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Whatever has happened, will happen again; whatever has been done, will be done again. There is nothing new on earth.

No one remembers those in the past, nor will they be remembered by those who come after them.

I dedicated myself to using wisdom for study and discovery of everything that is done under heaven. God uses terrible things so human beings will struggle with life.

I told myself, "I will test you with pleasure, so enjoy yourself." But this was pointless.

Then I told myself, "Whatever happens to the fool will happen also to me. Therefore what's the point in being so wise?" And I told myself that this also is pointless.

For neither the wise nor the fool will be long remembered, since in days to come everything will be forgotten. The wise man dies the same way as the fool, does he not?

Then I despised everything I had worked for on earth, that is, the things that I will leave to the person who will succeed me.

And who knows whether he will be wise or foolish? Either way, he will take possession of everything that I have done on earth, especially where I have excelled. This also is pointless.

I have concluded that everything that God undertakes will last for eternity nothing can be added to it nor taken away from it and that God acts this way so that people will fear him.

That which was, now is; and that which will be, already is; and God examines what has already taken place.

I also examined on earth: where the halls of justice were supposed to be, there was lawlessness; and where the righteous were supposed to be, there was lawlessness. 17I told myself, "God will judge both the righteous and the wicked, because there is a time set to judge every event and every work."

I concluded that it is worthwhile for people to find joy in their accomplishments, because that is their inheritance, since who can see what will exist after them?

If they stumble, the first will lift up his friend but woe to anyone who is alone when he falls and there is no one to help him get up.

Again, if two lie close together, they will keep warm, but how can only one stay warm?

If someone attacks one of them, the two of them together will resist. Furthermore, the tri-braided cord is not soon broken.

I observed everyone who lives and walks on earth, along with the youth who will take the king's place.

There was no end to all of his subjects or to all of the people who had come before them. But those who come along afterward will not be happy with him. This is also pointless and a chasing after wind.

Sweet is the sleep of a working man, whether he eats a little or a lot, but the excess wealth of the rich will not allow him to rest.

Just as he came naked from his mother's womb, he will leave as naked as he came; he will receive no profit from his efforts he cannot carry away even a handful.

For he will not brood much over the days of his life, since God will keep him occupied with the joys of his heart.

Because many words lead to pointlessness, how do people benefit from this? 12Who knows what is best for people in this life, every day of their pointless lives that they pass through like a shadow? Who informs people on earth what will come along after them?

It is good for you to grab hold of this and not let go, because whoever fears God will escape all of these extremes.

I discovered for myself a bitterness that surpasses that of death: the woman whose heart is full of snares and nets, whose hands are chains of bondage. Whoever pleases God will escape from her, but the transgressor will be trapped by her.

Whoever obeys his commands will not experience harm, and the wise in heart will discern both the appropriate time and response.

Just as no human being has control over the wind to restrain it, so also no human being has control over the day of his death. Just as no one is discharged during war, so wickedness will not release those who practice it.

Even though a sinner does what is wrong a hundred times and still survives, nevertheless I also know that things will go well for those who fear God, who fear in his presence.

But things will not go well for the wicked person: he will not lengthen his life like a shadow, since he has no fear before God.

So then I recommended enjoyment of life, because it is better on earth for a man to eat, drink, and be happy, since this will stay with him throughout his struggle all the days of his life, which God grants him on earth.

I saw all of it as the activity of God. Frankly, a human being cannot understand what happens on earth, because however hard a man works to discover it, he will not find out. Despite what he thinks he knows, he will not be able to figure it out.

At least the living know they will die, but the dead know nothing; they no longer have a reward, since memory about them has been forgotten.

Furthermore, their love, their hate, and their envy have been long lost. Never again will they have a part in what happens on earth.

If someone's ax is blunt the edge isn't sharpened then more strength will be needed. Putting wisdom to work will bring success.

The words spoken by the wise are gracious, but the lips of a fool will devour him.

The fool overflows with words, and no one can predict what will happen. As to what will happen after him, who can explain it?

Do not curse the king, even in your thoughts. Do not curse the rich, even in your bedroom. For a bird will fly by and tell what you say, or something with wings may talk about it.

Spread your bread on the water after a while you will find it.

If the clouds are full of rain, they will pour out on the earth; if a tree falls toward the south or the north, wherever it falls, there it will lay.

Sow your seed in the morning, and don't stop working until evening, since you don't know which of your endeavors will do well, whether this one or that, or even if both will do equally well.

Even if a person lives many years, let him enjoy them all, recalling that there will be many days of darkness to come all of which are pointless.

when that day comes, the palace guards will tremble, strong men will stoop down, women grinders will cease because they are few, and the sight of those who peer through the lattice will grow dim.

The doors to the street will be shut when the sound of grinding decreases, when one wakes up at the song of a bird, and all of the singing women are silenced.

At that time they will fear climbing heights and dangers along the road while the almond tree will blossom, and the grasshopper is weighed down. Desire will cease, because the person goes to his eternal home, and mourners will gather in the marketplace.