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Wilt thou hunt - for the Lioness - prey? Or, the craving of the Strong Lion, wilt thou satisfy;

When they settle down in dens, abide in covert, for lying in wait?

Who prepareth for the Raven his nourishment, - when his young ones - unto GOD - cry out, when they wander for lack of food?

Who hath sent forth the Wild Ass free? And, the bands of the swift-runner, who hath loosed?

Will the Wild-Ox be pleased to be thy servant? or lodge for the night by thy crib?

Wilt thou put faith in him, that he will bring back thy seed? and that, corn for thy threshing-floor, he will gather?

For she leaveth - to the earth - her eggs, and, on the dust, she letteth them be warmed;

For GOD hath suffered her to forget wisdom, and given her no share in understanding.

From thence, he searcheth out food, far away, his eyes do pierce;

Will he solemnise a covenant with thee? Wilt thou take him for a life-long servant?

Wilt thou sport with him, as with a little bird? Or wilt thou bind him, for thy maidens?

Out of his mouth, torches dart forth, sparks of fire, escape;

As for him that assaileth him, the sword availeth not, spear, dart, or coat of mail:

There is not - upon the dust - his like, that hath been made to be without fear;

Who is it that hideth counsel without knowledge? Therefore, have I declared, but not understood, things too wonderful for me, which I could not know.

And it came to pass, after Yahweh had spoken these words unto Job, that Yahweh, said unto Eliphaz the Temanite, Kindled is mine anger against thee and against thy two friends, for ye have not spoken concerning me the thing that is right, like my servant Job.

Now, therefore, take unto you seven bullocks and seven rams, and go unto my servant Job, and ye shall offer up an ascending-sacrifice in your own behalf, and, Job my servant, shall pray over you, - for, him, will I accept, that I may not deal out to you disgrace, because ye have not spoken concerning me the thing that is right, like my servant Job.

And there were found no women so fair as the daughters of Job, in all the land, - and their father gave them an inheritance, in the midst of their brethren.

And Job lived, after this, a hundred and forty years, - and saw his sons and his sons' sons, four generations.