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And he judged between the nations, and he will decide for many peoples: and they shall beat down their swords to plough-shares and their spears to pruning-hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, and they shall no more learn war.

And there was the harp and the lyre, the drum and the pipe, and the wine of their drinking's: but the work of Jehovah they will not look at, and the work of his hands they saw not

And Jehovah put man far away, and much forsaking in the midst of the land.

And he will say, Hear ye now, house of David; is it small for you to weary men, but will ye weary God also

And thou wert east out of thy grave as a sprout abhorred, a garment of the slain thrust through with the sword, and going down to the stones of the pit as a corpse trodden down.

For the waters of Dimon were filled with blood: I will put additions upon Dimon, to the escaping of Moab, lions, and to the rest of the land.

My heart wandered; trembling made me afraid: the evening twilight of my desire he put to me for fear.

The city put in commotion was filled with noise, the exulting city: thy wounded not wounded of the sword, and not the dead of war.

Fear, and the pit, and the snare, upon thee, thou inhabiters of the earth.

And it was he fleeing from the voice of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he coming up out of the midst of the pit, shall be taken in the snare: for the windows from the height were opened, and the foundations of the earth, will tremble.

O Jehovah our God, lords besides thee had dominion over us; but in thee alone will we make mention of thy name.

Thou didst add to the nation, O Jehovah, thou didst add to the nation thou wert honored: thou didst put far; away all the ends of the earth.

And it was in that day Jehovah will beat off from the stream of the river even to the torrent of Egypt, and ye shall be gathered together by one, one, ye sons of Israel.

Bread shall be beaten small; for threshing, he will not forever thresh it; and the wheel of his wagon he put in motion and his horsemen shall not beat it small.

All acted wickedly for a people who will not profit them, not for help and not for profiting, but for shame and also for a reproach.

But there the mighty Jehovah to us a place of rivers, rivers broad of hands; a ship with the oar shall not go in it, and a mighty ship shall not pass over it.

And he gave their gods into fire; for they were not God but the work of man's hands, wood and stone: and they will destroy them.

Because thine anger against me and thine arrogance came up into mine ear, and I put my hook in thy nose and my curb in thy lips, and I turned thee back in the way which thou camest in it

Behold, for peace bitterness, to me bitterness: and thou didst cleave to my soul from the pit of destruction: and thou didst cast all my sin behind my back

Speak ye to the heart of Jerusalem, and call to her that her war was filled up, her iniquity was paid off: that she received from the hand of Jehovah double for all her sins.

Behold, I set thee to a new cutting threshing sledge having mouths: thou thalt thresh the mountains, and beat small, and the hills thou shalt set as chaff.

Who blind but my servant? and deaf as my messenger I shall send? who blind he being perfect? and blind as the servant of Jehovah?

Lift up round about thine eyes and see: they all gathered themselves together, they came to thee. I live, says Jehovah, thou shalt put them all on as an ornament, and thou shalt bind them as a bride.

I will put darkness upon the heavens, and I will put sackcloth their covering.

Hear to me, ye pursuing justice, seeking Jehovah: look to the rock ye hewed, and at the quarry of the pit ye dug out

He being bowed down hastened to be loosed, and he will not die in the pit, and his bread shall not fail.

And I am Jehovah thy God causing the sea to tremble. And its billows shall be put in motion: Jehovah of armies his name.

And I will put my word in thy mouth, and in the shadow of my hand I covered thee, to plant the heavens and to found the earth, and to say to Zion, Thou my people.

And I put it in the hand of those afflicting thee; who said to thy soul, Bow down, and we will pass over; thou wilt set thy middle as the earth, and as the street to those passing over.

Awake, awake, put on thy strength, O Zion; put on the garments of thy glory, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for the uncircumcised shall no more add to come into thee, and the unclean.

Thou shalt not fear; for thou shalt not be ashamed: and thou shalt not be disgraced, and thou shalt not be put to shame, for thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, and thou shalt no more remember the reproach of thy widowhood.

For as the rain coming down and the snow from the heavens, and shall not turn back there, but watering the earth and causing it to bring forth and sprout, and giving seed to be sown, and bread to be eaten;

So shall be my word which went forth out of my mouth: it shall not turn back to me empty, but doing what I delighted in, and it shall prosper for what I send it

Upon a mountain high and lifted up thou didst set thy bed: also there thou wentest up to sacrifice a sacrifice.

Behind the doors and the door-post thou didst set thy memorial: for from me thou didst migrate, and thou wilt go up; thou didst make broad thy bed, and thou wilt cut out to thee from them; thou didst love their bed; thou didst look upon the hand.

And whom didst thou fear? and wilt thou be afraid? for thou wilt lie, and thou didst not remember me; thou didst not put it upon thy heart; was not I being silent and from of old, and thou wilt not be afraid of me?

And he will put on justice as a coat of mail, and a helmet of salvation upon his head; and be will put on robes of vengeance a garment, and he will clothe himself with zeal as an upper garment

And I, this my covenant with them, said Jehovah: my spirit which is upon thee, and my word which I put in thy mouth shall not depart from thy mouth, and from the mouth of thy seed, from the mouth of thy seed's seed, said Jehovah, from now and even forever.

Behold, it written before me: I will not be silent, but I requited, and I requited upon their bosom,

Behold, my servants shall shout from good of heart, but ye shall cry from pain of heart, and wail from breaking of spirit

But be ye glad and rejoice even forever, for what I create: for behold me creating Jerusalem a joy, and her people a rejoicing.