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For though they are like twisted thorns, and are overcome as with drink, they will come to destruction like stems of grass fully dry.

This is what the Lord has said: The days of my cause against you are ended; they are cut off and past. Though I have sent trouble on you, you will no longer be troubled.

He takes the record of his great men: they go falling on their way; they go quickly to the wall, the cover is made ready.

But Nineveh is like a pool of water whose waters are flowing away; Keep your place, they say; but no one is turning back.

Horsemen driving forward, and the shining sword and the bright spear: and a great number of wounded, and masses of dead bodies; they are falling over the bodies of the dead:

Your crowned ones are like the locusts, and your scribes like the clouds of insects which take cover in the walls on a cold day, but when the sun comes up they go in flight, and are seen no longer in their place.