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So the whole number of generations from Abraham to David is fourteen; from David to the Exile to Babylon fourteen; and from the Exile to Babylon to the Christ fourteen.

When King Herod heard of this, he was much troubled, and so, too, was all Jerusalem.

He called together all the Chief Priests and Teachers of the Law in the nation, and questioned them as to where the Christ was to be born.

'And thou, Bethlehem in Judah's land, Art in no way least among the chief cities of Judah; For out of thee will come a Chieftain- - One who will shepherd my people Israel.'"

When Herod found that he had been trifled with by the Astrologers, he was very angry. He sent and put to death all the boys in Bethlehem and the whole of that neighborhood, who were two years old or under, guided by the date which he had ascertained from the Astrologers.

'A voice was heard in Ramah, Weeping and much lamentation; Rachel, weeping for her children, Refused all comfort because they were not.'

And there he settled in the town of Nazareth, in fulfillment of these words in the Prophets--'He will be called a Nazarene.'

At that time Jerusalem, and all Judea, as well as the whole district of the Jordan, went out to him

Already the axe is lying at the root of the trees. Therefore every tree that fails to bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.

"If you are God's Son, throw yourself down, for Scripture says- -'He will give his angels commands about thee, And on their hands they will upbear thee, Lest ever thou shouldst strike thy foot against a stone.'"

The third time, the Devil took Jesus to a very high mountain, and, showing him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor, said to him:

"All these I will give you, if you will fall at my feet and do homage to me."

And his fame spread all through Syria. They brought to him all who were ill with any form of disease, or who were suffering pain--any who were either possessed by demons, or were lunatic, or paralyzed; and he cured them.

It is you who are the Salt of the earth; but, if the salt should lose its strength, what will you use to restore its saltiness? It is no longer good for anything, but is thrown away, and trampled underfoot.

Whoever, therefore, breaks one of these commandments, even the least of them, and teaches others to do so, will be the least- esteemed in the Kingdom of Heaven; but whoever keeps them, and teaches others to do so, will be esteemed great in the Kingdom of Heaven.

I tell you, you will not come out until you have paid the last penny.

And, if your right hand is a snare to you, cut it off and throw it away. It would be best for you to lose one part of your body, and not to have the whole of it go down to the Pit.

And, when any one wants to go to law with you, to take your coat, let him have your cloak as well;

When praying, do not repeat the same words over and over again, as is done by the Gentiles, who think that by using many words they will obtain a hearing.

That he may not be seen by men to be fasting, but by his Father who dwells in secret; and his Father, who sees what is secret, will recompense him.

And why do you look at the straw in your brother's eye, while you pay no attention at all to the beam in yours?

How will you say to your brother 'Let me take out the straw from your eye,' when all the time there is a beam in your own?

Hypocrite! Take out the beam from your own eye first, and then you will see clearly how to take out the straw from your brother's.

Or when he asks for a fish, will give him a snake?

By the fruit of their lives you will know them. Do people gather grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?

Hence it is by the fruit of their lives that you will know such men.

On 'That Day' many will say to me 'Master, Master, was not it in your name that we taught, and in your name that we drove out demons, and in your name that we did many miracles?'

"Sir," he said, "my manservant is lying ill at my house with a stroke of paralysis, and is suffering terribly."

"Sir," the Captain went on, "I am unworthy to receive you under my roof; but only speak, and my manservant will be cured.

And a Teacher of the Law came up to him, and said: "Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go."

"Go," he said. The spirits came out, and entered the pigs; and the whole drove rushed down the steep slope into the Sea, and died in the water.

At this the men who tended them ran away and went to the town, carrying the news of all that had occurred, and of what had happened to the possessed men.

At the news the whole town went out to meet Jesus, and, when they saw him, they entreated him to go away from their neighborhood.

On hearing this, Jesus said: "It is not those who are in health that need a doctor, but those who are ill.

While Jesus was saying this, a President of a Synagogue came up and bowed to the ground before him. "My daughter," he said, "Has just died; but come and place your hand on her, and she will be restored to life."

"If I only touch his cloak," she said to herself, "I shall get well."

The report of this spread through all that part of the country.

But the men went out, and spread the news about him through all that part of the country.

Jesus went round all the towns and the villages, teaching in their Synagogues, proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom, and curing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness.

I tell you, the doom of the land of Sodom and Gomorrah will be more bearable in the 'Day of Judgment' than the doom of that town.

But, when they persecute you in one town, escape to the next; for, I tell you, you will not have come to the end of the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.

Do not, therefore, be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed which will not be revealed, nor anything hidden which will not become known.

While these men were going back, Jesus began to say to the crowds with reference to John:

For the teaching of all the Prophets and of the Law continued till the time of John;

Yet, I tell you, the doom of Tyre and Sidon will be more bearable in the 'Day of Judgment' than yours.

And you, Capernaum! Will you 'exalt yourself to Heaven'? 'You shall go down to the Place of Death.' For, if the miracles which have been done in you had been done in Sodom, it would have been standing to this day.

Yet, I tell you, the doom of Sodom will be more bearable in the 'Day of Judgment' than yours."