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Look, the Lord is leaving His place
and coming down to trample
the heights of the earth.

The mountains will melt beneath Him,
and the valleys will split apart,
like wax near a fire,
like water cascading down a mountainside.

Don’t announce it in Gath,
don’t weep at all.
Roll in the dust in Beth-leaphrah.

House of Jacob, should it be asked,
“Is the Spirit of the Lord impatient?
Are these the things He does?”
Don’t My words bring good
to the one who walks uprightly?

I will remove the cities of your land
and tear down all your fortresses.

I will remove your carved images
and sacred pillars from you
so that you will not bow down again
to the work of your hands.

My people, what have I done to you,
or how have I wearied you?
Testify against Me!

Would the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams
or with ten thousand streams of oil?
Should I give my firstborn for my transgression,
the child of my body for my own sin?