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And the LORD said unto him, "Call his name Jezreel, for I will shortly avenge the blood of Jezreel upon the house of Jehu, and will bring the kingdom of the house of Israel to an end.

Then will I break the bow of Israel in the valley of Jezreel."

She conceived yet again, and bare a daughter. And he said unto him, "Call her name Loruhamah, that is, 'Not obtaining mercy,' for I will have no pity upon the house of Israel, but forget them, and put them clean out of remembrance.

Nevertheless I will have mercy upon the house of Judah, and will save them even through the LORD their God. But I will not deliver them through any bow, sword, battle, horses, or horsemen."

Then said he, "Call his name Loammi. For why? Ye are not my people, therefore will I not be yours.

Their mother hath broken her wedlock, and she that bare them, is come to confusion. For she said, 'I will go after my lovers, that give me my water and my bread, my wool and my flax, my oil and my drink.'

"But I will hedge her way with thorns, and stop it, that she shall not find her footsteps:

and though she run after her lovers, yet shall she not get them: she shall seek them, but not find them. Then shall she say, 'Well, I will go turn again to my first husband, for at that time was I better at ease, than now.'

Wherefore now will I go take my corn and wine again in their season, and fet again my wool and my flax, which I gave her to cover her shame.

And now will I discover her foolishness, even in the sight of her lovers, and no man shall deliver her out of my hands.

Moreover, I will take away all her mirth, her holidays, her new moons, her Sabbaths, and all her solemn feasts:

I will destroy her vineyards and fig trees, though she sayeth, 'Lo, here are my rewards, that my lovers have given me.' I will make it a wood, and the wild beasts shall eat it up.

I will punish her also for the days of Baal, wherein she censed him, decking him with her earrings and chains: when she followed her lovers, and forgat me, sayeth the LORD.

There will I give her, her vineyards again; yea, and the valley of Achor also, to show her hope and comfort. Then shall she sing there as in the time of her youth, and like as in the day when she came out of the land of Egypt.

For I will take away those names of Baal from her mouth, yea she shall never remember their names any more.

Then will I make a covenant with them, with the wild beasts, with the fowls of the air, and with everything that creepeth upon the earth. As for bow, sword and battle, I will destroy such out of the land, and will make them to sleep safely.

Thus will I marry thee unto mine own self forevermore: yea even to myself will I marry thee, in righteousness, in equity, in loving-kindness, and mercy.

At the same time will I show myself friendly and gracious unto the heavens, sayeth the LORD: and the heavens shall help the earth,

I will sow them upon earth, for a seed to mine own self, and will have mercy upon her, that was without mercy. And to them which were not my people, I will say, 'Thou art my people.' And he shall say, 'Thou art my God.'"

and said unto her, "Thou shalt bide with me a long season, but see that thou playest not the harlot, and look thou meddle with none other man, and then will I keep myself for thee."

Yet is there none, that will chasten nor reprove another. The priests which should reform other men, are become like the people.

Therefore stumblest thou in the daytime and the prophet with them in the night. I will bring thy mother to silence, and why?

My people perish, because they have no knowledge. Seeing then that thou hast refused understanding, therefore will I refuse thee also: so that thou shalt no more be my priest. And forsomuch as thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

The more they increased in multitude, the more they sinned against me, therefore will I change their honour into shame.

Thus the priest is become like the people. Wherefore I will punish them for their wicked ways, and reward them according to their own imaginations.

I will not punish your daughters for being defiled, and your brides that became whores: seeing the fathers themselves have meddled with harlots, and offered with unthriftiness: but the people that will not understand must be punished.

O ye priests, hear this; take heed, O thou household of Israel; give ear, O thou kingly house. For this punishment will come upon you, that are become a snare unto Mizphah, and a spread net unto the mount of Tabor.

They kill sacrifices by heaps, to beguile the people therewith: therefore will I punish them all.

But the pride of Israel will be rewarded him in his face, yea both Israel and Ephraim shall fall for their wickedness, and Judah with them also.

Yet are the princes of Judah become like them, that remove the landmarks: therefore will I pour out my wrath upon them like water.

Therefore will I be unto Ephraim as a moth, and to the house of Judah as a caterpillar.

I am unto Ephraim as a lion, and as a lion's whelp to the house of Judah. Even I, I will spoil them, and go my way. I will take them with me, and no man shall rescue them.

Strangers have devoured his strength, yet he regardeth it not: he waxeth full of gray hairs, yet will he not know it.

And the pride of Israel is cast down before their face, yet will they not turn to the LORD their God, nor seek him for all this.

but while they be going here and there, I shall spread my net over them, and draw them down as the fowls of the air. And according as they have been warned, so will I punish them.

They call not upon me with their hearts, but lie howling upon their beds. Whereas they come together, it is but for meat and drink, and me will they not obey.

Thy calf, O Samaria, shall be taken away, for my wrathful indignation is gone forth against thee. How long will it be, before they can be cleansed?

Since they went up to the Assyrians, they are become like a wild ass in the desert. Ephraim giveth rewards to get lovers.

Therefore are they scattered among the Heathen; There will I gather them up. They shall soon be weary of the burden of king and princes.

Whereas they do sacrifice, offering the flesh and eating it, the LORD will have no pleasure therein: but will remember their wickedness, and punish their sins. Israel turneth again into Egypt:

they have forgotten him that made them, they build churches, and Judah maketh many strong cities: therefore will I send a fire into their cities, and it shall consume their places.

They will not dwell in the LORD's land, but Ephraim turneth again into Egypt, and eateth unclean things among the Assyrians.

What will ye do then in the solemn days, and in the feast of the LORD?

And though they bring up any, yet will I make them childless among men. Yea, woe shall come to them, when I depart from them.

All their wickedness is done at Gilgal, there do I abhor them. For the ungraciousness of their own inventions, I will drive them out of my house. I will love them no more, for all their princes are unfaithful.

Ephraim is hewn down, their root is dried up, so that they shall bring no more fruit: yea and though they bring forth any, yet will I slay even the best beloved fruit of their body.

Their heart is divided, therefore will they be destroyed. The LORD shall break down their Images, he shall destroy their altars.

I will chasten them, even after mine own desire; the people shall be gathered together over them, when I punish them for their great wickedness.

The LORD hath a court to hold with Judah, and will punish Jacob: After their own ways and according to their own inventions, shall he recompense them.

And now they sin more and more. Of their silver, they make them molten Images, like the idols of the Heathen, and yet all is nothing but the work of the craftsmen. Notwithstanding they preach of the same: whoso will kiss the calves, offereth to men.

Therefore will I be unto them as a lion, and as a leopard in the way to the Assyrians.

I will come upon them as a she bear, that is robbed of her whelps, and I will break that stubborn heart of theirs. There will I devour them as a lion: yea the wild beast shall tear them.

Well, I gave thee a king in my wrath, and in my displeasure will I take him from thee again.

Take words with you and turn unto the Lord. And say unto him, "Remit all wickedness and given things, and we will pay thee openly

Assyria shall not save us, neither will we ride on horses: neither will we say to the works of our own hands, 'Ye are our Gods,' for thou hast compassion on the friendless.

I will be as dew to Israel, and he shall flourish as a lily, and stretch out his roots as Lebanon.

Ephraim, what have ye any more to do with idols? I have healed him and looked on him. I will be as a great fir tree, and of me shall thy fruit be found.