalt know the thoughts of thy heart.

At that time were beaten small at once, the iron, the burnt clay, the brass, the silver and the gold, and they were as the chaff of the threshing-floor of summer; and the wind lifted them up and all place was not found for them: and the stone striking against the image was for a great rock, and filled all the earth.

This the dream, and we will tell its interpretation before the king.

And in all that the sons of men dwelt, the beasts of the open field and the birds of the heavens he gave into thine hand, and gave thee power over them all Thou this head of gold.

And after thee shall arise another kingdom lower than thee, and another third kingdom of brass, that shall have power over all the earth.

And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron, because that iron beats small, and makes thin all: and as iron breaks all these, it shall beat small and break.

And in their days that they are kings, the God of the heavens shall set up a kingdom that shall not be destroyed forever: and its kingdom shall be left to another people; it shall beat small and destroy all these kingdoms, and this shall stand forever.

Then the king multiplied to Daniel, and gave to him many a great gift, and gave him power over all the province of Babel, and chief of the prefects over all the wise of Babel

And Nebuchadnezzar the king sent to gather together to the satraps, the prefects, and the governors, the chief judges, the treasurers, those skilled in law, the lawyers, and all the rulers of the provinces, to the drinking to the dedication of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king set up.

At that time there being gathered together the satraps, the prefects and the governors, the chief judges, the treasurers, those skilled in law, the lawyers and all the rulers of the provinces, to the dedication of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king set up; and standing before the image that Nebuchadnezzar set up.

In the time ye shall hear the voice of the horn, the pipe, the harp, the lyre, the psaltery, the bagpipe, and all sorts of music, ye shall fall and prostrate. yourselves to the image of gold that Nebuchadnezzar the king set up.

For this cause in that time that all peoples heard the voice of the horn, the pipe, the harp, the lyre, the psaltery, and all sorts of music, all peoples, nations, and tongues, fell prostrating themselves to the image of gold that Nebuchadnezzar the king set up.

Thou, O king, didst set an edict, that every man that shall hear the voice of the horn, the pipe, the harp, the lyre, the psaltery and the bagpipe, and all sorts of music, shall fall and prostrate himself to the image of gold:

Now if ye being prepared that in the time that ye shall hear the voice of the horn, the pipe, the harp, the lyre, the psaltery, and the bagpipe, and all sorts of music, ye shall fall and prostrate yourselves to the image that I made; and if ye shall not prostrate yourselves in the same moment, ye shall be cast into the midst of the furnace of flaming fire; and who that God that shall deliver you from my hands?

If it is, our God whom we served will be able to deliver us from the furnace of flaming fire, and from thy hand, O king, he will deliver us.

And if not, it shall be made known to thee, O king, that to thy gods we serve not, and to the image of gold that thou didst set up we will not prostrate ourselves:

{ Nebuchadnezzar answered and said, Blessed be their God of Shadrach,,Meshach, and Abed-Nego, who sent his messenger and delivered for his servants that trusted upon him, and they changed the king's word, and gave their bodies that they will not serve and prostrate themselves to any god, except to their God.}

Nebuchadnezzar the king to all peoples, nations and tongues, that dwell in all the earth, your peace shall become great

I saw a dream, and it will terrify me; and the conceptions upon my bed and the visions of my head, will cause me to tremble.

And an edict being set from me to bring up before me to all the wise of Babel, that they shall make known to me the interpretation of the dream.

And the tree increased and was strong, and its height will reach to the heavens, and its sight to the end of all the earth:

Its foliage beautiful, and its fruit great, and food for all in it: and the beasts of the open field will be shaded under it, the buds of the heavens will dwell in its boughs, and all flesh will be nourished from it

The word by the decree of the watchers, and the saying of the holy ones is the question: for the reason that the living shall know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and to whom that he will, he will give it, and he will raise up over it the low of men.

This dream, I king Nebuchadnezzar saw. And thou Belteshazzar, tell the interpretation, because that all the wise of my kingdom not being able to make known to me the interpretation: and thou art able, for the spirit of the holy gods is in thee.

The tree that thou sawest that increased and was strong, and its height will reach to the heavens, and its sight to all the earth,

And its foliage beautiful, and its fruit great, and food for all in it; under it the beast of the open field will dwell, and in its branches the birds of the heavens will dwell:

And for thee driving from men, and with the beasts of the open field to be thy dwelling, and they shall feed to thee grass as oxen, and wetting to thee from the dew of the heavens, and seven times shall pass over thee till that thou shalt know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and to whom that he will, he will give it

All came upon Nebuchadnezzar the king.

And from men driving thee out, and with beasts of the open field thy dwelling: and they shall feed to thee the grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee till that thou shalt know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and to whom he will, he will give it

And at the end of the days, I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes to the heavens, and my knowledge will turn back to me, and I praised to the Most High, and to him living forever, I praised and honored, whose dominion an eternal dominion, and his kingdom with generation and generation.

And all the generations of the earth being reckoned as nothing: and doing according to his station in the army of the heavens, and the generations of the earth: and there is none that shall strike upon his hand, and say to him, What didst thou?

In that time my knowledge will turn back to me: and for the honor of my kingdom, my splendor and my brightness will return to me; and my counselors and my nobles will seek to me: and I was established over my kingdom, and excellent greatness was added to me.

Now I Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and honor to the king of the heavens, that all his works are truth, and his paths judgment: and that they going about in pride, he being able to bring low.

Belshazzar said, in tasting the wine, to bring in for the vessels of gold and silver that Nebuchadnezzar his father brought forth from the temple that was in Jerusalem; and in them the king and his nobles, his wives and his concubines, will drink.

In the same moment went forth fingers of a man's hand and wrote before the candlestick upon the lime of the wall of the temple of the king: and the king saw the palm of the hand that wrote.

The king's brightnesses changing, and his thoughts will terrify him, and the knots of his loins breaking forth, and his knees knocked this upon that

The king called with strength to bring up the enchanters, the Chaldeans and the diviners. The king answered and said to the wise of Babel, Whatever man that shall read this writing, and will show to me its interpretation, shall be clothed with purple, and a necklace of gold upon his neck, and shall rule the third in the kingdom.

Then came in all the king's wise ones: and they were not able to read the writing, and to make known the interpretation to the king.

Because that an excellent spirit and knowledge, and his understanding interpreting dreams, and showing of enigmas, and solving knotty questions, was found in him, in Daniel whom the king set his name Belteshazzar: now Daniel shall be called, and he will show the interpretation.

At that time Daniel answered and said before the king, Thy gifts to be to thyself, and give thy presents to another; but I will read the writing to the king, and make known to him the interpretation.

And from the greatness that he gave to him, all peoples, nations and tongues, were trembling and fearing from before him: whom he was willing he killed; and whom he was willing, he was saving alive; and whom be was willing, he was setting up; and whom he willed he was humbling.

And he was driven from the sons of men, and his heart was made level with the beasts, and with wild asses his dwelling: they will feed him with the green herb as oxen, and from the dew of the heavens his body will be wet; till that he knew that God the Most High ruled in the kingdom of men, and to whom he will, he will set up over it.

And thou his son, O Belshazzar, didst not humble thy heart because that thou knewest all this;

And against the Lord of the heavens thou didst lift up thyself; and for the vessels of his house they brought before thee, and thou and thy nobles, and thy wives, and thy concubines, drinking wine in them; and to the gods of silver and gold, brass, iron, wood, and stone, who see not, and hear not, and know not, thou didst praise: and to the God whom thy breath in his hand, and all thy ways to him, thou didst not honor.

It pleased before Darius and he set up over the kingdom a hundred and twenty satraps, whom to be over all the kingdom;

Then this Daniel excelling above the presidents and satraps because that an excellent spirit was in him; and the king doing to set him up over all the kingdom.

Then the presidents and satraps were seeking to find a pretext against Daniel from the part of the kingdom; and they will not be able to find any pretext and corruption, because that he was faithful, and any error and corruption was not found upon him.

All the presidents of the kingdom, the prefects and satraps, and counselors and governors, will counsel together to set up a statute of the kingdom, and to make strong an interdict that whoever shall seek a request from any God and man even to thirty days, except from thee, O king, he shall be cast into the den of lions.

At that time the king said, and they brought Daniel and cast into the den of the lions; the king answered and said to Daniel, Thy God whom thou servest to him continually, he will set thee free.

And one stone was brought and set upon the mouth of the den, and the king sealed it with his signet ring, and with the signet ring of his nobles, that the will shall not be changed upon Daniel.

At that time the king will rise in the dawn in the morning, and in haste he departed to the lion's den.

And the king said, and they brought these men that ate up Daniel piece meal, and cast into the lion's den, them, their sons, and their wives; and they not down to the bottom of the den even till the lions had power over them, and they broke all their bones in pieces.

At that time Darius the king wrote all peoples, nations and tongues, that are dwelling in all the earth, Your peace shall be great.

After this I was seeing in the visions of the night, and lo, a fourth beast, fearful, and strong and powerful exceedingly; and great teeth of iron to it, eating and beating small, and treading down the remainder with its feet: and it being different from all the beasts that were before it; and ten horns to it.

A river of fire flowed and went out from before him: thousands of thousands will wait upon him, and myriads of myriads will stand before him: the tribunal sat, and the books were opened.

I Daniel was grieved in the midst of the sheath, and the visions of my heart will terrify me.

I drew near to one of those standing by, and I sought from him the truth concerning all this: and he said to me, and he will cause me to know the interpretation of the words.

Then I willed to speak the truth concerning the fourth beast that was different from all of them, exceedingly fearful, its teeth of iron and its hoofs of brass; eating, beating small, and treading down the remainder with its feet;

Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom in the earth, that shall be different from all kingdoms, and shall eat up all the earth, and shall tread it down and beat it

And he shall speak words against the Most High, and he shall vex the holy ones of the Most High, and he will hope to change times and law: and they shall be given into his hand even to a time and times, and the dividing of time.

And the kingdom and the power, and the greatness of the kingdom under All the heavens was given to the people of the holy ones of the Most High his kingdom an eternal kingdom, and all powers shall serve to him, and shall hear.

Even to this the end of the word. I Daniel, my thoughts will greatly terrify me, and my brightness will be changed upon me: and I kept the word in my heart

And I shall see in a vision; and it will be in my seeing, and I in Shushan the fortress, in Elam the province; and I shall see in a vision, and I was by the stream of strength.

And I saw the ram pushing the sea, and north and south; and all the beasts will not stand before him, and none delivering from his hand; and he did according to his will, and increased.

And I was considering, and behold, a he goat of the goats came from the west upon the face of all the earth, and not touching upon the earth: and the he goat a horn of vision between his eyes.

And ha will come even to the ram possessing the horns, which I saw standing before the stream, and he will run against him in the wrath of his power.