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on the contrary, notwithstanding the outrages, you know we suffer'd at Philippi, we had still the resolution, by the divine assistance, to preach the gospel of God to you without reserve against all opposition.

our address to you was without any flattery, as you yourselves can witness, and God is witness that we had no avarice to disguise.

you likewise know, that we exhorted and encouraged every one of you, as a father doth his children,

and even when we were with you, we foretold you, that we should be persecuted, as you know it happen'd.

for now I am reviv'd, since you continue stedfast in the christian profession.

now may God our father, and our Lord Jesus Christ remove all the obstructions of our journey to you.

that no man should be exorbitant, and behave contumeliously to his brother: because the Lord is the avenger of all such crimes, as we have formerly remonstrated to you.