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For I greatly desire to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift, in order that you may be established;

So that, as far as I am able, I am ready to preach the gospel to you also, who are in Rome.

For which reason, you are without excuse, man, who ever you are, that judge; for in that in which you judge an other, you condemn yourself; for you who judge, practice the same things.

For as many as have sinned without law, shall also perish without law; and as many as have sinned under law, shall be judged by law,

if you are also confident that you yourself are a guide for the blind, a light to those who are in darkness,

If, then, he who is uncircumcised keeps the righteousness of the law, shall not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision?

For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh:

It can not be: for if so, how shall God judge the world?

What then? Do we, Jews, excel? Not at all: for we have already convicted all, both Jews and Greeks, of being under sin,

For what says the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness.

Comes this blessedness then on those who are circumcised only, or on those who are uncircumcised also? For we say that faith was counted to Abraham for righteousness.

For the promise that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, nor to his posterity, through law, but through the righteousness of faith.

For if they that are of the law be heirs, the faith is made powerless, and the promise is unmeaning;

And not being weak in faith, he considered not his own body, which was already dead, (for he was about a hundred years old,) nor the deadness of Sarah's womb;

But that it was counted to him, was not written for his sake alone,

but for our sakes also, to whom it shall be counted, if we believe on him that raised Jesus our Lord from the dead,

for till the law, sin was in the world; but sin is not charged where there is no law.

But the favor bestowed is not, in all respects, like the offense: for if, by the offense of one, the many have died, much more have the grace of God and the gift which is by the grace of the one man Jesus Christ, been made abundant for the many.

And the gift is not like the sentence that came through one who sinned: for the sentence to condemnation was because of one offense; but the favor bestowed in order to justification, is because of many offenses.

I speak of what is common among men, oil account of the weakness of your flesh: for as you have presented your members as servants to uncleanness, and to lawlessness, in order to lawlessness, so now present your members as servants to righteousness, in order to holiness.

For when you were the servants of sin, you were free with respect to righteousness.

What fruit, therefore, had you at that time, in those things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death.

Know you not, brethren, for I speak to you that are acquainted with law, that the law has dominion over a man as long as he lives?

So then, if, while her husband lives, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress. But if her husband die, she is free from the law; so that she is not an adulteress, though she be married to another man.

but now we are made free from the law, being dead to that by which we were bound, so that we may serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.

But sin, taking occasion through the commandment, rendered active within me every evil desire. For without the law, sin was dead.

and the commandment, which was given for life, I found to be for death.

For we are saved by this hope; but hope that is seen is not hope; for, what any one sees, why does he also hope for it?

And he that searches the hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, that he intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.