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Then said Yahweh unto him, Call his name Jezreel: for, yet a little, and I will visit the bloodshed of Jezreel upon the house of Jehu, and will cause to cease the kingdom of the house of Israel.

And it shall come to pass, in that day, that I will break the bow of Israel, in the vale of Jezreel.

Yet shall the number of the sons of Israel become like the sand of the sea, which can neither he measured, nor numbered, - and it shall come to pass, in the place where it used to be said to them, No people of mine, are ye, it shall be said to them, Sons of a Living God!

Then shall the sons of Judah and the sons of Israel, gather themselves together, as one, and shall appoint them one head, and come up out of the earth, - for great shall be the day of Jezreel.

And, when she shall pursue her lovers, and not overtake them, and shall seek them and not find, then will she say, Let me go my way now! and return unto my first husband, for it was better with me, then, than, now!

Now, therefore, will I expose her unseemliness, before the eyes of her lovers, - and no, man, shall deliver her out of my hand!

Therefore, lo! I, am going to persuade her, and, though I conduct her forth into wilderness, yet will I speak unto her heart.

Then will I give to her her vineyards from thence, and the vale of Achor for a door of hope, - and she will respond there, as in the days of her youth, and as in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt.

And it shall come to pass, in that day, Declareth Yahweh, that she will call me Ishi, and will not call me any more, Baali.

So will I take away the names of the Baals, out of her mouth, - and they shall not be called to mind any more, by their name.

And I will solemnize to them a covenant, in that day, with the wild-beast of the field, and with the bird of the heavens, and the creeping thing of the ground, - and, bow and sword and battle, will I break in pieces out of the land, so will I cause them to lie down, in security.

And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will respond, Declareth Yahweh, I will respond to the heavens, - and, they, shall respond to the earth;

As they were magnified, so, they sinned against me, - My glory - for what was contemptible, did they exchange.

The sin of my people, they do eat, - and. unto their iniquity, lift they up every man his desire.

So doth it come to be - like people, like priest, - therefore will I visit upon him his ways, and, his doings, will I bring back to him;

And they shall eat, and not be satisfied, they have encouraged unchastity, yet have not been making increase, - for unto, Yahweh, have they left off giving heed: -

My people, of their Wood, do ask, - Let, their Staff, then tell them, - for, the spirit of unchastity, hath led them astray, and they have unchastely departed from under their God.

For, as a heifer that is stubborn, hath Israel, been stubborn, - Now, can Yahweh, turn them out to pasture, like a young ram in a wide place?

Blow ye a horn in Gibeah, a trumpet in Ramah, - sound an alarm at Beth-aven, behind thee, O Benjamin!

Ephraim, shall become, a desolation, in the day of rebuke: Throughout the tribes of Israel, have I hide known what is sure.

The rulers of Judah have become as they who remove a land-mark. Upon them, will I pour out, like water, my wrath.

But, I, was like a moth, to Ephraim, - and like rotten wood to the house of Judah.

When Ephraim, saw, his injury, and Judah his wound, then went Ephraim unto Assyria, and Judah sent unto a hostile king, - yet, he, cannot heal you, nor will the wound, remove from you.

I will depart, will return unto my place! till what time they acknowledge their guilt, and seek my face, - In their trouble, will they make for me diligent search.

What can I do unto thee, O Ephraim? What can I do unto thee, O Judah? for, your lovingkindness, is like a morning cloud, yea, like the dew, early departing!

And, like liers in wait for a man, in troops, is a band of priests, on the road, will they murder towards Shechem, - because, a shameful deed, they have done.

For they have made ready, like an oven, their heart, by their lying in wait, - all the night, their baker sleepeth, in the morning, he, kindleth up as it were a blazing fire.

Foreigners have, eaten up, his strength, and, he, knoweth it not, - even gray hairs, are sprinkled upon him, and, he, knoweth it not.

Therefore doth the Excellency of Israel, answer, to his face; yet have they not returned unto Yahweh their God, nor have they sought him, in spite of all this!

When, I, had warned them, I strengthened their arm, - yet, against me, kept they on devising wickedness.

Israel hath cast away what is good, - an enemy, shall pursue him.

For, of Israel, is even that thing! A craftsman, made it, and, a No-god, it is! For, into fragments, shall the Calf of Samaria be broken.

For, to the wind, they sow, and, to the whirlwind, they reap: stalk, hath it none, That which shooteth forth, shall yield no meal, If so be it yield, foreigners, swallow it lip,

Even though they hire them among the nations, at once, will I gather them, when they have begun to be diminished by reason of the burden of the king of rulers.

And so Israel hath forgotten his Maker, and hath built temples, and, Judah, hath multiplied fortified cities, - Therefore will I send a fire upon his cities, and it shall consume the palaces thereof.

They shall not dwell in the land of Yahweh, but Ephraim shall return to Egypt, and, in Assyria - that which is unclean, shall they eat.

They shall not pour out to Yahweh - wine, neither shall they be pleasing to him, their sacrifices, are as the food of mourning to them, all that eat thereof, shall defile themselves, because, their food for their appetite, entereth not into the house of Yahweh.

What will ye do, for the day of appointed meeting? and in the day of the festival of Yahweh?

For, though they have gone from destruction, yet, Egypt, shall gather them, Memphis, shall bury them, - as for their silver favorites! thistles, shall possess them, thorns in their tents.

Like grapes in the desert, found I Israel, like the first-ripe in the fig-tree when it is young, saw I your fathers, - they, entered Baal-peor, and devoted themselves to the Shameful Thing, Then became their abominations like their lusts.

Yea, though they rear their children, yet will I make them childless, till there be no human being, - for it is, nothing less than woe, to them when I depart from them!

Ephraim! just as I provided for Tyre, was planted in a meadow, - yet, Ephraim, must needs bring forth for a murderer his children.

Give them, O Yahweh - what wilt thou give? Give them, a miscarrying womb, and breasts dried up.

All their wickedness, is in Gilgal, yea, there, have I come to hate them, For the wickedness of their doings - out of my house, will I drive them forth, - no more will I love them, all their rulers, are unruly.

Smitten is Ephraim, their root, hath dried up, fruit, shall they not bear, - yea, though they do bring forth, yet will I slay the darlings of their womb.

For, now, will they say, We have no king, - for we revere not Yahweh, and what could, a king, do for us?

About the calves of Beth-aven, will the inhabitant of Samaria be concerned, - for the people thereof, have mourned over it, and, the ascetics thereof, who, over it, used to exult, shall mourn for the glory thereof, because it hath departed therefrom.

But, Ephraim, shall be a heifer broken in, loving to tread out corn, when, I, have passed over upon her fair neck, - I will drive Ephraim, Judah, shall plow, Jacob, shall harrow to him.

Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap ye at thc bidding of lovingkindness, furrow to yourselves the newly-ploughed soil, - then will be the time to seek Yahweh, until he come, that he may rain down righteousness for you.

They invited them, - at once, they departed from before me, they, to the Baals, sacrificed, and, to the images, offered incense.

Yet, I, had taught Ephraim to walk, I used to take them upon mine arms, - But they acknowledged not that I had healed them.

With human cords, used I to draw them, with the bands of love, so became I unto them like those who remove the yoke that was on their jaws, - and, holding out food to him, I let him eat.

How can I give thee up, Ephraim? abandon thee Israel? How can I make thee as Admah? set thee as Zeboim? Mine own heart, turneth against me, at once, are kindled my compassions.

After Yahweh, let them go, Like a lion, will he roar, - When, he, shall roar, then let sons, come trembling, out of the West.

Let them come trembling like a small bird out of Egypt, and like a dove out of the land of Assyria, - so will I cause them to dwell by their own houses, Declareth Yahweh.

Yea he strove against a Messenger, and prevailed, he wept, and made supplication unto him, - At Bethel, he found him, and, there, he spake with us;

Thou, therefore, by thy God, shalt return, - lovingkindness and justice, do thou keep, so wait thou for thy God, continually.

But, I, Yahweh, have been thy God, from the land of Egypt, - I will yet make thee dwell in tents, as in the days of appointed meeting.

And, by a prophet, Yahweh, brought up, Israel out of Egypt, - and, by a prophet, was he watched over.

Now, therefore they go on to sin, and have made them a Molten Thing out of their silver, after the notion of idols, the workmanship of craftsmen, all of it! Of them, are they saying - Ye sacrificers of men! The Great Calf, shall ye surely kiss!

Therefore, shall they become like the morning cloud, and like the dew early departing, - like chaff storm-driven out of the threshing-floor, and like smoke out of a chimney.

Yet, I, Yahweh, have been thy God from the land of Egypt, - and, god beside me, shalt thou not acknowledge, for, saviour, is there none besides me.

It hath utterly destroyed thee, O Israel, for it was against me, as thy helper!

Out of the hand of hades, will I ransom them, out of death, will I redeem them, - Where is thy pestilence, O death? Where thy plague, O hades? Repentance, shall be hid from mine eyes.

Though, he, among brethren, be fruitful, there shall come in an east wind, the blast of Yahweh out of the desert coming up, that his spring, may dry up, and his fountain, be exhausted, he, will rob the treasure-house of all the vessels of delight.

Ephraim saith - What to me any more are idols? I, have answered, and have closely observed him, I, am like a fir-tree that is green, From me, is thy fruit found.