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But Jonah rose up to flee to Tarshish from the presence of Jehovah. And he went down to Joppa. And he found a ship going to Tarshish. And he gave its fare, and went down into it, in order to go with them to Tarshish, away from the sight of Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsEscapingBoatsdelay, humanSeafaringHarborsShipsThe NavyCommerceSea TravelFleeing From GodDirectionsailingjonah

Then they said to him, Please tell us, for what reason this evil has come on us. What is your business? And where do you come from? Where is your country? And of what people are you?

Verse ConceptsWho Is The One?Where From?Why Does This Happen?jonah

Then the men were afraid with a great fear. And they said to him, What is this you have done? For the men knew that he was fleeing from before the face of Jehovah, because he had told them.

Verse ConceptsCowardiceFear, Of UnknownFleeing From GodWhat Do You Do?Knowing FactsBeing ScaredThe Presence Of Godsailingjonah

and he said, I cried to Jehovah from my distress. And He answered me. Out of the belly of Sheol I cried for help, and You heard my voice.

Verse ConceptsCalling upon GodThe DeadBeggarsSheolStressNearness Of DeathGod AnsweredCrying For HelpDeath Looms NearGod Paid Attention To Mejonah

Then I said, I am cast off from Your eyes, yet I will look again toward Your holy temple.

Verse ConceptsBanishmentDriven From God's Presence

I went down to the bottoms of the mountains; the earth with her bars was around me forever; yet You have brought up my life from the pit, O Jehovah my God.

Verse ConceptsPitsRootsSaved From The PitMan Going DownGod Lifting PeopleNot DyingBase Of ThingsDeath PreventedPits As A Term For Graves

And the people of Nineveh believed God. And they called a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even to the least of them.

Verse ConceptsAbstinence as a disciplineReligionRepentance, Examples OfGreat And SmallBelieving In GodOthers Believing In GodFastingFasting And Prayerjonah

For word came to the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne. And he laid his robe from him, and covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes.

Verse ConceptsCoveringAshesRobesThroneOuter GarmentsPeople Stripping OffAshes Of Humiliationjonah

But let man and animal be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily to God. And let them each one turn from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands.

Verse ConceptsImportunity, Towards GodAvoiding ViolenceBoth Men And Animals Affectedjonah

Who knows? He may repent, and God may have pity and turn away from the glow of His anger, so that we do not perish.

Verse ConceptsNot DyingGod Changing His MindDeath AvertedLet Not God Be AngryAnger And Forgivenessjonah

And Jehovah God prepared a plant, and it came up over Jonah, to be shade over his head, in order to deliver him from his misery. And Jonah rejoiced with great joy over the plant.

Verse ConceptsHappinessExcitementGod Appointing OthersRejoicing In Reliefprovidingbugsjonah