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In the eighth month of Darius' second year, the word of the Lord came to the prophet Zechariah, son of Berechiah son of Iddo, as follows:

Verse ConceptsMonthProphecy, Inspiration Of OtWord Of GodMonth 8Named Prophets Of The LordMonths

"Do not be like your ancestors, to whom the former prophets called out, saying, 'The Lord who rules over all says, "Turn now from your evil wickedness,"' but they would by no means obey me," says the Lord.

Verse ConceptsLearning From The PastImpenitence, Warnings AgainstIndifferencePast, TheEvil WaysNot Like PeopleFathersBeing A Good Father

"As for your ancestors, where are they? And did the prophets live forever?

Verse ConceptsPeople Passing AwayHow Death Is InevitableProphecy Ignoredfatherhood

But have my words and statutes, which I commanded my servants the prophets, not outlived your fathers? Then they paid attention and confessed, 'The Lord who rules over all has indeed done what he said he would do to us, because of our sinful ways.'"

Verse ConceptsGod Spoke By The ProphetsRepaid For DeedsSigns Of RepentanceGod's Will Be Done

On the twenty-fourth day of the eleventh month, the month Shebat, in Darius' second year, the word of the Lord came to the prophet Zechariah son of Berechiah son of Iddo, as follows:

Verse ConceptsMonthMonth 11

I was attentive that night and saw a man seated on a red horse that stood among some myrtle trees in the ravine. Behind him were red, sorrel, and white horses.

Verse ConceptsAngel of the LordNightVisionsWhiteVisions And Dreams In ScriptureRiding HorsesMyrtleRed Animals

Then I asked one nearby, "What are these, sir?" The angelic messenger who replied to me said, "I will show you what these are."

Verse ConceptsCommunicationGod's Things Revealed

Then the man standing among the myrtle trees spoke up and said, "These are the ones whom the Lord has sent to walk about on the earth."

Verse ConceptsPatrollingMyrtleGod Sending Prophets

So I asked the angelic messenger who spoke with me, "What are these?" He replied, "These are the horns that have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem."

Verse Conceptsdispersion, theHorns In AllegoryWhat Is This?jerusalem

I asked, "What are these going to do?" He answered, "These horns are the ones that have scattered Judah so that there is no one to be seen. But the blacksmiths have come to terrify Judah's enemies and cut off the horns of the nations that have thrust themselves against the land of Judah in order to scatter its people."

Verse ConceptsHorns WeakenedHorns In AllegoryLifting HeadsWhat Do They Do?craftsmanship

I asked, "Where are you going?" He replied, "To measure Jerusalem in order to determine its width and its length."

Verse ConceptsBreadthMeasuring Jerusalem And The LandWhere To?jerusalemmeasurement

"Sing out and be happy, Zion my daughter! For look, I have come; I will settle in your midst," says the Lord.

Verse ConceptsGoalsFellowship, With GodGod Living With Us

The angel spoke up to those standing all around, "Remove his filthy clothes." Then he said to Joshua, "I have freely forgiven your iniquity and will dress you in fine clothing."

Verse ConceptsIniquity, God's Attitude TowardAngels as God's servantsSin, Deliverance From GodSin BearerRich ApparelClothed With RighteousnessGod Stripping PeopleGod AtoningGarments

"The Lord who rules over all says, 'If you live and work according to my requirements, you will be able to preside over my temple and attend to my courtyards, and I will allow you to come and go among these others who are standing by you.

Verse ConceptsWalkingEntering The TempleWalking In The Ways Of GodIf You Keep The CommandmentsAccess to God

Listen now, Joshua the high priest, both you and your colleagues who are sitting before you, all of you are a symbol that I am about to introduce my servant, the Branch.

Verse ConceptsDay of the LORDBranches, Illustrating MessiahCovenant, God's with DavidRemnantNames And Titles For ChristChrist, Names ForMessianic PropheciesPeople As Signs

As for the stone I have set before Joshua -- on the one stone there are seven eyes. I am about to engrave an inscription on it,' says the Lord who rules over all, 'to the effect that I will remove the iniquity of this land in a single day.

Verse ConceptsengravingArtInscriptionsSeven ThingsOne DayStones As MonumentsGod Atoning

There are also two olive trees beside it, one on the right of the receptacle and the other on the left."

Verse ConceptsTwo Plant ProductsOlive Trees

Then I asked the messenger who spoke with me, "What are these, sir?"

Verse ConceptsWhat Is This?

He replied, "Don't you know what these are?" So I responded, "No, sir."

Verse ConceptsDissentWhat Is This?Ignorant Of Facts

"What are you, you great mountain? Because of Zerubbabel you will become a level plain! And he will bring forth the temple capstone with shoutings of 'Grace! Grace!' because of this."

Verse ConceptsCapstoneDuplicating WordsMountains RemovedWhat Is This?Beauty Of ThingsArt Of CelebratingGraceHindrances

For who dares make light of small beginnings? These seven eyes will joyfully look on the tin tablet in Zerubbabel's hand. (These are the eyes of the Lord, which constantly range across the whole earth.)

Verse ConceptsGod, Human Descriptions OfContemptGod, Present EverywherePlumb LineVisionSmall Things God UsesSeven Body PartsSmall ThingsPatrollingGod Seeing All The Earth

Next I asked the messenger, "What are these two olive trees on the right and the left of the menorah?"

Verse ConceptsWhat Is This?Two Plant ProductsOlive Trees

Before he could reply I asked again, "What are these two extensions of the olive trees, which are emptying out the golden oil through the two golden pipes?"

Verse ConceptsBranches, Types OfOlive OilOil For LampsWhat Is This?Speaking AgainWater ChannelOlive TreesMoral Decay

He replied, "Don't you know what these are?" And I said, "No, sir."

Verse ConceptsDissentIgnorant Of Facts

So he said, "These are the two anointed ones who stand by the Lord of the whole earth."

Verse ConceptsAnointed By GodAnointing

The speaker went on to say, "This is a curse traveling across the whole earth. For example, according to the curse whoever steals will be removed from the community; or on the other hand (according to the curse) whoever swears falsely will suffer the same fate."

Verse ConceptsPunishment, Legal Aspects OfSwearing Oaths FalselyThe Curse Of The LawSwearing

I asked the messenger who was speaking to me, "Where are they taking the basket?"

Verse ConceptsWhere To?

Harnessed to the first chariot were red horses, to the second black horses,

Verse ConceptsBlacknessBlackBlack AnimalsRed AnimalsFirst ThingsSecond Thing

Then I asked the angelic messenger who was speaking with me, "What are these, sir?"

Verse ConceptsWhat Is This?

The messenger replied, "These are the four spirits of heaven that have been presenting themselves before the Lord of all the earth.

Verse ConceptsSpiritsStandingHeaven And AngelsFour Winds

The chariot with the black horses is going to the north country and the white ones are going after them, but the spotted ones are going to the south country.

Verse ConceptsNorthBlack AnimalsBlack And White

All these strong ones are scattering; they have sought permission to go and walk about over the earth." The Lord had said, "Go! Walk about over the earth!" So they are doing so.

Verse ConceptsPatrolling

Then those who are far away will come and build the temple of the Lord so that you may know that the Lord who rules over all has sent me to you. This will all come to pass if you completely obey the voice of the Lord your God."'"

Verse ConceptsCommitment, to GoddiligenceDiligence, Examples OfWeights And Measures, DistancesThe Perfect TempleGod Sending ProphetsPeople From Far AwayRebuilding The Temple

In King Darius' fourth year, on the fourth day of Kislev, the ninth month, the word of the Lord came to Zechariah.

Verse ConceptsMonthAutumnMonth 9

Should you not have obeyed the words that the Lord cried out through the former prophets when Jerusalem was peacefully inhabited and her surrounding cities, the Negev, and the Shephelah were also populated?

Verse ConceptsGod, Activity OfGod's Activity In IsraelInhabitationSaying The Same ThingsGod Spoke By The ProphetsThe ShephelahRevelation Through Prophets

Rather, I will sweep them away in a storm into all the nations they are not familiar with.' Thus the land had become desolate because of them, with no one crossing through or returning, for they had made the fruitful land a waste."

Verse ConceptsWhirlwindsGod Scattering IsraelLand Becoming EmptyNot Knowing People

"The Lord who rules over all also says, 'Gather strength, you who are listening to these words today from the mouths of the prophets who were there at the founding of the house of the Lord who rules over all, so that the temple might be built.

Verse ConceptsFoundationsStrength Of PeopleThe Second TempleFoundations Of BuildingsBe Strong!Rebuilding The TempleStaying StrongFinishing Strongrebuilding

Before that time there was no compensation for man or animal, nor was there any relief from adversity for those who came and went, because I had pitted everybody -- each one -- against everyone else.

Verse ConceptsSafetyWagesUnrestBoth Men And Animals AffectedFighting One AnotherNo Peace

And it will come about that just as you (both Judah and Israel) were a curse to the nations, so I will save you and you will be a blessing. Do not be afraid! Instead, be strong!'

Verse ConceptsConsistencyStrength Of PeopleBlessing Through God's PeopleGod Saves The NeedyBe Strong!Blessing Others

"For the Lord who rules over all says, 'As I had planned to hurt you when your fathers made me angry,' says the Lord who rules over all, 'and I was not sorry,

Verse ConceptsGod Will Bring Harm

These are the things you must do: Speak the truth, each of you, to one another. Practice true and righteous judgment in your courts.

Verse ConceptsLawsuitsBusiness At The GatewayJudging RightlyPerforming The TruthSpeaking TruthDoing God's WorksSeek PeaceJudgmentsTelling The Truth

Do not plan evil in your hearts against one another. Do not favor a false oath -- these are all things that I hate,' says the Lord."

Verse ConceptsFalse Witnesses, Defined AsPromises, HumanEvil PlansSin, And God's CharacterGod Hating Things

An oracle of the word of the Lord concerning the land of Hadrach, with its focus on Damascus: The eyes of all humanity, especially of the tribes of Israel, are toward the Lord,

Verse ConceptsWord Of GodGod Seeing All PeopleGod OpposingGod Saves From Sin And Deathdamascus

as are those of Hamath also, which adjoins Damascus, and Tyre and Sidon, though they consider themselves to be very wise.

I will take away their abominable religious practices; then those who survive will become a community of believers in our God, like a clan in Judah, and Ekron will be like the Jebusites.

Verse ConceptsTeethPeople Consuming BloodSurvivors FavouredBlessings For Jew And GentileEating Forbidden Food

Moreover, as for you, because of our covenant relationship secured with blood, I will release your prisoners from the waterless pit.

Verse ConceptsCisternsPitsDry PlacesBlood Of The CovenantGod Freeing CaptivesPits Symbolizing GriefTerms Of The Covenant At SinaiThe Blood Of Jesusliberation

I will bend Judah as my bow; I will load the bow with Ephraim, my arrow! I will stir up your sons, Zion, against yours, Greece, and I will make you, Zion, like a warrior's sword.

Verse ConceptsBow And Arrows, Symbol Of Strengthenemies, of Israel and JudahArchers, Likened To God

Then the Lord will appear above them, and his arrow will shoot forth like lightning; the Lord God will blow the trumpet and will sally forth on the southern storm winds.

Verse ConceptsArrows, Figurative OfArrows, Described AsLightningTheophanyTrumpets For BattleGod AppearingArrowsHurricanes

The Lord who rules over all will guard them, and they will prevail and overcome with sling stones. Then they will drink, and will become noisy like drunkards, full like the sacrificial basin or like the corners of the altar.

Verse ConceptsdefeatSlingsGod Being Our DefenceCornersMoist ThingsSoundFilling PeopleSacrifice On The Bronze AltarFear Of StoningGod DefendingTemple Utensils In Use

On that day the Lord their God will deliver them as the flock of his people, for they are the precious stones of a crown sparkling over his land.

Verse ConceptsJewelsChrist And His SheepSparklingGod Saves The NeedyJewellery And GodGod's Willjewelrycrowns

I will signal for them and gather them, for I have already redeemed them; then they will become as numerous as they were before.

Verse ConceptsGod, As RedeemerGathered By GodHissingWhistlingMany In Israelredeemed

Those who buy them slaughter them and are not held guilty; those who sell them say, 'Blessed be the Lord, for I am rich.' Their own shepherds have no compassion for them.

Verse ConceptsInadequate ShepherdingKilling Domesticated AnimalsSatisfied With RichesUnpunishedPeople Without MercyGuilt

Then the leaders of Judah will say to themselves, 'The inhabitants of Jerusalem are a means of strength to us through their God, the Lord who rules over all.'

Verse ConceptsGod Giving StrengthGod Gives StrengthFamily Strength

"Therefore, on that day each prophet will be ashamed of his vision when he prophesies and will no longer wear the hairy garment of a prophet to deceive the people.

Verse ConceptsHairsNo VisionsAvoiding DeceitHairclothShame Of Bad Conduct

Then someone will ask him, 'What are these wounds on your chest?' and he will answer, 'Some that I received in the house of my friends.'

Verse ConceptsProperty, HousesWoundsFriendsscars

Then I will bring the remaining third into the fire; I will refine them like silver is refined and will test them like gold is tested. They will call on my name and I will answer; I will say, 'These are my people,' and they will say, 'The Lord is my God.'"

Verse ConceptsFaith, Testing OfdrossCalling upon GodGoldSilverTestingAnswers By FireAnswered PromisesRefining Influences Of AfflictionAfflictions As Blessings In DisguiseOne ThirdFire Of JudgementGod Will AnswerGod Testing PeopleThings Like GoldThings Like SilverGod Answers PrayerYou Are Our GodTestspressuremold

A day of the Lord is about to come when your possessions will be divided as plunder in your midst.

Verse ConceptsDividing Plunder

For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to wage war; the city will be taken, its houses plundered, and the women raped. Then half of the city will go into exile, but the remainder of the people will not be taken away.

Verse ConceptsDay of the LORDCruelty, examples ofArmageddonAliancesMillenniumRapeSuffering, Causes OfWarfare, Nature OfGathering Other NationsHalf Of DistrictsAttacks On Jerusalem ForetoldExile In ProspectCapturing Cities

It will happen in one day (a day known to the Lord); not in the day or the night, but in the evening there will be light.

Verse ConceptsUnceasingContinual GoodLight In The WorldDay Or NightBeing Unique