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If the thieves and robbers came to thee by night, thou taking thy rest: should they not steal, till they had enough? If the grape gatherers came upon thee, would they not leave thee some grapes?

But how shall they rip Esau, and seek out his treasures!

Yea, the men that were sworn unto thee, shall drive thee out of the borders of thine own land. They that be now at one with thee, shall deceive thee, and overcome thee: Even they that eat thy bread, shall betray thee, before thou perceive it.

Thy giants, O Teman, shall be afraid, for through the slaughter they shall be all overthrown upon the mount of Esau.

For likewise as ye have drunken upon mine holy hill, so shall all Heathen drink continually: yea drink shall they, and swallow up, so that ye shall be as though ye had never been.

Moreover, the house of Jacob shall be a fire, the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau the straw: which they shall kindle and consume, so that nothing shall be left of the house of Esau, for the LORD himself hath said it.

They of the South shall have the mount of Esau in possession. And look: what lieth upon the ground, that shall the Philistines have. The plain fields shall Ephraim and Samaria possess: and the mountains of Gilead shall Benjamin have.

Thus they that escape upon the hill of Zion, shall go up to punish the mount of Esau, and the kingdom shall be the LORD's.