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Already, ye have become full, already, ye are become rich, - apart from us, ye are become kings! And I would indeed ye had become kings, that, we also, with you, might have together become kings!

Besides, I desire all men to be, even as myself, - but, each one, hath his, personal, gift from God, one, after this manner, and, another, after that.

But, concerning them who are virgin, injunction of the Lord, have I none; yet, a judgment, do I give, as one who hath obtained mercy from the Lord to be, faithful:

Hast thou become bound to a wife? do not seek to be loosed; hast thou become loosed from a wife? do not seek a wife.

For, I myself, received from the Lord - that which I also delivered unto you, - how that, the Lord Jesus, in the night in which he was being delivered up, took a loaf,

Or, from you, did the word of God come forth? Or, unto you alone, did it extend?

Now, if, Christ is proclaimed, that, from among the dead, he hath been raised, how say some, among you - resurrection of the dead, there is none?

One, is the glory of a sun, and, another, the glory of a moon, and, another, the glory of stars, - nay! star from star, differeth in glory.