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These are the ways of all such as be covetous, that one would ravish another's life.

She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her, and blessed are they that keep her fast.

For they are life unto all those that find them, and health unto all their bodies.

For the lips of a harlot are a dropping honeycomb, and her throat is softer than oil.

She regardeth not the path of life, so unsteadfast are her ways, that thou canst not know them.

For every man's ways are open in the sight of the LORD, and he pondereth all their goings.

All the words of my mouth are righteous, there is no frowardness nor falsity therein.

They are all plain to such as will understand, and right to them that find knowledge.

For wisdom is more worth than precious stones; yea, all the things that thou canst desire, are not to be compared unto it.

"Stolen waters are sweet, and the bread that is privily eaten, hath a good taste."

The thing that the ungodly are afraid of, shall come upon them; but the righteous shall have their desire.

The lips of the righteous are occupied in acceptable things; but the mouth of the ungodly taketh them to the worst.

Some men are rich, though they have nothing; again, some men are poor having great riches.

The ignorant have foolishness in possession; but the wise are crowned with knowledge.

Riches are an ornament unto the wise; but the ignorance of fools is very foolishness.

Wisdom resteth in the heart of him that hath understanding; and he will teach them that are unlearned.

All the days of the poor are miserable; but a quiet heart is as a continual feast.

Righteous lips are pleasant unto kings; and they love him that speaketh the truth.

To punish the innocent, and to smite the princes that give true judgment, are both evil.

The words of a slanderer are very wounds, and go through unto the inmost parts of the body.

The ways of the froward are strange; but the works of him that is clean, are right.

Spears and snares are in the way of the froward; but he that will keep his soul, let him flee from such.

Be not thou one of them that bind their hand upon promise, and are surety for debt;

When thou sittest at the table to eat with a lord, order thyself mannerly with the things that are set before thee.

Where is woe? Where is sorrow? Where is strife? Where is brawling? Where are wounds without cause? Where be red eyes?

These are also the sayings of the wise. It is not good to have respect of any person in judgment.

These also are the proverbs of Solomon, which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah gathered together.

Like as in a lame man his legs are not equal, even so is a parable in the fool's mouth.

A slanderer's words are like flattery, but they pierce the inward parts of the body.

but when he speaketh fair, believe him not, for there are seven abominations in his heart.

The hay groweth, the grass cometh up, and herbs are gathered in the mountains.

When righteous men are in prosperity, then doth honour flourish; but when the ungodly come up, the state of men changeth.

When the ungodly are come up, men are fain to hide themselves; but when they perish, the righteous increase.

Where the righteous have the over hand, the people are in prosperity; but where the ungodly beareth rule, there the people mourn.

If a prince delight in lies, all his servants are ungodly.

There are people that have a proud look, and cast up their eyelids.

This peoples' teeth are swords, and with their jawbones they consume and devour the simple of the earth, and the poor from among men.

There be three things that are never satisfied, and the fourth sayeth never, "Hoo." The hell, a woman's womb, and the earth hath never water enough. As for fire, it sayeth never, "Hoo."

There be four things in the earth, the which are very little: but in wisdom they exceed the wise.

These are the words of king Lemuel, and the Prophecy that his mother taught him.

She feareth not that the cold of winter shall hurt her house, for all her household folks are double clothed.