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{Beth} She weepeth sore in the night, so that the tears run down her cheeks: for among all her lovers, there is none that giveth her any comfort. Yea, her next friends transgress against her, and are become her enemies.

Verse ConceptsCheeksBetrayalNightFeelings Of Rejection By GodWeepingAfflictions, Consolation DuringHanding Over PeopleFriends FailingNo ComfortPeople Mourning Catastrophe

{Gimel} Judah is taken prisoner, because she was defiled: and for serving so many strange gods, she dwelleth now among the heathen. She findeth no rest: all they that persecuted her, took her in strait places where she could not escape.

Verse ConceptsPursuing PeopleWorryExile Of Judah To BabylonOvertaking

{Tet} Her skirts are defiled, she remembered not what would follow: therefore is her fall so great, and there is no man to comfort her. O LORD, consider my trouble, for my enemy hath the upper hand.

Verse ConceptsAbsence Of ThoughtFringe Of ClothesDownfall Of IsraelPeople Being UncleanI Am SufferingNo ComfortSeeking Honour

{Mem} From above hath he sent down a fire into my bones: and it burned them cruelly. He hath laid a net for my feet, and thrown me wide open: he hath made me desolate, so that I must ever be mourning.

Verse ConceptsNetsUnceasingContinual HardshipCausing People To TurnDamage To The BodyFire From HeavenGod Trapping

{Aleph} Alas, how hath the LORD darkened the daughter of Zion so sore in his wrath? As for the honour of Israel, he hath casten it down from heaven: How happeneth it, that he remembered not his own foot stool when he was angry?

Verse ConceptsFootstoolsZion, As A SymbolGod ForgettingLosing HonourThe Coming Day Of God's WrathFeelings Of Alienation

{Khet} The LORD thought to break down the walls of the daughter Zion; he spread out his line, and drew not in his hand, till he had destroyed them. Therefore mourn the turrets and the broken walls together.

Verse ConceptsPlumb LineWallsGod DestroyingDestruction Of Jerusalem's WallMourning Due To Catastrophe

{Nun} Thy prophets have looked out vain and foolish things for thee: they have not showed thee of thy wickedness, to keep thee from captivity; but have overladen thee, and through falsity scattered thee abroad.

Verse ConceptsFutilityOraclesVisionsFalse VisionsSin Made KnownMen DeceivingFalse Prophets DenouncedWhat Sin?Peace And SafetyFake Friends

{Pe} The LORD hath fulfilled the thing that he was purposed to do; and performed that he had devised long ago. He hath destroyed; and not spared. He hath caused thine adversary to triumph over thee; and set up the horn of thine enemy.

Verse ConceptsCruelty, God's attitude toGuidance, God's Promises OfPlansDeterminismPower Through GodHorns VictoriousGod Speaking Of OldNot SparingRejoicing In Evil

{Tsadi} Let thine heart cry unto the LORD, O thou city of the daughter Zion; let thy tears run down like a river day and night. Rest not, and let not the apple of thine eye leave off.

Verse ConceptsAffliction Day And NightWeepingCrying To GodFigurative WallsEyes Cared ForNo Comfort

{Kuf} Stand up and make thy prayer in the first watch of the night; pour out thine heart like water before the LORD. Lift up thine hands for the lives of thy young children that die of hunger in the streets.

Verse ConceptsHandsNightPouringAll Night PrayersLifting HandsThings Like WaterPouring WaterFaintingTragedy On The StreetsYoung People SufferingBeginning Of PeriodsLike Water

{Shin} Young and old lie behind the streets, upon the ground; my maidens and young men are slain with the sword: whom thou in the day of thy wrathful indignation hast put to death. Yea, even thou hast put them to death, and not spared them.

Verse ConceptsMale And FemaleCalamityGod KillingTragedy On The StreetsGod Killed His PeopleNot SparingKilling IsraelitesMassacres

He drove me forth, and led me: Yea, into darkness, but not in to light.

Though I cry and call piteously, yet heareth he not my prayer.

Verse ConceptsDoubting God's Concern

For he doth not plague, and cast out the children of men from his heart.

Verse ConceptsGod UnwillingTragedygrieving

Thou hast hid thyself in a cloud, that our prayer should not go through.

Verse ConceptsBeing Yourselfclouds

Thou hast heard my voice, and hast not turned away thine ears from my sighing and crying.

Verse ConceptsGod Paid Attention To MePay Attention O God!breathing

Thou hast inclined thyself unto me, when I called upon thee, and haste said, "Fear not."

Verse ConceptsFear And Worry

{Vav} The sin of the daughter of my people is become greater than the wickedness of Sodom, that suddenly was destroyed, and not taken with hands.

Verse ConceptsSodom And GomorrahSudden DestructionGod's People SinningPunishments

{Khet} But now their faces are very black: Insomuch, that thou shouldest not know them in the streets. Their skin cleaveth to their bones; It is withered, and become like a dry stock.

Verse ConceptsSkinSticksHuman SkinSootPeople WitheredNot Recognising PeopleBlack Peoplelimitations

{Samekh} But they cried unto every man, "Flee the staining! Away, get you hence, touch it not! Yea," say they, "ye must be burnt: ye must dwell among the Gentiles, and bide no longer here."

Verse ConceptsRestlessnessPeople PartingWanderersNot TouchingIsrael FleeingLeave Us Alone

{Tsadi} They lay so sharp wait for us, that we can not go safe upon the streets: for our end is come, our days are fulfilled, our end is here.

Verse ConceptsStreetsPeople EndedPeople Following People

{Tav} Thy sin is well punished, O thou daughter Zion: he shall not suffer thee to be carried away anymore. But thy wickedness, O daughter Edom, shall he visit, and for thy sins' sake, he shall lead thee into captivity.

Verse ConceptsSin Made Known

The princes are hanged up with the hand of the enemies; they have not spared the old sage men;

Verse ConceptsOld Age, Attitudes ToRespect, For Human BeingsDisrespect For Old Age