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This is what King Cyrus of Persia says: “The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and has appointed me to build Him a house at Jerusalem in Judah.

Verse ConceptsKingdomsThe Second TempleResponsibility

All their neighbors supported them with silver articles, gold, goods, livestock, and valuables, in addition to all that was given as a freewill offering.

Verse ConceptsGiving To The Poor

The gold and silver articles totaled 5,400. Sheshbazzar brought all of them when the exiles went up from Babylon to Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsReturn From BabylonFive ThousandThose who returned from exile

The gatekeepers’ descendants included:

Shallum’s descendants, Ater’s descendants, Talmon’s descendants, Akkub’s descendants, Hatita’s descendants, Shobai’s descendants, in all 139

Verse ConceptsGatekeepersA Hundred And Some

All the temple servants and the descendants of Solomon’s servants 392.

Verse ConceptsThree To Four HundredThree Hundred And AboveTemple Assistants

The whole combined assembly numbered42,360

Verse ConceptsForty Thousand And Up

After that, they offered the regular burnt offering and the offerings for the beginning of each month and for all the Lord’s appointed holy occasions, as well as the freewill offerings brought to the Lord.

Verse ConceptsConsecrationFestivals ObservedFree Will

They gave money to the stonecutters and artisans, and gave food, drink, and oil to the people of Sidon and Tyre, so they could bring cedar wood from Lebanon to Joppa by sea, according to the authorization given them by King Cyrus of Persia.

Verse ConceptsCraftsmenCedarCarpentersMasonsBarteringMediterranean SeaAsking PermissionRaftsCedar WoodMoney For The Temple

In the second month of the second year after they arrived at God’s house in Jerusalem, Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, Jeshua son of Jozadak, and the rest of their brothers, including the priests, the Levites, and all who had returned to Jerusalem from the captivity, began to build. They appointed the Levites who were 20 years old or more to supervise the work on the Lord’s house.

Verse ConceptsJudaismMaturity, PhysicalMiddle AgeTwentyAge Ranges Of Levites

They sang with praise and thanksgiving to the Lord: “For He is good; His faithful love to Israel endures forever.” Then all the people gave a great shout of praise to the Lord because the foundation of the Lord’s house had been laid.

Verse ConceptsPraiseAttitudes Of PraiseRevival, Nature OfThanksgivingVoicesShouting For JoyEternal BlessingThose Singing Praise

Let it now be known to the king that if that city is rebuilt and its walls are finished, they will not pay tribute, duty, or land tax, and the royal revenue will suffer.

Verse ConceptsTaxationTributes

that a search should be made in your fathers’ record books. In these record books you will discover and verify that the city is a rebellious city, harmful to kings and provinces. There have been revolts in it since ancient times. That is why this city was destroyed.

Verse ConceptsArchivesBooksStoringSeeking For Concrete ThingsHistorical Books

We advise the king that if this city is rebuilt and its walls are finished, you will not have any possession west of the Euphrates.

Verse ConceptsBeyond The RiverBeyond The Euphrates

Powerful kings have also ruled over Jerusalem and exercised authority over the whole region, and tribute, duty, and land tax were paid to them.

Verse ConceptsTributesBeyond The RiverBeyond The Euphrates

Therefore, issue an order for these men to stop, so that this city will not be rebuilt until a further decree has been pronounced by me.

See that you not neglect this matter. Otherwise, the damage will increase and the royal interests will suffer.

Verse ConceptsNeglecting Duties

They sent him a report, written as follows:

To King Darius:

All greetings.

Verse ConceptsGreetings

I hereby issue a decree concerning what you must do, so that the elders of the Jews can rebuild the house of God:

The cost is to be paid in full to these men out of the royal revenues from the taxes of the region west of the Euphrates River, so that the work will not stop.

Verse ConceptsPersecution, Attitudes To

Whatever is needed—young bulls, rams, and lambs for burnt offerings to the God of heaven, or wheat, salt, wine, and oil, as requested by the priests in Jerusalem—let it be given to them every day without fail,

Verse ConceptsGenerosity, HumanOilWheatProviding WineOil On SacrificesSacrificing Cattle Sheep And GoatsSourness

I also issue a decree concerning any man who interferes with this directive:

Let a beam be torn from his house and raised up; he will be impaled on it, and his house will be made into a garbage dump because of this offense.

Verse ConceptsCriminalsGallowsDeath penaltyHangingPunishment, Legal Aspects OfPiercingsRubbish

For the dedication of God’s house they offered 100 bulls, 200 rams, and 400 lambs, as well as 12 male goats as a sin offering for all Israel—one for each Israelite tribe.

Verse ConceptsGoatsExpiationSacrifice, In OtSin OfferingOne HundredThe Number Two HundredFour To Five HundredTwelve TribesTwelve AnimalsFour And Five HundredSheep And GoatsDedication

All of the priests and Levites were ceremonially clean, because they had purified themselves. They killed the Passover lamb for themselves, their priestly brothers, and all the exiles.

Verse ConceptsLambsPurificationPurifying OneselfKilling Sacrifices

The Israelites who had returned from exile ate it, together with all who had separated themselves from the uncleanness of the Gentiles of the land in order to worship Yahweh, the God of Israel.

Verse ConceptsExclusivenessSeparationHeathenNations DescribedProselytesSeparation From Evil PeopleThose who returned from exileAdoption Should Lead To Holiness

and all the silver and gold you receive throughout the province of Babylon, together with the freewill offerings given by the people and the priests to the house of their God in Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsFreewill Offering

You may do whatever seems best to you and your brothers with the rest of the silver and gold, according to the will of your God.

Verse ConceptsGuidance, Need For God'sGood Activity

You must deliver to the God of Jerusalem all the articles given to you for the service of the house of your God.

Verse ConceptsTemple Utensils Removed

I, King Artaxerxes, issue a decree to all the treasurers in the region west of the Euphrates River:

Whatever Ezra the priest, an expert in the law of the God of heaven, asks of you must be provided promptly,

Verse ConceptsArtaxerxes The King

up to 7,500 pounds of silver, 500 bushels of wheat, 550 gallons of wine, 550 gallons of oil, and salt without limit.

Verse ConceptsTalentsWeights And Measures, DrySpecific Sums Of MoneySourness

Whatever is commanded by the God of heaven must be done diligently for the house of the God of heaven, so that wrath will not fall on the realm of the king and his sons.

Verse ConceptsdiligenceAction Lest God Be Angryrisk

And you, Ezra, according to God’s wisdom that you possess, appoint magistrates and judges to judge all the people in the region west of the Euphrates who know the laws of your God and to teach anyone who does not know them.

Verse ConceptsGod, Wisdom OfJudgesMagistratesBeyond The RiverTeaching The Way Of God

and who has shown favor to me before the king, his counselors, and all his powerful officers. So I took courage because I was strengthened by Yahweh my God, and I gathered Israelite leaders to return with me.

Verse ConceptsGod's HandGod's Hands On People

Then I summoned the leaders: Eliezer, Ariel, Shemaiah, Elnathan, Jarib, Elnathan, Nathan, Zechariah, and Meshullam, as well as the teachers Joiarib and Elnathan.

There were also 220 of the temple servants, who had been appointed by David and the leaders for the work of the Levites. All were identified by name.

Verse ConceptsBodyServanthood, And Worship Of GodTwo Hundred And SomeTemple Assistants

I proclaimed a fast by the Ahava River, so that we might humble ourselves before our God and ask Him for a safe journey for us, our children, and all our possessions.

Verse ConceptsFasting, Reasons ForFasting, Practice OfAttitudes Of HumilityJourneyRepentance, Examples OfRivers And StreamsTeachablenessCanalsHumbling OneselfFastingFasting And Prayer

I did this because I was ashamed to ask the king for infantry and cavalry to protect us from enemies during the journey, since we had told him, “The hand of our God is gracious to all who seek Him, but His great anger is against all who abandon Him.”

Verse ConceptsForsaking GodGrace, In OtRejection Of God, Results OfRoadsGod's HandConsequences Of Forsaking GodGod's Hands On PeopleShame Has Come

I weighed out to them the silver, the gold, and the articles—the contribution for the house of our God that the king, his counselors, his leaders, and all the Israelites who were present had offered.

Verse ConceptsWeighing

The exiles who had returned from the captivity offered burnt offerings to the God of Israel: 12 bulls for all Israel, 96 rams, and 77 lambs, along with 12 male goats as a sin offering. All this was a burnt offering for the Lord.

Verse ConceptsGoatsThe Number TwelveSacrifice, In OtSin OfferingThe Number NinetyTwelve TribesTwelve AnimalsSeventiesNinetiesSacrificing Cattle Sheep And Goats

Everyone who trembled at the words of the God of Israel gathered around me, because of the unfaithfulness of the exiles, while I sat devastated until the evening offering.

Verse ConceptsReverence, And God's NatureMiscegenation (racial Intermarriage)TremblingAction Until Evening

Though we are slaves, our God has not abandoned us in our slavery. He has extended grace to us in the presence of the Persian kings, giving us new life, so that we can rebuild the house of our God and repair its ruins, to give us a wall in Judah and Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsKindnessUnkindnessWallsArchaeologyGod Not ForsakingGroups Of Slavesslaveryrevival

So do not give your daughters to their sons in marriage or take their daughters for your sons. Never seek their peace or prosperity, so that you will be strong, eat the good things of the land, and leave it as an inheritance to your sons forever.”

Verse ConceptsTreatyIntermarriageNot ProsperingNo Peace

After all that has happened to us because of our evil deeds and terrible guilt—though You, our God, have punished us less than our sins deserve and have allowed us to survive

Verse ConceptsIniquity, Punishment ForRemnantSurvivors Of The Nations

While Ezra prayed and confessed, weeping and falling facedown before the house of God, an extremely large assembly of Israelite men, women, and children gathered around him. The people also wept bitterly.

Verse ConceptsCrowdsGesturesGuilt, Human Aspects OfHouse Of GodLargenessPrayer, As Asking GodRegretRepentance, Examples OfRevival, CorporateConviction Of SinReligious AwakeningsTearsNamed Individuals Who Prayedconfessing

Let us therefore make a covenant before our God to send away all the foreign wives and their children, according to the counsel of my lord and of those who tremble at the command of our God. Let it be done according to the law.

Verse ConceptsMarriage, Restrictions ConcerningReverence, And God's NatureCovenant RelationshipsTremblingActual DivorcesLater Covenants With God

Then Ezra got up and made the leading priests, Levites, and all Israel take an oath to do what had been said; so they took the oath.

Verse ConceptsPeople Bound By Oaths

They circulated a proclamation throughout Judah and Jerusalem that all the exiles should gather at Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsJerusalem, History OfAssembling Israel

Whoever did not come within three days would forfeit all his possessions, according to the decision of the leaders and elders, and would be excluded from the assembly of the exiles.

Verse ConceptsCriminalselders, as community leadersPunishment, Legal Aspects OfConfiscationAnarchyExcommunication

So all the men of Judah and Benjamin gathered in Jerusalem within the three days. On the twentieth day of the ninth month, all the people sat in the square at the house of God, trembling because of this matter and because of the heavy rain.

Verse ConceptsRainWeather, God's Sovereignty OverMonth 9Groups TremblingWeather Causing Sufferings

Therefore, make a confession to Yahweh the God of your fathers and do His will. Separate yourselves from the surrounding peoples and your foreign wives.”

Verse ConceptsMarriages, Believers With UnbelieversParticipation, In SinFellowship With WickedSeparation From Evil PeopleSin ConfessedActual Divorces

Then all the assembly responded with a loud voice: “Yes, we will do as you say!

Verse ConceptsAgreeing For GoodVoices

Let our leaders represent the entire assembly. Then let all those in our towns who have married foreign women come at appointed times, together with the elders and judges of each town, in order to avert the fierce anger of our God concerning this matter.”

Verse ConceptsJudgesTownGod Will No More Be Angry

The exiles did what had been proposed. Ezra the priest selected men who were family leaders, all identified by name, to represent their ancestral houses. They convened on the first day of the tenth month to investigate the matter,

Verse ConceptsMonth 10

and by the first day of the first month they had dealt with all the men who had married foreign women.

Bani’s descendants: Maadai, Amram, Uel,

All of these had married foreign women, and some of the wives had given birth to children.

Verse ConceptsInterracial MarriageMarriage Between Man And Woman